International CONFERENCE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (UGC) Sponsored International Conference on ‘Future of India Myanmar Engagement: Existing Impediments, Untapped Opportunities’ Organized By: JADAVPUR ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS In collaboration with Guns, Drugs, Insurgents - Security Issues in it would be difficult for the insiurgents to India-Myanmar relations continue their armed campaign against Indian forces. The paper will seek to examine the Subir Bhaumik patterns of this illicit weapons flow and how it The paper will argue that India has three key has impacted on India-Myanmar relations. security issues when it comes to its relationship The third issue is the smuggling of narcotics on with Myanmar. It will focus on these three the India-Myanmar frontier, the way it impacts issues and detail patterns over the past fifty on human security in India and how it effects years since Myanmar turned into a military the relations of the two countries. Again, details dictatorship. will be provided on the pattern of this trade in The first issue involves cross-border ethnic this sensitive region and how it has led to an insurgency. While a host of ethnic insurgent 'AIDS bomb' ticking away in India's Northeast. groups operate in India's northeast, the The paper will argue that these security issues country's only region with which Myanmar has impinging on India's Northeast exert a major a land border, many of them have enjoyed influence on how Indian policy shapes up vis a sanctuaries in Myanmar. vis Myanmar. The paper will examine how the presence of India's Northeast is the country's only region to these bases since the early sixties have share a land border with Myanmar and it is facilitated (a) a safe regrouping zone used for therefore not unexpected that ground realities training, procurement of weapons and for in Northeast would influence Indian policy launching operations against targets in Indian towards Myanmar. That this 1623 km border is territory (b) preservation of the core strength of porous, largely hilly and jungle-infested, used by these rebel groups when challenged by Indian separatist ethnic insurgents and those who military operations (c) how it helped these smuggle narcotics drugs and weapons in large groups to develop alliances to fight Indian quantities makes it all the more important that security forces India would expect Myanmar to address these The second issue involves the use of Myanmar issues pertaining to India's security , specially in territory for illegal transshipment of huge the country's Northeast. quantities of Chinese made weapons. It will be The flow of weapons and drugs from Myanmar argued that without this flow of illicit weapons, to India through the borders of its northeastern states has prompted New Delhi to push the Queen Elizabeth House Fellow at Oxford Tatmadaw-led military regime in Myanmar to University (1989-91) , a former fellow at East- block dangerous West Centre (Washington) and an Eurasian contraband. India has also periodically raised Fellow at Frankfurt University. He has written the issue of its northeastern ethnic insurgents two well acclaimed books "Insurgent Crossfire" using bases in Myanmar's Sagaing division and and " Troubled Periphery". While "Insurgent other states and called for firm action , like Crossfire" deals with the cross-border proxy Bhutan and Bangladesh has taken against Indian wars in South Asia with post-colonial nation- insurgents in recent years. states trafficking of these This lecture will address the key issues involving India's northeastern region when it comes to the country's relations with Myanmar. It will also advocate (a) more trans-border trade across land customs point through northeast India and neighbouring Myanmar provinces to help create a 'bonafide economy' on the borders (b) greater and effective security cooperation between India and Myanmar as well as between provincial governments reciprocally supporting insurgencies against each other, 'Troubled Periphery" deals with the crisis of Northeast India. Bhaumik has also edited two books -- "Living on the Edge : Bangladesh's Chittagong Hill Tracts" and "Counter-Gaze: Media , Migrants, Minorities". Bhaumik has also written more than a dozen monographs on critical policy issues and scores of articles for academic journals. He is a veteran media trainer in India , China, Bangladesh and Myanmar. running border states and divisions on the Indian borders of the two countries (c) a joint effort to Personalities, Lawyers and other Professionals tackle the problems of weapons and drugs on in Myanmar: Their Contribution to and this 1600 kms border (d) to facilitate a relaxed Identification with the Country of their Choice trans border regime for movement of tribal communities with kinsmen across the borders Scholars, Trade and Business Dr. Swapna Bhattacharya (Chakraborti) (e) to situate the border regions in the The scope of the paper is rather wide, proposed BCIM economic corridor to facilitate addressing various personalities of Indian origin speedy growth . in colonial Myanmar in particular. They were Subir Bhaumik is BBC's former Eastern India bureau chief and now works as Senior Editor for Dhaka-based BDNEWS24.COM. He is a former from areas of knowledge (teachers, professors, medical practitioners) to world of Business and Trade to legal professions, various public servants of high and middle rankings who served under colonial administration. Their co-brethren. This important Directory has valuable contributions remained eclipsed under names of Chettiars whose love for dana was the dark shadow of biased historical researches, well noted. My 9 visits to the country evenly for, dominating tendency for a long time was spread over the last two decades, have given to highlight the immigration of unskilled or me enough opportunity to interact with a large semi-skilled Indian workers in the industrial number of highly educated people, mostly sectors or small enterprises or in service sectors from the university circle. They remember with of lower rankings. Though two major works, a deep sense of indebtedness the contribution one by Nalini Ranjan Chakravarti and the other of by Usha Mahajani are widely known, yet, it is Philosophy, Law, Pali, Buddhism and among inspiring to see that other subjects. These Indians have left a legacy International in recently held Conference on Indian professors who taught them Myanmar of guru-sisysa-parampara, unique in nature. organised by the Institute of Social and Cultural Those Indians were completely identified with Studies, Kolkata, in collaboration with Govt of Myanmar and her people, for, they chose it in India, eminent historian Professor Khin Maung preference to other countries ( British colonies) Nyunt, has reminded us that Myanmar people where they could have gone. This love for have not forgotten what they received from Myanmar has come out through their huge India. While writing my own book India- donation in education and training sectors. The Myanmar Relations 1886-1948 I came across city of Kolkata and the city of Yangon have several sources dealing with contributions of shared a very rich heritage of knowledge such Indians. My present deliberation will sharing in the fields of Pali, Buddhist Studies concentrate on materials drawn and Archaeology. The names like U Ottama, from an important, hitherto almost untapped source. Gurudev i.e.., Who’s Who in Burma, compiled under the Forchhammer, Sir Asutosh Mukherjee, Ch. patronage of H.E. Sir Harcourt Butler, Governor Duroisell, Taw Sein Ko, Gordon Luce, Suniti K. of Burma published by Indo-Burma Publishing Chatterjee, Professor Agency, Calcutta and Rangoon. In this volume Kramrisch, Niharranjan we find names of a large number of highly mentioned in the discourse of this shared respected Indians who were not only awarded ( history. through various titles) by their employers ( British administrators), but also loved by their own countrymen as well as by their Myanmar Rabindranath Tagore, B.M. Barua, Ray E. Stella should be Swapna Bhattacharya (Chakraborti) M. A. in Sanskrit from Visva Bharati University and M.A. & Ph.D in South & Southeast Asian History from Heidelberg University ( joined C.U in 1986 Myanmar’s Tryst with Democracy: Lessons ) is a Professor ( former Head) at the Dept of from India South & South East Asian Studies, University of Dr. Amrita Dey Calcutta. From Jan 2006- to Jan 2009 worked on a project on Myanmar at MAKAIAS. Also teaches ( as Guest Faculty) at IFPS, Dept. of Although nascent and pre-matured, there is no doubt that whatever ‘attention’ and History and Buddhist Studies, University of ‘spotlight’ Myanmar is enjoying today is all Calcutta. At various levels because of ‘democracy’ and attempts at studied Political Science, German language, Indology, Myanmar ‘democratic language, Latin, Buddhism, Pali & Prakrit & President Thein Sein’s government in power German History .Published 3 books ( one of since 2010. In the political front, the them translation from German to Bengali on President released most political prisoners CHT), 1 in Press, 2 Occasional Papers, around from exile; freed Daw Aung San Suu Kyi 65 articles on S & S.E Asia in national and international journals and edited volumes. Thrust areas: Bangladesh. Myanmar, N.E. India & Member of various academic institutions, Advisory Committees, mostly Govt. transition’ undertaken by from house arrest; amended the electoral laws to enable her and the National League for Democracy (NLD) to contest the parliamentary by-elections (Suu Kyi has many scholarships, joined the Parliament now as the main Besides teaching and opposition party); freed the media and research works actively in promoting research allowed civil society groups to function on neighbouring countries, national integration, more freely in the country. sponsored. Received grants, awards etc. international understanding, religious harmony and promotion of higher education among tribal girls. She is presently Professor ( former Head), In the critical domain of ethnic relations, the President promised that his government Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, would seek to solve the root causes of University ethnic problems through political means of Calcutta and even organize a nation-wide ceasefire agreement to enable lasting peace among its ethnic communities. In other social and economic sectors, the President has undertaken commendable changes aimed at boosting economic growth and sustainable development at the grassroots corruption, unemployment and all inclusive