Artists of the Renaissance The Renaissance was a rebirth of learning, an interest in art and writing. Rich Italian families paid artists, teachers, and musicians to paint, write, and play. Some of the greatest artists known to the world lived during this time period. Imagine if some of these artists would have been killed by the Black Plague! You will be responsible for researching a famous person from this time period and creating a presentation. The following is a list of expectations and requirements for this activity. Slide with a picture of the artist (include: name, place of birth, year if known) Slide with @ least 2 pieces or examples of their most famous work (include titles of work) Slide with information on the following: What type of artist were they? writer, painter, sculpture 2 interesting facts about that person or their work Slide with references: websites used for information and pictures Grading: Includes 4 slides with accurate pictures and information: 16,15,14,13,12,11,10………………………………… Information uses correct spelling and organization: 4,3,2,1……………………………………………………………….. Slides use all space and are organized: 4,3,2,1…………………………………………………………………………………… Presentation uses good presentation skills: 6,5,4,3,2,1……………………………………………………………………… Project was completed on time, students used time wisely: 5,4,3,2,1……………………………………………….. TOTAL POINTS: /35 NAME OF ARTIST_________________________ Donatello Raphael Leonardo da Vinci Rembrandt Michelangelo Botticelli William Shakespeare Geoffrey Chaucer Artists of the Renaissance The Renaissance was a rebirth of learning, an interest in art and writing. Rich Italian families paid artists, teachers, and musicians to paint, write, and play. Some of the greatest artists known to the world lived during this time period. Imagine if some of these artists would have been killed by the Black Plague! You will be responsible for researching a famous person from this time period and creating a presentation. The following is a list of expectations and requirements for this activity. Slide with a picture of the artist (include: name, place of birth, year if known) Slide with @ least 2 pieces or examples of their most famous work (include titles of work) Slide with information on the following: What type of artist were they? writer, painter, sculpture 2 interesting facts about that person or their work Slide with references: websites used for information and pictures Grading: Includes 4 slides with accurate pictures and information: 16,15,14,13,12,11,10………………………………… Information uses correct spelling and organization: 4,3,2,1……………………………………………………………….. Slides use all space and are organized: 4,3,2,1…………………………………………………………………………………… Presentation uses good presentation skills: 6,5,4,3,2,1……………………………………………………………………… Project was completed on time, students used time wisely: 5,4,3,2,1……………………………………………….. TOTAL POINTS: /35 NAME OF ARTIST_________________________ Donatello Raphael Leonardo da Vinci Rembrandt Michelangelo Botticelli William Shakespeare Geoffrey Chaucer Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact Artist Famous Work Interest Fact