Lake Elsinore Unified School District Extended School Year Eligibility Guidance & Matrix The use and distribution of this form is limited to employees of and the use in the Lake Elsinore Unified School District GUIDANCE FOR IEP TEAMS REGARDING EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR Should ESY Be Recommended? Since the need for ESY is primarily based on an unacceptable regression or recoupment as demonstrated by the student, it is important to understand what might be acceptable for most students. Tilley, Cox, and Staybrook (1986) found most students experience some regression during summer break. Using standardized tests, they found the rate of regression for regular education students was 4%. Students with mild handicaps, hearing impairments, and serious behavior disorders regressed at approximately the same rate as their regular education peers. For students with moderate to severe handicaps, there was an increased rate of regression and a slower rate of recoupment. According to the study, the areas that were most impacted for those students were language, gross motor, fine motor, and self-help skills. Therefore, it is reasonable for students with moderate to severe challenges to be considered for an ESY program that would concentrate on minimizing regression and recovery time. When considering ESY for any student, the IEP Team must consider data collected during the previous year(s) to determine the student’s need based on regression and recoupment. This decision should be based on a multi-faceted measurement. The IEP team must decide a child’s eligibility for ESY services based on data collected that reflects his/her regression/recoupment capacity. To help understand this process, the following chart is included. Data Collection Timeline Guidance First 8 Weeks of School Year Collect present levels based on data Reteach based on students levels Compare prior Spring data to determine if the student recouped his/her skills from previous year (this data is the BASIS for the annual ESY discussion at the IEP) Instruction is on-going with documented data collection Based on data, when student found eligible for ESY services the IEP team documents the reasons why the student is now eligible Data to support ESY is included in the team summary or attached to the IEP Continue instruction and document progress using progress reports to accompany standards-based report cards Following the First & Second Grading Period(s) For new students or any student whom you were unable to gather regression/recoupment data during the first 8 weeks of school, review data before and after any break from school (ex: Thanksgiving, Winter or Spring break) to determine if the student may have a significant regression/recoupment problem Use data collected at the basis for ESY eligibility discussion at the annual IEP or addendum meeting Re-teaching time should equal the length of the break (1 week break = 1 week reteaching) As soon as a student is found eligible for ESY, the reasons are documented on the IEP summary or via addendum Continue instruction and document progress using progress reports to accompany standards-based report cards Four to Five Months Prior to the End of the School Year (End February/Early March) Begin looking for ESY Registration documents Be sure to build ESY Enrollment packages as directed on Registration documents If you are unsure if a student should participate in ESY contact your grade level Program Specialist for support. When should ESY Data Collection occur? At the end of the regular school year At the end of the summer program At the beginning of the subsequent school year Before and after school breaks (ex: Thanksgiving, Winter or Spring breaks) Ongoing data collection of information throughout the entire school year How Should ESY Eligibility Be Determined? The child’s individual education program (IEP) should be the foundation for determining the need for ESY. This can be achieved through ongoing assessment and/or review of progress toward goals/objectives. The IEP team for an initial IEP will not be able to make this determination until after the student has been receiving the special education services and data has been collected. It is recommended that the IEP team reconvene after 3-6 months to review progress data and compare work from before and after break. The severity of the handicap is a primary consideration in determining eligibility for ESY. Based on the Reusch v. Fountain case, the IEP team should consider the following: Student’s age, Severity of the disability, Presence of medically diagnosed health impairments, Attainment of self-sufficiency, and Development of an emerging, critical skill that will be lost due to interruption. Other factors to consider are: Regression rate and Recoupment time in relation to normal rates, Behavioral and physical problems, Curricular areas which would be adversely impacted, and Vocational needs. EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR ELIGIBILITY MATRIX Student Name: Age: Primary Disability: Grade IEP Date: Date of Birth: Secondary Disability: Description of how disability impacts