governance. level. But beneath the façade of seeming Dr. Amrita Dey is an M.A and PhD in progresses, critics fear that Myanmar might International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru backtrack to repressive rule once again, given the present administration’s stubbornness in amending/re-writing the 2008 constitution, its outright refusal of the United Nations proposal to recognize the University, New Delhi (with Southeast Asia as her specialization). Having graduated from Presidency College, Kolkata, she has taught as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies at the M.A Part II level and as a Research Associate of the Centre for stateless ‘Rohingya’s,’ its slackened pace in more than three years. She has also worked as a arresting corruption and ensuring people- journalist of the English Daily, The Statesman centric development in the poverty-stricken for three years. Her publications include her areas of the country. own book, Perspective articles, chapters in edited books and articles in national and It is here that Myanmar can pick up its internal journals of repute. She is presently lessons from India where its tryst with working as a Fellow at Maulana Abul Kalam democracy, pluralism and capacity building Azad Institute of Asian Studies in Kolkata. Her has made it a model for discussion at home project is on ‘India and Myanmar Relations: and abroad. India’s progress in health Paving the Way for Constructive Engagement,’ sector, it’s emerging middle class, a vibrant (post media and an engaging young generation 2010). You can reach her at has lessons that can enable Myanmar to Active dissociation to Active association- make its democratic transition irreversible. extending a hand towards the Indian The present paper is an attempt to compare Diaspora in Myanmar. and contrast Myanmar’s experiment with Anindya Mitra democratization vis-à-vis India and how both the neighbors can jointly address their common issues of concern- insurgency, Myanmar has been the one neighbour traditionally which has failed to feature in the literature of Indian foreign policy. Indian economy in the 1990s. When India Burma and India cooperated in their initiated its 'Look East Policy' towards the struggle Southeast for independence and their Asian countries, the large independence came only a few months presence of ethnic Indians in the region was apart. Thereafter, the biggest cause of unquestionably in the minds of the foreign contention between the two countries was policy makers but unfortunately, they the fate of the People of Indian Origin missed the opportunity to constructively (PIOs) who were being treated as foreigners engage despite for 'aspiration' and 'inspiration' of the Diasporic generations. The hope that independent community. The Singhvi Committee Report India would pursue an enlightened policy was an eye-opener. It stated that Indians towards Indians overseas was not fulfilled. are “fairly impoverished in Myanmar.” Initially, Nehru insisted on compensation Breaking the yolk of military junta, Malaysia for the PIOs but soon reverted to the is now progressing towards the dawn of Nehruvian policy of not pushing Indian democracy, the largest populous adherer of interests by claiming special privileges for which being India. Feeling at ease with Indians in Burma, in order to maintain good Myanmar’s relations between the two countries. After democracy, India is pre-empting a new 1991 when the Indian economy faced found ally at a geo-strategic position. This severe crisis to develop economically and paper is an attempt to observe what are the remain competitive in a swiftly globalised promises and the challenges towards world, it had to aggressively attract Foreign changing the stance from a hands off to a Direct Investments (FDI) and the infusion of hands on policy of India towards the Indians new technologies. In this context, larger in Myanmar. having lived in Burma its Diaspora new and fondness gratify its towards policy shifts appeared in the re-engagement of India with its Diaspora in the 1990s because only affluent section of the overseas Indians i.e. Non-Residential Indians (NRI's) could be safeguards for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Women’s Tribulations in Indo-Myanmar and a major source of diseases such as Border Region-Fencing is not the Solution HIV/AIDS and bird flu. Moreover, there is a physical proximity to the famed Golden Dr.Debarati Ghosh Triangle, the well-known opium-producing The Indo-Myanmar border region is a problematic area which harbours several socio-economic, political and cultural criticalities giving rise to criminal activities concerning the issue of migration of men and women from both sides since quite some decades. The distribution of tribal as well as non-tribal population in the undulating hilly and dense forested area, inadequate provisions of agricultural and industrial activities, unemployment and grim poverty among the people, poor levels of education and health, absence of other civic facilities etc give rise to such situations which provoke the generations towards criminal activities, trafficking of men and women, smuggling, illegal trades etc. Nearly 1600 km wide rocky and afforested border area is shared by (Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram) India and