Expression of Interest Form

European Structural and Investment
Fund Programme 2014-20
Partnership Opportunities with TCHC
Expression of Interest Form
The European Social Fund (ESF) is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth
Programme for England in 2014-20. Together with the European Regional Development Fund and part of the
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, ESF will be delivered in an integrated package by Local
Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) across England.
The ESF will deliver three of the Growth Programme’s thematic objectives to
a) Promote sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility (Objective 8)
b) Promote social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination (Objective 9), and
c) Invest in education, training and vocational training for skills and life-long learning (Objective 10).
The activities funded by ESF complement or enhance support available through national programmes. They will also
be tailored to the needs of individual LEP areas, as identified by their respective European Structural and Investment
Funds (ESIF) strategies.
The Consultancy Home Counties Ltd (TCHC) is an independent training, advice and consultancy provider
delivering skills, employability and enterprise contracts as a Government prime contractor (including Skills Funding
Agency, Education Funding Agency, DWP) for the past 10 years. The organisation has a strong track record of
successfully delivering ESF projects and extensive experience of supporting both unemployed and inactive people
to enter and progress in employment; to increase the number of young people who are in education, employment or
training; to help more people improve their skills; and to make skills provision more responsive to the needs of the
local economy.
TCHC has a strong commitment to encourage partnership working across the Eastern region and strives to work
with all LEPs in this area to promote initiatives across borders and sectors to improve skills and increase
Through this EOI - and in anticipation of the forthcoming opportunities to deliver the ESIF Growth Programme TCHC is seeking suitable partner organisations that have existing infrastructure within a specific and/or across
more than one LEP area and can deliver support activity in line with the above objectives. We would like to hear
from delivery organisations with an expertise in helping the unemployed, as well as those in employment who we
expect to be supported under Thematic Objective 8 and Thematic Objective 10. For Objective 8, particular
emphasis will be put on the proven ability of partner organisations to deliver support that enables individuals to
secure and sustain employment. For Objective 10, we would welcome responses from providers who have a track
record of delivering demand-led training to the workforce and have shown strong performance in supporting
employees to progress in work.
For details on the relevant target groups, please see the ESF Operational Programme
If you are interested in working with us, please complete the following sections of this form and give us an indication
of where you are able to deliver in the table below:
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European Structural and Investment
Fund Programme 2014-20
LEP Area
Full Coverage
Part-coverage (please specify
wards, boroughs, towns etc.)
Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough
New Anglia (NALEP)
Hertfordshire (Herts LEP)
South East Midlands (SEMLEP)
South East (SELEP)
London Enterprise Panel (LEP)
For Objective 10, we are particularly keen to hear from providers who can deliver training to service the skills needs
of specific sectors, as highlighted by the various LEPs. Therefore, please tick the appropriate box to specify your
delivery expertise:
Please tick as
Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering
Visitor Economy
Creative & Cultural
Digital Technology/ICT
Sport & Leisure
Food & Drink
Financial & Business Services
Life Sciences & Biotech
Film & Media
Other (please specify)
Once completed, please return this Expression of Interest (EOI) form to:
TCHC will assess all responses to identify appropriate partner organisations that are able to demonstrate the
required capacity, delivery capabilities and geographic coverage. Successful and unsuccessful providers will be
notified. TCHC will discuss and agree the type and scope of activities to be delivered (once further details are
available from LEPs) with each individual organisation prior to entering into any partnership agreement.
Please note that completion of this form does not constitute a contractual agreement between TCHC and your
organisation and that we may also be asking for additional information as part of our due diligence process on the
release of each ESF contract (either at PQQ or ITT stage) to meet the needs of specific tender requirements and
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European Structural and Investment
Fund Programme 2014-20
Company Information
Name/job title of main contact:
Contact email:
Contact telephone/mobile number(s):
Website address:
Company registration number:
Organisation status (plc, ltd, charity,
Years of trading:
Is your organisation on the SFA Register of Training
Organisations (RTO)?
If your application is accepted, do you agree for TCHC to
conduct a site visit at your premises prior to the start of
delivery activity?
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European Structural and Investment
Fund Programme 2014-20
How many staff does your organisation employ (including associates)?
How many staff members are IAG qualified and at what level (including associates)?
Names of experienced staff that will deliver on this contract (please confirm that you
agree to submit their CVs if requested)
Permanent delivery location (&
address) in the LEP areas
specified above
Number of staff
based at location
(please specify
whether they are
admin/support staff,
IAG, tutors/trainers
Number of customers
who can be comfortably
accommodated at
delivery location
Facilities available at
location (e.g. disability
access, wi-fi, crèche)
Quality Standards & Accreditation
Please tick the relevant boxes below
Working towards
Any other (please provide
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European Structural and Investment
Fund Programme 2014-20
Delivery Experience
Please provide a short description of your organisation, including your background and what you feel are your key
strengths relevant to the delivery under the above thematic objectives – including any particular specialism that
you bring to a partnership (maximum 500 words)
Do you have any direct experience of delivering support activities to ESF target groups, e.g. apprenticeships,
accredited and non-accredited skills, employability training or any other provision (incl. mentoring & coaching) to
help individuals to (re-)enter into and progress in employment, education and/or training?
Yes/No (If yes, please complete the table below)
Contract start
+ end dates
Programme overview
Targets achieved
(% of original
If you have NOT previously delivered any similar provision, please provide information of any other experience
relevant to this contract
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European Structural and Investment
Fund Programme 2014-20
Please provide information on customer groups that you have previously worked with, e.g. Black and Minority
Ethnicity (BME), learners with a disability or learning difficulty, older learners, ex-offenders, lone parents, migrants
with English language needs etc. and what specific arrangements you have made to accommodate these
(maximum 500 words)
In order to support TCHC’s due diligence process, please confirm that you would be prepared, if requested, to
provide audited accounts of your organisation for the last three years or other financial statements. If not, please
state the reasons for this
Training Provision
Please provide information on the subject areas you have delivered skills training (maximum 500 words)
Please provide us with an indication of the number of customers you would be able to support within a partnership
(i.e. maximum capacity)
Thank you
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