Discover Biology 5th Ed Anu Singh

Discover Biology 5th Ed Anu Singh-Cundy & Michael Cain, WW Norton & Co, Inc, NY © 2012
Chapter 4: Animala, pp 78-108.
1 amniotic egg; 2 Animalia; 3 Annelida; 4 Arthropoda; 5 bilateral symmetry; 6 cephalization;
7 chordate; 8 coelom; 9 compound eye; 10 crustacean; 11 deuterosome; 12 development;
13 ectotherm; 14 endotherm; 15 eutherian; 16 exoskeleton; 17 homeotherm; 18 invertebrate;
19 mammary gland; 20 marsupial (continued below)
1. structure in which developing embryo is surround/ protected by layers of extraembryonic
2. kingdom comprising sponges, annelids, mollusks, arthropods, fish, reptiles, birds, mammals ..
3. animal phylum including all worms with true coeloms & segmented bodies
4. animal phylum with “jointed” feet”, hard exoskeleton & segmented 3-part body plan; includes
crustaceans, chelicerates, myriapods, insects, and hexapods
5. animals with only 1 plane of symmetry passing vertically from top to bottom, giving 2
mirroring halves
6. evolutionary trend in which structures for eating, sensing & responding to environment are
concentrated at the anterior end in bilateral animals
7. animals that possess a dorsal notochord at some stage of their life cycle
8. body cavity lying within the mesoderm
9. visual system that can distinguish light, dark, color, distance, & can form images
10. aquatic arthropods especially diversified in the marine environment; shrimp, lobster, crabs,
copepods, krill, and barnacles included
11. animals having a hollow dorsal nerve cord & whose embryonic blastopore gave rise to an
anus, & secondarily, to a mouth
12. sequence of predictable changes occurring over on organism’s life cycle as it matures to its
reproductive stage
13. animals whose body temperature matches that of their environment
14. animals that generate extra metabolic heat to warm their bodies
15. mammals who nourish their young inside the mother’s body via a placenta
16. hard outer cuticle made of chitin found on arthropods
17. animals that maintain a near-constant internal temperature
18. chordates that do not possess a backbone
19. modified sweat glands, peculiar to mammals, that produce a liquid rich in fat, proteins, salts,
& other nutrients to nourish the newborn
20. animals that protect & feed their newborns with milk in an external pocket/ pouch
(continued) 21 metamorphosis; 22 Mollusca; 23 molting; 24 monotreme; 25 notochord;
26 pharyngeal pouch; 27 placenta; 28 protostome; 29 radial symmetry; 30 sexual reproduction;
31 simple eye; 32 tetrapod; 33 vertebrate
21. multistep developmental process in which animals’ immature forms change into adults
22. animal phylum characterized by a muscular foot at body’s base, a visceral mass, & a mantle
23. process in which animals’ cuticle covering is shed to allow more rapid growth
24. nonplacental egg-laying mammals having a common opening for the anus & urinary tract
25. strong but flexible bar of large cells running dorsally along animals’ length providing support
26. found in chordates’ early embryos as pockets on either side of the pharynx
27. structure formed by embryonic tissues & maternal tissues combined to provide extensive
blood supply for nutrition & waste removal
28. animals having bilaterality in their life cycle, 3 embryonic cell layers, a mouth from the
blastopore, & experience cephalization with an anterior brain & ventral nervous system
29. bodies that can be sliced symmetrically along any number of vertical planes passing through
the center of the animal
30. fusion of egg & sperm cells (fertilization) to produce genetically unique offspring
31. visual system that can distinguish light & dark & sometimes distance & color
32. terrestrial vertebrates with 4 limbs
33. chordates that possess a backbone