WHAPLODE CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM & STANDARDS COMMITTEE MEETING FINAL MINUTES TUESDAY 28TH APRIL 2015 AT 5:30PM PART 1 Present: Also present: Mrs L Whitwell (Chair), Mrs A Flack, Mrs E Adie, Mrs I Hooper, Mr J Roulstone Mrs S Rix (Minutes) Meeting started at 5.45pm Agenda item Apologies Declaration of Interest Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2015 Data Issues Agreed Action Apologies received from Miss Z Whitmore, Rev R Timings There were no declarations of interest in any items on this agenda. Q. Has Mr Roulstone completed his Safer Recruitment training? (LW) A. Mr Roulstone informed governors that he had not yet completed the training. A deadline of 16th July 2015 was given for Mr Roulstone to complete the training by. Q. Is there any news on intervention? (LW) A. This will be reflected in the data. Pupil progress meetings were held last week. Q. Is there any progress on starting class transitions earlier? (LW) A. Transitions are to start on 3rd July up to the end of term. Reception transitions have already started with Mrs Ruck and Mrs Evans taking the reception class whilst Mr Ruck takes Class 1 swimming. Q. Is there any further feedback from parents on levels? (LW) A. A letter was sent out to parents on reporting levels. There has been no comeback or questions raised from parents. Responsible Minutes were then approved and signed as a true record. Mrs Flack talked governors through the data reports. Pupil progress meetings have been held and the school is Final Curriculum & Standards Committee minutes Tuesday 28th April 2015 Page 1 Staffing PE, EYFS and English Reports Review Suggested Policies Photographic Policy Assessment Policy Any Other Business currently in between systems; levels and assessing without levels. It was noted that from September there will be 6 assessment points throughout the year rather than termly assessments. Governors compared the group progress analysis data between PP funded pupils and non PP funded pupils. Governors were informed that the expectations and pitch are much higher than before in the new curriculum for maths. The years 5’s are pitching higher than year 6’s due to the learning objectives of the new curriculum. Mrs Adie and the year 6’s have worked incredibly hard and there is possibility of 4 levels progress from 2-3 pupils in their SATs This shows that the spending of Pupil Premium funds to boost pupils progress is proving successful. Mrs Flack informed governors of future staffing arrangements. Mrs Whitwell had sent the reports to governors for their information. Governors accepted the policy with a view to the policy being adopted following minor amendments being made. Governors accepted the policy with a view to the policy being adopted following the amendments agreed by governors. Science Policy (tabled) MFL Policy (tabled) These policies were given to governors at the meeting. Governors agreed that they need to be taken away and brought back to the next meeting. Head Teacher Appraisal Meeting Mrs Flack asked governors for the next Head Teacher Appraisal meeting to be re-scheduled. It was agreed that this will now take place on 21st May at 4.30pm. Mr Roulstone informed governors that he is drafting a letter to Mr Willingham asking him to advertise the Foundation Governor vacancy. Mr Copeman has been chosen to be an Apple Distinguished Educator. There are only 13 selected this year and only 670 in the world which is a huge honour for Mr Copeman and for the school. Advertising of Foundation Governor Vacancy Apple Distinguished Educator Clerk to send policy to Mrs Flack and Mrs Adie following amendments to ensure all are made. Clerk to bring back Science and MFL Policies to the next Curriculum and Standards meeting. Mr Roulstone to forward letter to Clerk and Mrs Flack and Mrs Adie. Only 13 selected this year and only 670 in the world. The meeting closed at 7:05pm Signed: ________________________________ Chair of Committee Final Curriculum & Standards Committee minutes Tuesday 28th April 2015 Date: ________________________ Page 2