Myanmar. The porous nature of the border frequently inspires illegal migrants promoting transnational prostitution, better accessibility for insurgent groups, increasing vulnerability to environmental degradation, region, with overlapping mountain regions of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and the Yunnan Province of China.. Women from both sides of this border tend to migrate to border communities in search of work. Women undertake sex work as a means of sustenance. Cases of suicides, secret killings, presence of HIV positive pregnant women are quite apparent. The free trade zone in the town across the border means to facilitate the death knell of local products that are mostly made by women. The large-scale presence of various State and non-State security forces and frequent crossfire between the various armed groups very often create sociocultural problems leading to regular displacement. Along with several instances, Moreh, located in the southeastern part of Manipur, an Indo-Myanmar border town, exhibits a complex plurality of above features. In this context, the Indo-Myanmar Border trade agreement between India and Myanmar (signed on 21st January, 1994), the vision of the Look East policy of India, India. After independence, two countries the opening of trade routes towards the cultivated ASEAN countries and finally the change of culminated in the signing of the 1951 Treaty government in Myanmar would, with all of promises, likely to create new horizons Myanmar, however, India has worked to where Myanmar comes into view to be the expand and deepen bilateral relations in the gateway of the vista from the Indian past two decades. standpoint. All this may emerge with become closer was the 2001 opening of the immense potentials for the socio-economic Moreh- development of the Indo-Myanmar border connects India and Myanmar. Myanmar is region in general and the emancipation of of the women residing there in particular. importance for India. The two nations share a close Friendship. relationship India’s relation with One step toward to Tamu-Kalemyo extreme that strategic road, and which economic a 1,600km land border and a long maritime Dr. Debarati Ghosh is a Assistant Professor boundary in the strategically important Bay in the Dept. of Political Science,Gobardanga of Bengal and Andaman Sea; they are Hindu College (under WBSU). bound by religious, cultural and ethnic linkages and four of India’s politically- India-Myanmar Relations: New Balance of sensitive North-eastern states share Power in Asia international borders with Myanmar. India has been pursuing friendly relations with its eastern neighbour since the early 1990s Omkar Rout with the goal of countering China’s Bilateral relations between India and influence in the region as well as exploiting Myanmar are important not only for these the two Myanmar. countries, but for the region tremendous energy resources of concerned, namely South Asia and South East Asia. Both countries share profound In light of India’s changing foreign policy historical and cultural links. During colonial over the last decades, Indo-Myanmar period, both countries were under British relations have also changed radically. The reasons thereof pertain principally to four stabilising entity for India, like Pakistan. factors: the economic development of India should therefore make a determined India’s North East, India’s increased interest effort to forge a strategic partnership with in trade with ASEAN, India’s search for Myanmar. So that Strategic partnerships do energy security and increased Chinese provide intermediate solutions, especially involvement in Myanmar. India has to gear when they are bi-lateral in nature and up its “Look East Policy” in the context of incorporate economic co-operation and Myanmar. India's exports stand at $334.4 assistance in a major way and it is hoped million, while it imports goods worth over that this developing relationship will create $1 billion from Myanmar. The main exports new balance of power in Asia. to Myanmar are pharmaceutical products, iron and steel, electrical machinery and Keywords: Bilateral, Economic, Strategic, equipment. India imports large amounts of Policy, Democracy, Power vegetables, pulses and wood products from Myanmar. So, one would expect rising Omkar Rout, Phd Research Scholar, Indian presence in Myanmar and its Department of Political Science, Utkal economy, especially after all the glib talk of Universty , Bhubaneswar, India. a "Great Game" on Myanmar involving China, Western powers and India. “Non-Traditional Security Threats in In India’s quest for strategic partnerships, Myanmar & its impact on relationship with Myanmar acquires top priority being a vital India” geo-strategic entity on her Eastern flank and sharing a long border with China. Yogesh Subhashchandra Borse Myanmar’s providing the major Eastern littoral to the Bay of Bengal imparts added Last two decades, Myanmar face large no of strategic naval armed ethnic insurgencies. Same happening Myanmar has not permitted in India's North-East part. Geo-politically & strategies. significance to India’s China to turn it into a strategic de- Geo-Economically both country are regularly communicate to finding the Jalgaon, Maharashtra. solutions for good foreign relationship. This research paper