COOPERATION BETWEEN RESEARCH SUPPORT OFFICES IN THE CG AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 PROGRAMME Horizon 2020 Experiences and strategic approaches by Trinity, Leuven and Poitiers Possible areas for cooperation between the research support offices in the CG AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 HORIZON2020 - EXPERIENCES Massive oversubscription Possibly very low success rates and low motivation for researchers Simplification has also led to complexification Everybody is trying to improve support in order to win the race – we try many of the same things – how do we get the competitive edge? Challenges in finding and working with the right SMEs How to describe and document impact – no clarity from EU AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 OVERVIEW OF POSSIBLE AREAS OF COOPERATION Partners in proposals Training and staff exchange Advocacy AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 PARTNERS IN PROPOSALS Scouting for partners in Coimbra Group for Horizon 2020 Internal partner search in the Coimbra group for multi-partner projects where relevant (if researcher needs help) Use of each other’s industry contacts Helping each other to find relevant SMEs in your home country Collaboration between spin-outs AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 TEACHING AND STAFF EXCHANGE Broad events Organizing and running a research support office Themed meetings Strategic use of bibliometrics How to argue for and document impact How to support research and innovation interaction Export controls which hinders academic cooperation Staff exchanges of 1-2 weeks AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 ADVOCACY Joint position papers to the EU (maybe with LERU) Finding areas of joint interest and produce joint input to the EU to influence Horizon 2020 call texts and “simplification” Joint visibility events in Brussels Organize joint events for the European Parliament and European Commission in strategically important areas using our star researchers to inform the audience Use each others members in advisory groups AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 NEXT STEPS - SUGGESTIONS General consensus that we want to find ways to cooperate Activities will be carried out through ad hoc working groups where you participate according to relevance A short paper with focused suggestions and doing a pilot through a working group (eg sharing good practice or deal with common EU problems) to test us We need to consider the different situations of the members, eg how do the lesser experienced institutions get invited to work with the more experienced ones (cohesion) We need to consider communication – how do we share information about our relative strengths/research profile etc. AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY 30 OCTOBER 2014 AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY