A.Bolponova, C. Beksultanova Elements of the nomadic Kyrgyz

A.Bolponova, C. Beksultanova
Elements of the nomadic Kyrgyz identification
Since gaining sovereignty Kyrgyz society quickly began to seek the answer
to the question of its identification: tribal, clan, regional, ethnic, religious, etc.
Depending on the degree of their loyalty and identification with a particular
identity, sensation and perception, gives priority will be different. However, it can
be argued that the absolute and undeniable commitment to the nomadic
identification is inherent to our people for many centuries.
The aim of our study is to analyze the main elements of nomadic ethnic group
identification. An attempt is made to identify the characteristics and features of the
place and the specificity of nomadic civilization in world history.
Nomad - an ancient Greek word, means herders practicing mobile forms of
farming. In other words, it should be understood by nomads’ ethnic groups, mostly
leading a nomadic life in certain specific historical, spatio-temporal framework,
and only by comparison with other historical communities that lead to this
historical period mainly sedentary. History does not rule out that many later
became settled agricultural tribes were nomadic herdsmen stage. In the modern
period of ethnic groups that took place in the recent past the stage of nomadic
culture and in most cases, keep it, are Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Karakalpak,
Uzbeks, Tajiks, Uighurs, Chechens, Balkars, Karachai, Nogai Kalmyks, Buryats,
Altai, Khakassia, Tuva, Shor and others. The sedentary, they began to move in the
30-50-ies of the last century, as a result of mass campaigns conducted by the
Soviet government. In the world there are four main areas of nomadism - Central
Asia, Mongolia, the Arabian Peninsula and North Afrika.
However, nomadic civilization was characterized by a number of features that
distinguish them in the background of all the world's civilizations. In our view, we
select the most important of them.
1. The nomadic Kyrgyz society played an important role of genealogical
structure of society. Note that such leading Kyrgyz scientists for Nomads
G.Dzhunushaliev, V.Ploskih, N. Omarov and foreign - N.Masanov. A.Hazanov,
N.Kradin inclined to think that most likely the formation of childbirth in a nomadic
society was "gregarious era of human history", explains the reasons for this is the
natural geographical and natural-climatic plan. Depending on this, to work out and
there was a specific type economy - cattle.
The tribal organization of society has been generated among the nomads of
features information and property in a nomadic environment. Adaptation of
nomads to extreme environmental conditions in the arid zone was extremely
complex and required the highest professional qualifications cattleman. In fact, the
very survival of the nomad was possible only at mastering their specialized
knowledge, accumulated and transmitted by generations of ancestors.
With the development of statehood kind of original content has changed.
Once introduced a versatile cell in which the relations of production and coincided
closely intertwined with kinship, clan gradually gave way to the formation, formed
not by association, and on the territorial-production basis. The social system of the
nomads is a community of solidarity of people who were its strong collectivism.
Unlike them, divided into closed professional groups antagonistic classes and
castes, farmers could come together in the case of nationwide danger, but the skills
of constant cooperation they had not. Permanent state of war, a sense of danger did
nomadic people more prepared for combat. Every nomad was both a soldier and
settled farmers have participated in the war, as a rule, a professional army. Thus
there is a natural selection process of moral and physical hardening: Fix with
courage, loyalty, faith in the power of the head. Therefore, at times an important
role in socio-political life belonged to military commanders - batyrs.
It should be noted that in the period before the Great Geographical
Discoveries state structures emerged among the nomadic peoples of the primary
purpose of the organization of external expansion, while in modern time’s state
structures nomads usually occurs in marginal areas at the junction of the nomadic
and sedentary agricultural worlds to settle relations. In peacetime, the role of
public formations has been reduced to a minimum and did not play a significant
role in the life of society. Social communities at lower taxonomic orders were offposition and self-organized production and business activities. They are not subject
to real influence of political power. That is why the military traditions require
maximum centralization of nomads, nomadic way of life is, in turn, demanded
their segmentation. Readiness to rob the neighbors met their moral principles.
Renowned American scholar E.Haytington, observing life of nomads in Turkestan,
was convinced that a stranger foray cattle were part of everyday life of shepherds.
Making predatory campaigns against them, stealing their cattle, taking prisoners as
slaves, nomads came from the same moral attitudes that guided agricultural
The desire of members of major birth to its own territory and government
organizations combined with the strengthening of tribal consciousness, provides in
turn feedback - stable existence of family, tribe, confederacy of tribes. As a result
of this natural integration of any such large territorial confederation - wings, serves
as an important step in the social order. The structure of the social structure of that
time is as follows: clantribetribes’ union ("wings"). Tribe (uruu) and gender
(Uruk) has always been the main unifying principle in Kyrgyz history. Thus, in a
XV was created dual ethno-political organization he rope and rope salts, have a
significant impact on the further socio-political development of the Kyrgyz people.
According to the Russian professor, D.Sc. N.Kradin, dual system of nomads
was the optimal organization for the regulation of territory and population,
constantly moving on the summer and winter pastures. At the same time, he
stressed that the important role of the nomads played co-government Institute,
which was quite original and adapted to the nomadic order. Similar institutions
exist and farming communities, for example, the Institute of the two kings of the
Spartans. The nomadic same conditions, as the professor, this dual system - a
classic model of governance, which allows a timely response to problems,
regardless of the geographical location of the supreme ruler. "Not hitting for
approval of one wing to the other." Kyrgyz kinship system as a whole has 21
relatives on his father's term, 11 terms on the mother, and 15 terms of marriage in
the male line, 16 terms of marriage on women's lines. This structure, which is a
fairly wide range of ethnic and social community, had a certain territory had its
own self, identity and dialect. Each tribe had a broadly similar control system,
which was headed by senior Bies (Chon Bii), transforming later Manap title. In the
south of Kyrgyzstan people with the same social status and power authority called
the Datca. In carrying out their functions, they relied on the heads of many
nomadic communities (aiyl aksakaldary) and several assistants, providing security,
as well as performing the role of a serving (zhigitter, kyzmatchylar). Last comply
with the orders and manaps Datca ensuring their activities.
