Peer Review

Memoir Writing Assignment Peer Review and Edit
Now that you have written your stories down we are starting the revision stage of the writing process. This includes re-reading and rewriting by you and suggestions from your teacher and others.
You will need to find three peers to each edit part of your memoir rough draft (each person should look at a different entry of your paper).
A peer can be a family member, friend, neighbor, teacher, etc. Your peers should feel free to write on your memoir as well as on your checklist.
Each peer will complete the checklist. You will turn in 3 checklists on the due date: ________________________________
There is an electronic copy of the checklist on my website if you want to email your memoir entries and checklist to someone who lives far away.
Memoir Writing Peer Review Checklist #1
Writer's Name: _________________Reviewer's Name: _________________Relation: _________________Entry #:
Is there evidence of an individual voice? Can you "hear" the writer?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
2. Does the piece begin in an interesting way?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
3. Does the piece include sensory details (things for the reader to hear, see, smell, feel, and taste)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
4. Can you "see" the location?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
5. Can you tell the time period of the experience? Is it framed?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
6. Does the writer use imagination and creativity?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
7. Can the reader understand the purpose of writing about the incident in the writer's life?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
8. Is there expression (explanation of the subject) and reflection (what the author has learned since experiencing it)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
9. Are there any spelling or grammatical errors that distract from the content (because this is a memoir fragments and other artistic
choices that encourage the author’s voice are permitted)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
10. Is the length at least 200 words?  Yes  No
Memoir Writing Peer Review Checklist #2
Writer's Name: _________________Reviewer's Name: _________________Relation: _________________Entry #:
Is there evidence of an individual voice? Can you "hear" the writer?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
2. Does the piece begin in an interesting way?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
3. Does the piece include sensory details (things for the reader to hear, see, smell, feel, and taste)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
4. Can you "see" the location?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
5. Can you tell the time period of the experience? Is it framed?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
6. Does the writer use imagination and creativity?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
7. Can the reader understand the purpose of writing about the incident in the writer's life?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
8. Is there expression (explanation of the subject) and reflection (what the author has learned since experiencing it)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
9. Are there any spelling or grammatical errors that distract from the content (because this is a memoir fragments and other artistic
choices that encourage the author’s voice are permitted)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
10. Is the length at least 200 words? (200 words is about the number of words on this handout)  Yes  No
Memoir Writing Peer Review Checklist #3
Writer's Name: _________________Reviewer's Name: _________________Relation: _________________Entry #:
Is there evidence of an individual voice? Can you "hear" the writer?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
2. Does the piece begin in an interesting way?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
3. Does the piece include sensory details (things for the reader to hear, see, smell, feel, and taste)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
4. Can you "see" the location?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
5. Can you tell the time period of the experience? Is it framed?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
6. Does the writer use imagination and creativity?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
7. Can the reader understand the purpose of writing about the incident in the writer's life?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
8. Is there expression (explanation of the subject) and reflection (what the author has learned since experiencing it)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
9. Are there any spelling or grammatical errors that distract from the content (because this is a memoir fragments and other artistic
choices that encourage the author’s voice are permitted)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
10. Is the length at least 200 words? (200 words is about the number of words on this handout)  Yes  No
Memoir Writing Peer Review Checklist #3
Writer's Name: _________________Reviewer's Name: _________________Relation: _________________Entry #:
11. Is there evidence of an individual voice? Can you "hear" the writer?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
12. Does the piece begin in an interesting way?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
13. Does the piece include sensory details (things for the reader to hear, see, smell, feel, and taste)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
14. Can you "see" the location?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
15. Can you tell the time period of the experience? Is it framed?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
16. Does the writer use imagination and creativity?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
17. Can the reader understand the purpose of writing about the incident in the writer's life?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
18. Is there expression (explanation of the subject) and reflection (what the author has learned since experiencing it)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
19. Are there any spelling or grammatical errors that distract from the content (because this is a memoir fragments and other artistic
choices that encourage the author’s voice are permitted)?  Yes  No
Comments or Suggestions:
20. Is the length at least 200 words? (200 words is about the number of words on this handout)  Yes  No