7. Speech to Anne Mette Mørcke – winner of Aarhus University Anniversary
Foundation’s Prize of Honour for Pedagogics
Thank you, Klaus G. Grunert. The next prize I wish to present is the Aarhus University
Anniversary Foundation’s Prize of Honour for Pedagogics. The pedagogics honour prize goes this year to Anne Mette Mørcke, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Studies at the MEDU Centre of Medical Education.
Dear Anne Mette,
I award the pedagogics honour prize of DKK 100,000 to you as a recognition of your great and visionary contribution as director of studies for the medical degree programme.
It is a sine qua non of university education that teaching should be research-based. The possibility of providing teaching based on the most recent research and carried out by talented researchers is crucial for the university to be able to train fine graduates.
You are an exponent of precisely this principle. Since completing your own medical studies, you have concerned yourself with medical education in a variety of ways. You have taught both students and teachers, aiming for the development of better methods for training doctors; and in your own publications and supervision of PhD students, you have focused on methods of ensuring the best conditions for the education of fine doctors.
In this way you have made a crucial contribution to the ongoing visionary reform of medical education at Aarhus University. With your enormous work effort, with your insistence on new thinking, and with your respect for the existing qualities of the programme, you have a great deal of the credit for the fact that Aarhus University will in the future produce even better doctors. They will not only have solid and widelyrecognised professional medical competence; the doctors of the future will also have developed comprehensive professional skills in their role as doctors in their relationships with patients and their families.
It is therefore a very great pleasure to me to be able to award you the Aarhus University
Anniversary Foundation’s Prize of Honour for Pedagogics in recognition of your great work.