try to find out the clinches Indo–Myanmar Symbiosis: Regional/ Sub- between regional Engagements facilitating Bilateral Indo-Myanmar relationship. Energy, Illegal Migration, Drug trafficking, Cooperation Ethnic base insurgency and small arms Ratul Chowdhury trafficking issues are create a fault line in both Asian countries. Constantly in Myanmar lack of governance could not find out the peace. Indian continent also struggling from 1989 to 2001 by internal ethnic insurgency. Now in forthcoming changing geo-political global dimensions, May 2012 marked a significant watershed in the history of India – Myanmar relationship when the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh made a visit to newly reformed and democratic Myanmar unleashing innumerable potentialities towards strengthening of ties with the neighbouring state. The recent strides of China & India attracting towards energy rich democracy and new set of constitutional and Burma. More than China, India has need political reforms have presented the glorious great developed opportunity for the neighbouring states to knowledge base industry & economy sector. come in close proximity once again for mutually These issues are situated in relation to symbiotic gains. On one hand, it is immensely developments in Burma and proximate imperative for Myanmar to cooperate with energy resources to inter-state interactions. Finally, the paper examines the implications of these issues in the broader context of regional co- operation and stability, and undertakes a reassessment of the relationship between non-traditional security issues and traditional (politico-military) issues. Yogesh Subhashchandra Borse India, inspite of a not-so-cordial past, to develop its nascent democracy along with mutual solutions of problems like combating drug trafficking, criminal networks across borders, illegal cross border trade, devising strategies for cracking down on the insurgent groups present in West Myanmar and NorthEast India, etc. A number of development and is a connectivity projects are in the pipeline where Assistant Professor, Department of Defence India is assisting Myanmar for a better future & Strategic Studie,Moolji Jaitha College, investment making the former a reliable ally of the latter. On the other hand, India’s stakes on proactive engagement with Myanmar are even becoming a member of ASEAN in 1997 to higher given the initiation of the Look East hosting its Summit this year, Myanmar has Policy formulated to achieve strategic and come a long way and it is the only ASEAN economic returns by actively engaging with the country sharing a land border with India which Southeast Asian economies. Also, Myanmar has makes it more important for India’s Look East and would continue to play an important role in Policy for creating a strong relation with the India’s territorial integrity by checking long Southeast Asian nations for obvious reasons. running insurgent actions, facilitating growth Within the Association trans-border threats like and development in north-eastern states of piracy, disputes over fishing grounds, arms India. a smuggling, drug trafficking could be dealt with staggering 400 million standard cubic metres of mutually. AS part of the LEP, India initiated two natural gas per day by 2020 and such major sustainable gas supply source could be traced Bangladesh – India – Myanmar – Sri Lanka – from Myanmar itself. Myanmar would again be Thailand Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in important in securing the strategic interests of 1997 India in the Indian Ocean and security of incorporated later in 2004 and the Mekong – Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Finally, to Ganga Cooperation (MGC) in 2000. Within the counter-balance, Chinese BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement, Myanmar emerging interests in South-east and South leads in domains like energy and gas supply, Asia, India needs to reinvest substantial amount major exports of agro-based and forest of policy products while India exports chemical products, formulation within bilateral or regional ambit to electrical appliances, pharmaceuticals and other deal with Myanmar trying to win it over in equal things. Myanmar is a member of the Mekong terms as a strategic partner. Ganga Cooperation since its inception in Moreover, India if brainstorming would not in its require contain foreign institutional arrangements– the in which Bhutan and Nepal was November 2000. MGC is an initiative by six Owing to these multifarious mutual countries – India and five ASEAN countries requirements, both the states have been namely, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand affiliated to some similar regional organizations and Vietnam – for cooperation in the fields of whereby efficient engagements have taken tourism, education, culture, transport and place in the past and it is advisable for both to communication. The MGC Project links New continue with the same in order to achieve a Delhi with Hanoi, Vietnam to which India has healthy long-lasting bilateral partnership. From approved a credit of US$ 56 million. Myanmar was given the status of observer in SAARC in Myanmar, China, India-A New Tug of War for August 2008 and the two countries are Influence and Non-Alighnment as a Balancing cooperating