F {69-0} - Mrs. Horner 6th Grade Social Studies

6th Grade World Cultures
Mrs. Horner
What is World Cultures?
Let’s Keep in Touch!
World Cultures in the 6th grade covers the
culture, economics, history, geography,
government, citizenship, and science/technology
of different countries in the world. This course
will help to prepare students for the STAAR
testing in 8th grade as well as World Geography
and World History in high school.
It is my goal to teach your students more about
our global community and how to be a citizen in
it. I hope they will learn to love and appreciate
the world that surrounds us more deeply and
learn how to better study history to see its
importance in life.
*ALL Students will participate in History Fair*
More information is on the class website and will
be handed out in class.
Email: Ashleigh.Horner@fwisd.org
School Phone: 817-815-1300
Class Website: HornerSMS.weebly.com
Textbook Ebook: www.myngconnect.com
A {100- 91}
A {100- 91}
B {90- 81}
B {90- 81}
C {80- 70}
C {80- 70}
F {69-0}
F {69-0}
Grading Percentages
Homework – 10%
Notebook – 20%
Daily Work/Participation – 20 %
Exams, Tests, and Quizzes – 30%
(tests, semester finals, quizzes)
Group Work and Projects – 20%
General Rules
Be here – your daily attendance is extremely important.
Be ready – bring materials to class daily.
Be respectful – show everyone and everything in the class respect.
Be safe – Always follow school safety rules
5. 5. Be responsible – have your materials, be on time, and ready to work. At SMS we are Committed to Excellence!
All school rules will be enforced in this classroom. Please refer to your Stripling Middle School Student Handbook for specific
school-wide rules. The key to Success in my classroom: Students must put forth effort and be coachable!
6th Grade World Cultures
Mrs. Horner
*Late Work/Zeros Policy- We want our students to be
responsible for their work but understand that mistakes
may happen. The 6th grade team teachers all share the
same late work policy. If a student turns in their work
late, the highest grade they can get is a 70%. We will
accept late work up to one week after the assignment
was due. To help our students keep track of their work,
we highly recommend the use of a planner. In Social
Studies, we start every week by writing down what the
entire week will have for topics as well as noting
homework, tests, quizzes, projects, etc, that will be due.
I will also update a grade wall for students to see their
academic progress each week (this will only have
student id numbers- no names). My hope is that
students can check to see how their overall grade looks
and be held accountable for lower grades.
Textbooks: Our 6th grade textbooks are brand new this year! We have
wonderful, National Geographic textbooks that have an electronic book
access for all students. Your student will be assigned an individual book to be
responsible for. They will turn it in at the end of the year. Our textbooks cost
$75 to replace for damaged or missing textbook that your student will be
accountable to. Since your student will need this book most days in class,
they will be required to bring it with them every day.
Due to our only string back packs and limited time at lockers, both 6th grade
teachers are allowing students to house their textbooks in our classrooms
instead and take them home as needed. Students will be expected to cover
their books with a paper book cover that can be individualized with a name
on the spine. Textbooks will be housed in the classroom by class period in
order to keep them in great shape. If your student has a steady internet
connection at home, you might consider leaving the textbook at school
permanently. Students do not have to house their books in class. This option
is simply to make our textbooks more convenient to use.
*Corrections- I allow all students to correct any graded
paper for ½ the points back (unless it is late). This
includes quizzes and tests. If it is a test or quiz, the
corrections must be done during tutoring time.
* Progress Reports- Twice a six weeks I will send home
detailed progress report for my class. These
individualized reports for your student to show you and
have you sign.
"Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world."
-Nelson Mandela
Supplies needed for Social Studies:
5 subject notebook (Mead 5 Star recommended)
Blue or black pens or pencils
2 sets of map pencils (one for at home)
Flash Drive
4 Glue Sticks
1 pack of 100 ruled notecards
1 (One) box Kleenex OR 1 roll of paper towels
1 container of Clorox/Lysol sanitizing wipes
*Students get colds and the cleaner we keep our classroom, the healthier we will all stay.
Please refer to our Stripling Middle School Supply List for other class needs.
6th Grade World Cultures
Mrs. Horner