Online Appendix for the following JACC article TITLE: Value of

Online Appendix for the following JACC article
TITLE: Value of Internal Thoracic Artery Grafting to the Left Anterior Descending Coronary
Artery at Coronary Reoperation
AUTHORS: Joseph F. Sabik III, MD, Sajjad Raza, MD, Eugene H. Blackstone, MD, Penny L.
Houghtaling, MS, Bruce W. Lytle, MD
Appendix E1: Variables Considered in Multivariable Analyses
Age (y),* sex,* height (cm), weight (kg),* body surface area (m2),* body mass index (kg•m-2),
race (black,* white, other)
Preoperative status
New York Heart Association functional class (I-IV),* heart failure,* emergency operation*
Left ventricular function
Previous myocardial infarction,* left ventricular function grade,* left ventricular ejection
fraction (%)*
Cardiac comorbidity
Preoperative atrial fibrillation*
Noncardiac comorbidity
History of diabetes (insulin- and non–insulin-dependent),* history of hypertension,* previous
stroke,* peripheral arterial disease,* history of smoking,* renal failure,* blood urea nitrogen
(mg•dL-1),* creatinine (mg•dL-1),* bilirubin (mg•dL-1),* cholesterol (total,* high-density
lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein; mg•dL-1), triglycerides (mg•dL-1), hematocrit (%)
Coronary anatomy
Number of coronary systems with ≥50% stenosis*; stenosis of LMT, LAD, RCA, Cx* (>50%,
>70%, any); LAD stenosis (% in middle segment, distal segment, major septal perforator,
diagonal branches*); ramus intermedius stenosis; RCA stenosis (% in orifice/proximal segment;
middle segment, distal segment, marginal branch, posterior descending artery, posterolateral
segment); maximum stenosis in native vessel or graft (LAD,* RCA,* Cx,* LMT*); occlusion of
native vessel or graft (LAD,* RCA, Cx, LMT)
Details of primary CABG
Conduits used (any SV, radial, other), territories grafted (any RCA, LAD,* diagonal, Cx),
location of SV grafts (to RCA, LAD, diagonal, Cx), location of radials (to RCA, LAD, diagonal,
Cx), location of others (to RCA, LAD, diagonal, Cx), complete revascularization, number of
distal anastomoses*
Details of reoperative CABG
Conduits used (radial, other), territories grafted (any RCA, diagonal, Cx), location of radials (to
RCA, LAD, diagonal, Cx), location of others (to RCA, LAD, diagonal, Cx), complete
revascularization, number of distal anastomoses, surgeon*
Date of operation (interval, days from 1/1/1973 to operation),* days from primary operation*
Note: Asterisks represent variables used in final propensity model.
Key: CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting, Cx, circumflex coronary artery, LAD, left anterior
descending coronary artery; LMT, left main trunk; RCA, right coronary artery; SV, saphenous
Figure E1. Timing of primary coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) among patients
undergoing reoperative CABG.
A, Number of patients each calendar year who had their primary CABG performed outside
Cleveland Clinic.
Figure E1. Timing of primary operation among patients undergoing reoperative coronary artery
bypass grafting (CABG).
B, Number of patients each calendar year who had their primary CABG performed at Cleveland
Figure E2. Mirrored histogram of distribution of propensity scores for
left internal thoracic artery (LITA) grafting (bars above zero line) and saphenous vein (SV)
grafting (bars below zero line). The darkened area represents matched patient pairs.
Figure E3. Covariate balance for some selected variables before and after matching. Values on the
x-axis represent the percent standardized difference between the left internal thoracic artery
(LITA) graft and no-LITA graft groups. Key: AF, atrial fibrillation; Anast, anastomosis; LAD, left
anterior descending coronary artery; LV, left ventricular; NYHA, New York Heart Association;
PAD, peripheral arterial disease; SV, saphenous vein graft.