student’s achievement (as reflected on page 1 of the student’s current IEP): Describe the student’s school year programming by answering the prompts below: Teacher: School of Service: Description of alternative, life-skills, based goals within the student’s IEP: **If the student is presently receiving Specialized Academic Instructional services from a Moderate or Moderate to Severe teacher then protocol checklist does not need to be completed below. Extended School Year Definitions: Extended School Year or ESY are services and programs which support the student in the following ways: Working toward SAME annual goals and objectives developed during the year Only provided in those areas on the IEP where evidence exists to support the following: o Regression of skills during an school break (ex: Thanksgiving, Winter or Spring breaks) AND o Limited ability to benefit from re-teaching of skills after an school break o Regression loss of previously attained skills supported by the review of the student’s IEP goals due to a school break Rate of Recoupment: Length of time needed to re-learn skills following a school break Regression and Recoupment: Students with disabilities which are likely to continue indefinitely or for a long period of time Interruption of the students educational programming may cause regression, when coupled with evidence of limited recoupment capacity, rendering it impossible or highly unlikely that the student will attain the level of self-sufficiency and independence as otherwise expected in view of his/her disabling conditions (5 C.C.R. Section 3043) ESY Protocol Checklist Directions: Using Section I-III of the LEUSD Extended School Year Protocols, complete the sections below with the IEP team as evidence when determining a student will require ESY as part of FAPE. Indicator 1: In August of the current school year No or Yes (Circle One) with evidence of a review period equal to that of If Yes is indicated, specify what area(s) and attach general education students, was the student unable data to support decision to regain skills lost over the break that would otherwise be expected in consideration of the student’s present disabling condition? Indicator 2: Does the student display a loss of previously taught skills and an inability to regain those skills following breaks in instruction during the regular school year (ex: Thanksgiving, Winter or Spring break)? No or Yes (Circle One) If Yes is indicated, specify what area(s) and attach data to support decision Indicator 3: Is the current student at a crucial stage in learning a skill(s), such that an break in school program might cause a loss of a skill(s) that the student would not be able to re-learn in a reasonable period of time in view of the student’s disabling condition? Indicator 4: Is the student able to maintain the skills identified without Extended School Year? No or Yes (Circle One) If Yes is indicated, specify what essential skill (s) and attach data to support decision Indicator 5: Does the student require ESY to continue to achieve at the level of independence that is expected in view of the student’s disabling condition? No or Yes (Circle One) If Yes is indicated, specify what level(s) and attach data to support decision Indicator 6: The student demonstrates a pattern of past regression in skills as evidenced by breaks of more than four weeks Comments (describe the degree (minimal or serious) of actual or likely regression following a school break): Indicator 7: Document the estimated amount of time it takes or it may take the student to regain the prior level of knowledge skills, benefits or functioning following a school break (Circle One Below) One Month or Less Up to Three Months 4-6 Months Other No or Yes (Circle One) If Yes is indicated then provide a description of the degree (minimal or serious) of actual or likely Indicator 8: Does the IEP team feel the student’s disability will continue indefinitely or for a No or Yes (Circle One) If NO is indicated, specify what essential skill (s) and attach data to support decision prolonged period of time? regression following a school break as evidenced by data: Indicator 9: Does the IEP team feel it will be impossible or unlikely the student will attain selfsufficiency and independence expected in view of the student’s disability following a break? No or Yes (Circle One) If Yes is indicated then describe the degree (minimal or serious) of actual or likely regression following a school break as evidenced by data: Indicator 10: Is the student at a critical point of No or Yes (Circle One) skill acquisition or readiness where their ability to If Yes is indicated then describe below: acquire the skills will be lost or greatly reduced as a result of an interruption of services? Indicator 11: Are there any other issues concerning the student’s physical, medical condition, emotional, social, behavioral, mental health, academic and/or vocational issues, and his/her ability to be with typically developing peers that may be adversely impacted if the student does not receive ESY services? No or Yes (Circle One) If Yes is indicated then describe below