Within the tribe dared range of issues related to the settlement of use of
seasonal pastures, nomadic routes, the relationship between its constituent units
and other political entities. For major public ceremonies and rituals, as well as
providing social support to collect taxes and levies - zhurtchuluk, chygym. Thus,
as correctly noted Russian researcher N.N.Kradin, characterized by nomadic
societies were "tribal genealogical system in conjunction with the decimal system."
Indeed, the genealogical society organization was an important factor in the
Kyrgyz potestary regulation of relations in the nomadic society to pursue and
implement socio-ideological, regulating the function of all aspects of the life of
nomads. The individual in this case is not subject to political activity and the
affected government agencies only as a member of a genealogical group and its
place in potestary-hierarchical structure of society is largely determined by the
status of his group. Of course, it is the power of the tribal system, even while in a
different state (Mongol ulus, Kokand khanate), allowed to preserve themselves as
Kyrgyz people, to save the unique traditions, customs, and language orders.
2. The economic basis of the tribal association has always been a community
of basic livelihoods. Even in the first decades of the last century, the property was
actually in the Kyrgyz general clan. This applies both to the land and the cattle, is
the basis of the economy of the nomad and his well-being. Without this
community, solely on the basis of kinship clan system could not survive for many
centuries. Evidence sources earlier period, give reason to believe that the beginning
of the twentieth century, the property of the local population was formally private,
but actually general clan. First of all it concerns the ground. Have collective
ownership of land by the fact that both rich and poor together roamed together
settled in new parking lots. The land belonged to the same genus, divided into
intrapartum knee ails, but not passed from father to son as an inheritance.
However, each family has been determined, it belonged to a place where settled
after each migrations. The division and the use of land by the decision of the
authorities took place ail. To a certain extent general clan were cattle that form the
basis of economic activities and well-being of nomadic herders. The number of
families in the family depended on the capacity of the pasture to feed him.
Depending on these factors, and formed clans disintegrated. Structure and mobility
Kyrgyz ail dictated by the nature of economic activity in conditions of seminomadic pastoralism. There have been known cases where the organization of the
memorial known or bai manap sacrificed tribal cattle. In the era of militancy cattle
drove with the attack of the enemy.
To distinguish between supplies of cattle were used in such a crowded tamga
(brand) and en (label). Tamga was unified for the whole family. Tamgas Kyrgyz
tribes were divided into the silhouette Orok tamga (crescent), ah tamga
(lunovidnaya) Kilic tamga (saber), whip tamga (crossed) kyyshyk tamga (curve).
To determine the supplies of cattle within the family, or tribe used en - a label
applied to the ear (painless, and most prominent, thick hair uncoated place) animal.
3. The Kyrgyz tribe had the attributes of a political community. The tribes and
clans were generic external signs: Uraaa (battle cry) Tuu (banner), tamga (marked
cattle), Namys (kind of honor), the Jardin (assistance between members of the
genus), elder (tribal elder), Baatyr (hero kind which is an example in the education
of the younger generation). It is worth noting that patriotism in the traditional
Kyrgyz understanding is largely due precisely to the notion of the tribe and its
4. Kyrgyz throughout the cultural and historical development developed a
unique culture, which was based on customs and traditions, the traditions of their
ancestors. Rod served as the most important institution of preservation and
transmission of traditions. Tradition is the most stable kind in the human mind as a
way of life he did not allow him to live differently as a team, the community,
hence the amazing vitality of customs and rituals, rules and regulations kind
preserved to this day. Knowing the kind of tribe, his ancestors seven generations
was for each kyrgyz prerequisite awareness of their ancestral identity, and through
that and translation traditions of their people. Thus, people are brought up in the
framework of the system of values of the local community, to a certain age; he
managed to master the whole range of knowledge and skills. This allowed him to
feel confident and implementation of standards hostel, traditions, rituals ensure the
reliability of its existence.
An important element of tribal identification should be considered "sanzhyra"
- the history of the Kyrgyz genealogies. "Sanzhyra" associated with the alignment
of their own identity - part of a larger plan to create a national model of ethnic
representation in the state. In conclusion we can say that the Kyrgyz society is
characterized by deep-rooted identity with his native and nomadic tribe. By
analyzing the elements of nomadic identity, it must be emphasized, first, the
primacy of the collective, group, community start over individual, personal
manifestations and interests. Intensity level tribal identity, which is virtually absent
in the structure of the ethnic identity of the agricultural ethnic groups, for a long
time in the development retained its potential. The crisis intensified rapidly
nomadic identity, manifested mechanism archaism of ethnic identity. Secondly,
militarized or paramilitary type of lifestyle, which include the type of nomadic
economy contributed to the development of extremely austere, severe principles
and values both in behavior and in the psychology and consciousness of the
nomads. Hence the cult of domination and community traditions, values, customs,
and collective solidarity. Tribal differentiation of Kyrgyz society, their immersion
in a small community, is the hallmark of our ethnic group, its main grain creating
Kyrgyz society and the state. It is an inherent feature of the current political
system, it corresponds to the socio-economic development and political culture. In
Kyrgyzstan, nomadic identity is, above all, a way of thinking and interpretation of
the processes and phenomena through the prism of the genealogical origin, and an
explanation of the reasoning, regulation and control of the processes of social
mobilization and consolidation of the society.