Name: AIM: Do Now: Answer the following questions: Which choice

Do Now: Answer the following questions:
Hunters and gatherers, as the name suggests, traveled about to find
food and life's necessities. What name do we give to people who
wander from place to place?
 Between 9,000 and
10,000 years ago, early
Americans experienced a
drastic change in their
way of life
1. According to the
cartoon, how was life in
the village different from
the nomadic lifestyle?
2. What was the name of
this sudden and drastic
change in the way people
lived? Does it deserve to
be called a “revolution?”
Which choice does not describe nomads?
They live in permanent settlements.
They follow herds of animals.
They move from place to place.
They live in temporary shelters.
3. What were the effects of the Neolithic Revolution?
Circle the areas on the map where farming started
the earliest
 People in Mesoamerica (“meso” is Greek for
“middle”) planted maize, beans, and squash
Corn that could be ground into flour to make bread
 Agriculture led to permanent villages and highly
organized societies known as civilizations
1. What were two effects of the development of agriculture?
What was an important result of the
Neolithic Revolution?
Features of Civilization
1. Food supplies became more
2. New sources of energy became
3. People became more nomadic.
4. Populations declined.
One result of the Neolithic Revolution was
an increase in the number of nomadic tribes
a reliance on hunting and gathering for food
the establishment of villages and the rise of governments
a decrease in trade between cultural groups
How did the introduction of agriculture affect early peoples?
Societies became nomadic.
Food production declined.
Civilizations developed.
Birthrates decreased rapidly.
The Neolithic Revolution is considered a
turning point in history because it
1. influenced climatic changes
2. included the domestication of
plants and animals
3. encouraged a nomadic lifestyle
4. caused a decline in population
A direct result of the Neolithic Revolution is that people
began living in permanent settlements
developed a nomadic way of life
depended on hunting and gathering
used crop rotation to increase agricultural output
The Olmec: 1200-400 B.C.E.
-Engineers & artists: sculpted huge heads (8 feet high, weighing 20
tons) made of basalt, a volcanic rock
-Developed first writing system
-Farmers used "slash and burn" agriculture--cut down and burned
grass & trees on land and used ashes to fertilize soil
-Played a ceremonial ball game using a rubber ball on a stone court
-Known as “mother culture”—influenced later Mesoamerican cultures
1. How far did the Olmec travel to get the stones used to build their giant heads?
2. What two theories exist about how the Olmec transported these huge stones?
The Earliest Cultures of North America
Early Native Americans encountered many
different environments in North America—
forests, deserts, and fertile land. In each
region, different kinds of societies developed.
Some Native Americans remained huntergatherers, while others settled in farming
villages or fishing communities.
Why do you think Great Plains
peoples were nomadic?
Far North and Pacific Coast
What present-day U.S. state did the Inuit live in?
Why do you think they dug their pit houses into the ground?
What did the Inuit use fur, whale oil, and blubber for?
How did the peoples of the Pacific Coast use their environment to their advantage?
What were potlaches and why were they held?
The Great Plains
Why were people of the Great Plains nomadic?
How was life different for tribes on the eastern plains than on the western plains?
How did the Sioux achieve fame in the community?
The Eastern Woodlands
What were the two language groups that existed in the Eastern Woodlands?
What was the main source of food for Eastern Woodlands tribes?
How was a longhouse different from a wigwam?
Who was in charge of the kinship groups?
Peoples of the Southwest
What types of shelters did the Anasazi live in?
Why do you think the Anasazi would build their homes in steep cliffs?
What were kivas used for?
Why did the Anasazi believe in kachinas?
The Mound Builders
What were clans?
Why did the Adena and Hopewell cultures build huge mounds?
Mississippian Culture
Where did rulers and nobles in Mississippian culture live?
What was Cahokia?
How did the mounds of Cahokia compare to the pyramids of Egypt or Mexico?
Life in the Far North and Pacific Coast
-The Inuit lived in the icy Arctic region and present day
-Lived in pit houses—houses dug into the ground and
covered with wood and skins
-Hunted seals, walruses, whales, polar bears, caribou,
musk oxen
-Used furs for clothing and whale oil and blubber for
-Groups like the Tlingit, Chinook, and Salish lived in the
forested lands bordering the Pacific Ocean
-Used lumber to build homes, make canoes, and totem
-Fished in ocean and local rivers for salmon
-Families held potlaches, ceremonial dinners, to show off
The Eastern Woodlands
-Most people of this region were
divided into two major language
groups—the Algonquian and the
-All Native Americans in this region
provided for themselves by hunting,
fishing, and farming
-They ate deer meat, corn, beans, squash
and used deer hide for clothing
-Practiced slash-and-burn agriculture
-Some lived in longhouses with barrel
shaped roofs covered in bark while
others built wigwams, or dome-shaped
shelters made using bent poles covered
with hides or bark
-People lived in large kinship groups or
extended families headed by the elder
women of each clan
The Great Plains
-Tribes of the eastern plains like the Pawnee,
Kansas, and Iowa peoples farmed and
-Due to the dry climate of the western plains,
tribes such as the Sioux followed migrating
buffalo herds on foot and lived in coneshaped tents called tepees
-Sioux warriors achieved fame in the
community through bravery in both hunting
and war
of the Southwest
-Developed more than 2,000 years ago
-Hohokam people in south-central
-Dug irrigation ditches that brought
water from rivers to the fields (grew corn, beans,
-Anasazi (“ancient ones”) settled in area where presentday Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet
-Used adobe (sun-dried brick) to build pueblos (villages)
on flat mesas and steep cliffs with circular
religious ceremonial rooms called kivas.
-Believed in kachinas—spirits that brought
good harvests
Mississippian Culture
-Last major mound building culture in
North America (between 700-900 C.E.)
-Most advanced farming society north of
-Introduced new farming tools
-Homes of rulers and nobles stood on
pyramids around the central square
-Cahokia became a great population
center and contained over 100 flattopped pyramids and mounds
-The base of its largest mound, Monks
Mound, was larger than that of any
pyramid in Egypt or Mexico
The Mound Builders
-Began around 1,000 B.C.E. in eastern North
America from the Atlantic Ocean to the
Mississippi (Ohio River Valley)
-Lived in small farming villages run by the
leaders of clans, or groups of people related
by blood
-Adena and Hopewell cultures began burying
their dead under massive dome-shaped
mounts of earth. Huge geometric
earthworks served as ceremonial centers,
observatories, and burial places.