in areas of environmental degradation, terrorism, ethnic and communal prosperity and The Myanmar – Bangladesh – Strategy for Myanmar Debolina Mukherjee South East Asia has emerged in these days as India Gas Pipeline. the new cockpit of power politics and rivalry. As The attempts of regionalisation has been a region South East Asia comprises two parts- challenged quite often for India just being an mainland and maritime. Myanmar, the largest Observer member of the ASEAN, the very little in the mainland and second largest in the whole influence of Myanmar in the SAARC, the ever- region, today is the cake of which everybody nascent and superficial implementation of the wants a slice. Long under military control (from Look East Policy and most importantly the 1962) the country is now undergoing a major mutual suspicion which still looms large in the transition especially after the 2012 by elections domestic and international sphere of both which saw the entry of Myanmar’s democratic states for each other. The inevitable presence movement leader Daw Suu Kyi and National of China in the region however poses a great League for Democracy barrier to India’s growing ties with Myanmar as When the signals for change were becoming the latter Cannot do away with it at present. evident a large number of countries who were Still there is ample space for both states to initially sceptical and against Myanmar are cooperate and refurbish ties among themselves changing their stands, notably USA with Hillary as there is sufficient Natural Gas resources Clinton and Barrack Obama making official visits present India! to the country and lifting sanctions. Added to Strengthening of ideological glue, fomenting this is the Obama administration’s emphasis new foundational agreements and maintenance and redeployment in the South East Asian of relationship amidst adversity and division of region as the new pivot of world politics. India domestic policies could sustain relationship with her foreign policy stance of Nehruvian between the two states which would lead to a idealism had sidelined this neighbour in her brighter and grimmer future. foreign policy priorities after 1962. Pragmatic in Myanmar to supply into the parliament. turns were noticed in the 1990s only when Chinese influence in the country was seen increasing to the extent that ideas like ‘Tibetization of Myanmar’ and Myanmar being a had been a follower of non alignment which ‘de facto Chinese client state’, ‘a virtual Chinese was later on discarded as Myanmar tilted satellite’ etc started making the rounds. Initially towards China. It is high time for Myanmar to an democratic follow this policy once again .It also has a movement it was later termed as Myanmar’s chance of providing an equal playing ground to internal affair by India. So now the South East countries like India. This paper seeks to explore Asian region version of a ‘great game’ involves these possibilities. open supporter of the Myanmar, China, India, and USA as major actors – bilaterally, multilaterally among themselves and in the regional forums. Of all these China $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ has an advantage. She very well fits the maxim- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’ for Myanmar. India and USA have a common interest in countering an increasing Chinese influence and they also have economic interests and energy needs to fulfil. It is to be noted that the self imposed isolationist policy followed by India-Myanmar-Japan Strategic Connectivity: Prospects for India’s Look East Policy the military junta for decades have reduced the Mihir Bhonsale country to an economic disaster case. She needs whatever assistance she can gather now The recent strides made in India-Japan from whatever sources. Confining herself can bilateral ties have opened a new vista for be damaging. The question is- how Myanmar is India’s supposed to deal with this scenario – a dilemma Myanmar. During the Japanese Prime between preferring an old friend or balancing Minister, Shinzo Abe’s visit to New Delhi in the increasing hegemony of that old friend with January 2014, India invited Japan to invest other new but influential players. The main in infrastructure projects in its North-East theme of this paper will revolve around this question. Non alignment as a movement and its relevance has been subject to intense debating for long but perhaps this as a strategy in a redefined way will prove to be useful for this country in transition. . Myanmar under U Nu strategic engagement with states. India assigning a role to Japan in the North-eastern states would not just keep India’s strategic threat’s from China at bay but also help connectivity between India and Myanmar who share a 1,600 kilometers Department of South and South East Asian long border. Studies, University of Calcutta). India which is currently ranked 4th largest India-Myanmar Relations: Re-visualizing the trading partner of Myanmar hopes to Politico-Economic Dynamics of the Two double its trade with Myanmar, pegged at $ Neighbours. 