

Spelling Words Term 3 Week 10

Spelling word focus: More easily misspelled words

1. futile 2. feudal

6. pedal

11. symbol


12. cymbal


8. site

4. idol

9. dessert


10. desert

13. emigrate 14. immigrate 15. medal

16. meddle 17. phase 18. faze 19. illusion 20. allusion

Proofread & Edit

– Rewrite the following paragraph in your books, correcting the misspelt words and punctuation: in medieval japans futile period overlords called daimyos controlled great castles they were aided by knights or samurai nothing could phase these brave and skilled warriors enemies found it feudal to try to resist their attacks during this faze of japans history farmlands surrounded most castles petal-powered pumps brought water to irrigate the fields

Key Concept – easily misspelled words

Visualize words to help you remember their spellings. Learn word histories to help you distinguish between words that are easily confused. feudal comes from Latin feudum, “a fee”

(People of feudal estates paid fees to overlords.) futile comes from Latin fu tilis, “useless”

Spelling Words Term 3 Week 10

Spelling word focus: More easily misspelled words

2. futile 2. feudal

6. pedal 7.sight


8. site

4. idol

9. dessert


10. desert

11. symbol 12. cymbal 13. emigrate 14. immigrate 15. medal

16. meddle 17. phase 18. faze 19. illusion 20. allusion

Proofread & Edit – Rewrite the following paragraph in your books, correcting the misspelt words and punctuation: in medieval japans futile period overlords called daimyos controlled great castles they were aided by knights or samurai nothing could phase these brave and skilled warriors enemies found it feudal to try to resist their attacks during this faze of japans history farmlands surrounded most castles petal-powered pumps brought water to irrigate the fields

Key Concept – easily misspelled words

Visualize words to help you remember their spellings. Learn word histories to help you distinguish between words that are easily confused. feudal comes from Latin feudum, “a fee”

(People of feudal estates paid fees to overlords.) futile comes from Latin futilis, “useless”