1.9 billion in 2012. Central to India’s Anindita Malas increased engagement with Myanmar’s as the latter opens up to the world, are connectivity North-East projects and between Myanmar. India’s Japan has From the historical periods, India shares more or less a cordial relationship with one of its most significant neighbours, Myanmar (erstwhile Burma). Being under the rule of emerged as one of the leading aid provider British India till 1937, both the countries share for development and investment projects in between them a common cultural, ethical and Myanmar. Japan’s strategy in supporting ethnic relation. Moreover, being the largest infrastructure projects in South and South democracy in the world, India has always talked East Asian countries to counter China’s in favour of the establishment of a pro- ‘charm offensive’ presents an opportunity democratic government in Myanmar, though it for strategic connectivity between IndiaMyanmar-Japan. has never actively interfered in the domestic affairs of the latter. Even the military junta, that had been ruling the country for several years, The prospects of engagement between the was three nations, the paper argues would give government and tourists, which largely affected a fresh lease to India’s ‘Look East Policy’ the tourism business in Myanmar. However which has faced a number of impediments after 1990s, the situation changed to a certain since its conceptualization around 20 years ago. highly hostile towards the Indian extent, though inter-state tensions remain. India now serves as the fourth largest trading partner of Myanmar and provides the largest Mihir Bhonsale, The writer is a Research market for the Burmese products. Both India Assistant at Observer Research Foundation, and Myanmar shares a common platform in the Kolkata and a PhD candidate at the regional organizations like BIMST-EC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation), Mekong-Ganga and ammunitions to the rebels in Myanmar, Cooperation and so on, which strengthens the China may provide the necessary spark which relationship However, may create disturbances in the North-Eastern Myanmar shares a 1643 km long border with India. Myanmar may also serve as a Chinese the Indian states of Mizoram, Manipur, base for encircling India in near future. Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh along the Therefore, in this paper attempts have been Potkoi Hills. Therefore, both the countries have made to focus on the fact that India should to encounter serious cross-border ethnic strengthen its economic ties with the Myanmar insurgencies, and the Myanmar government has in order to maintain an amicable relationship taken certain initiatives in fighting out those with the country, and thereby avoid any insurgencies along with its Indian counterpart. external aggression being committed through However, with the inclusion of Myanmar in the Myanmar. Meanwhile, Myanmar may take the Association of South East Asian Nations fullest advantage of this India-China rivalry and (ASEAN), the strategic importance of Myanmar try to play both of these powers against each to India has increased considerably, since other in order have facilities from both the Myanmar can now serve as an entry-point to parties and smoothen its way to development. between the two. the South East Asian region for the Indian Republic, and give a boost to India’s Look East Relevance of North East Region in IndiaMyanmar Engagement Policy. At present, India has initiated many projects with Myanmar, like the opening of Sayantani Sen Mazumdar Tamu-Kalewa-Kalemyo Highway, the India- Fellow, MAKAIAS. Myanmar river and land-based projects, gas pipeline projects in the Arakan region, and are also looking for having some joint ventures in automobile, IT, agro-based industries and also in other sectors. However, the penetration of China in the South East Asian region, especially The North East Region (NER) of India often becomes synonymous with a security threat perception. For nearly over two decades since independence India paid little in Myanmar, and the development of Chinese attention to the multi-ethnic fissures in the naval bases there is really a matter of concern NER that were getting articulated on for today's India. Myanmar has now become primordial lines and were acting in manners over-dependent on China for the foreign direct inimical to India’s long-term progress. The investment. Besides, through the selling of arms lack of proper accessibility and the absence of development of adequate should be adequately nurtured and utilized communication and connectivity facilities for a better future of the Region. The LEP physically the accords an added momentum to the NER as developmental moves of the Government. the gateway to Myanmar, which in turn, is Nevertheless the attempt could not have the land-bride to the ASEAN (if the been abandoned for a long period of time proposition of because of India’s Look East Policy (LEP). trade landroute India’s LEP is a substantive manifestation of consideration). India needs to promote its India’s renewed emphasis of reviving geopolitical interests in Myanmar for cooperative ties with its South East Asian translating the substance of the LEP into neighbours in particular as well as the reality. imperative to reassess India’s geo-political cooperation and trade facilitation between position in the rapidly changing global India and Myanmar demands an extensive scenario in the post-Cold War era. Under understanding the LEP India and the South East Asian economic growth as well as identifying the nations felt the necessity to exchange their lacunae plaguing the cooperation. Premised respective repositories, in respect of trade, on this argument the paper aims at commerce, industry and in a number of reviewing the pertinence of the NER as a other collaborative spheres. gateway to the expanding engagement impeded many of The LEP is steered to uplift this Region from the business possibilities through enterprising initiatives of developing border trade and overshadowed distressing by the happenings magnitude must not of be discounted at any cost. Rather the prospect prospect of the taken of into economic intricacies of A comparative study of trends of Multiculturalism, Tolerance and Refugee Management among India and Myanmar Abhismita Sen people to people contacts. The economic potentialities of the Region though often The is Indo-ASEAN between India and Myanmar. quagmire of security threat proliferation to the virtues of exposure to modernity, better via conducting Myanmar's transition from authoritarianism to democracy through the enduring communal and ethnic violence coupled with the implementation of intrepid reform initiatives, presents immense hurdles as India itself is going through a crucial phase. well as prospects for the world's largest With the Lok Sabha elections just a brink democracy away, the major claimants of hegemony are and one of Myanmar's bordering neighbors, India. desperately trying to fight ethnic cringes, The recent slackening of Western economic and financial sanctions as remuneration for political reforms in Myanmar ushers the way for India to play a more proactive role. India has had sturdy cultural and spiritual exchanges with Myanmar on both a diplomatic level through its ‘look east’ policy and on a sentimental level as four Northeast Indian states Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur share a border with Myanmar. In this changing political landscape, ‘identity oriented’ political organizations are looking forward to establish a federal system that guarantees their political, economic, social, cultural and religious rights as diverse ethnic and religious groups feel trapped between a new reformed government and international interests, while, India has to deal with demands of separate states, tackle so called ‘Anti-corruption’ bills, soothe old yet lasting communal crises, initiate an effective redistribution of the national income and manage refugees efficiently. On the international front, India is eyeing a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council for which it is working hard to pursue its ambition of attaining leadership in South Asia and thus earn a voice in South East Asia. Strategic interests demand India to develop Myanmar as its politically democratic and economically egalitarian ‘ally’ as it is a land bridge between South and Southeast Asia; by combating ethno-religious and border tensions which carry serious security implications for South and South East Asia for future. keep pace with the rising expectations of This paper aims to make a comparative Myanmar's estimate among the measures taken to pro-democratic forces and balance its prodigal neighbor China’s foster inclusive involvement in the same. pluralistic growth countries and in both the figure out maneuvers to accrue integrative nation region with social wealfare is a must.If Indias building through cooperation. North east is calm and peacefull domestically Future Of India Myanmar Engagement: Existing Impediments and Untapped Potentials it can have no major hurdles in carrying forward its polices towards its eastern neighbours.India shares maritime borders Rinchen Tamang with Mayanmar and with the induction of INS Vikramaditya recently has become a game India the largest Democracay going in for changer in the overall maratime relations General election in 2014,the formation of .Indias pushing force in beter relations have government by any political party will have a been due to Chinas increasing role in strong impact on shaping of domestic and Mayanmar..Major foreign policy.As variety is the spice of life insurgents groups seeking asylum in both different parties will have different forms of countries role of extraregional powers in the outlook and approach.It is also equally region,stand on democracy. Whether Aung important for other countries to see a san suki or military junta Indias continuation favorable government seize power so that of non interfernce policy has added advantage reciprocal relations will benefit both in the as well as disadvantage to the relations long run as well as the short run.India and between the two but India s interest will be mayanmar have commonalities as far as social best served with coming of Aung sang suki . constriants are the religious cultural ties are but politically they differ. For both the countries to have a cordial relations both domestic and external factors have to be properly balanced on both sides .In India the north eastern states which forms a © The Jadavpur Association of International major border with Myanmar is strategically Relations, 2014 important it is the land bridge connecting India to south east asia.If we look at at the north eastern states insurgency ,separatist movements have been a mundane feature.Positive steps for development in the