Supplementary Material Supplementary Table 1 SNPs genotyped in this analysis. Locus Target Fragment Base position of SNPs genotyped2 exon length1 TLR1LA TLR1LB TLR2A TLR2B TLR3 TLR4 TLR5 TLR7 TLR15 TLR21 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1,166 971 522 649 1,229 1,279 618 172 C/T 185 C/T (not genotyped: too similar to TLR2B) 324 C/T (not genotyped: monomorphic in founders) 94 A/C/T ; 142 C/T ; 220 A/T ; 520 G/A 371 G/A ; 817 G/T (not genotyped: TLR7 is duplicated in robins) 997 G/A 118 G/A ; 169 C/T ; 300 G/A Length of sequence over which the combinations of listed SNPs inform allelic status. Positions given refer to the sites in original sequence, see Table 1 of Grueber et al. (2012) for more details. Supplementary Table 2 Top model set (top 2AICC) of models for the effect of inbreeding (F) and composite heterozygosity at seven TLR loci (H) on juvenile robin survival. All models also included the random factor cohort. Model1 Deviance AICC ΔAICC wi β0 + H 664.4 670.4 0.36 β0 666.6 670.6 0.2 0.32 β0 + F + H 663.7 671.8 1.37 0.18 β0 + F 666.4 672.4 1.95 0.14 model predictors: β0 = model intercept; H = standardised observed multilocus heterozygosity; F = individual inbreeding coefficient. 1 1 Supplementary Table 3 Observed (and expected) number of robins that survived to 1 year or not, based on TLR4 genotype (birds from 2001 excluded, for consistency with the main survival analysis). Survived Died Total TLR4BE 54 (47.1) 6 (12.9) 60 All others 452 (458.9) 133 (126.1) 585 Total 506 139 645 Supplementary Table 4 Model-averaged standardised predictors of first year overwinter survival. Variable1 β SEβ 95% CI RI β0 1.386 0.161 1.070; 1.703 TLR4BE 1.003 0.448 0.124; 1.881 1.00 F -0.177 0.196 -0.560; 0.207 0.28 RBM 0.038 0.202 -0.358; 0.435 0.19 β0 = model intercept; TLR4BE = presence/absence of TLR4BE genotype; F = individual inbreeding coefficient; RBM = relatedness to blue-metal based on the pedigree. 1 2 Supplementary Table 5 Effect of TLR4 genotypes on first year survival probability of Ulva Island robins, data restricted to the period 2006 onwards. Model1 βij (± SEβ)2 Deviance AICC ΔAICC wi Nij3 Survivalij4 Base + BE 1.358 (0.745) 422.5 430.6 0.00 0.302 32 94% Base + BD -0.815 (0.436) 424.1 432.2 1.61 0.135 26 65% Base + BC 0.916 (0.622) 424.6 432.7 2.10 0.105 33 91% 5 Base 427.3 433.4 2.78 0.075 434 80%5 Base + AD -0.552 (0.416) 425.7 433.8 3.18 0.061 32 72% Base + AC 0.305 (0.323) 425.8 433.9 3.30 0.058 50 74% Base + DD -1.482 (1.438) 426.3 434.4 3.84 0.044 2 50% Base + AB -0.443 (0.35) 426.4 434.5 3.89 0.043 88 84% Base + BB -0.343 (0.352) 426.4 434.5 3.91 0.043 52 75% Base + AA 0.234 (0.335) 426.8 434.9 4.32 0.035 75 83% Base + AE 0.43 (0.639) 426.8 434.9 4.32 0.035 22 86% Base + CE -0.829 (1.24) 426.9 435.0 4.42 0.033 3 67% Base + CD -0.366 (0.687) 427.0 435.1 4.55 0.031 12 75% Base + DE 6 100% Base + CC 1 0% Base + EE 0 1 Generalised linear mixed-effects model with a binomial response (survived or not), where the base model contains individual inbreeding coefficient F and cohort as a random factor. Genotype models include base parameters plus a 1/0 binary predictor for presence/absence of the specified genotype. 2 Parameter estimates for the specified genotype (ij, as indicated in the “Model” column), namely effect size coefficient (β) and its standard error (SEβ). 3 Number of animals containing the specified genotype (ij) – note that these vary widely, as a result of uneven allele frequencies in the population (see Supplementary Figure 2). 4 Survival rate of animals containing the specified genotype. 5 Overall sample size and survival rate (all genotypes combined). Models shown in bold are the most parsimonious models supported by the data for each locus (where the “best” models are ≥2 AICC units from the next-best model); models could only be fitted for genotypes with mixed survival. 3 Supplementary Table 6 Characteristics of the variable amino acids of each TLR4 haplotype. Translation and amino acid characterisitics1 Allele Site2 32 Site 48 Site 74 Site 174 A Phenylalanine Leucine Threonine Aspartic Acid Aromatic Aliphatic Small Small Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Negatively charged Polar Polar B Isoleucine Leucine Serine Aspartic Acid Aliphatic Aliphatic Small Small Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Polar Negatively charged Polar C Leucine Phenylalanine Threonine Aspartic Acid Aliphatic Aromatic Small Small Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Negatively charged Polar Polar D Isoleucine Leucine Serine Asparagine Aliphatic Aliphatic Small Small Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Polar Polar E Phenylalanine Phenylalanine Threonine Aspartic Acid Aromatic Aromatic Small Small Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Hydrophobic Negatively charged Polar Polar 1 2 Graur and Li (2000). Position in translated sequence (Grueber et al. 2012). 4 Supplementary Figure 1 Forest plot of standardised coefficients for effects of TLR heterozygosity on over-winter survival of Ulva robins; positive values indicate that heterozygotes are more likely to survive than homozygotes; also shown is the multilocus effect of H for comparison. Sample sizes are provided on the right-hand side; only those years with mixed survival among genotyped birds were included (2002 onwards). All models also included individual inbreeding coefficient (F) and the random factor cohort. 5 Supplementary Figure 2 Allele frequencies for the seven genotyped loci in birds that survived (“Alive”, N = 507) or not (“Died”, N = 139) their first winter (for consistency with the main analysis, these data exclude years where all offspring survived, and birds with fewer than 3 loci genotyped). Different levels of shading indicate the different alleles at each locus (range 2 – 5 alleles per locus). 6 Supplementary Figure 3 Change in observed frequencies of each of TLR4 allele in the adult population over time. Founders are shown for reference; surviving founders are excluded from subsequent population estimates. 7 Supplementary Figure 4 Frequencies of each TLR4 genotype over time among the non-founder adult population. Filled circles indicate observed proportion of adults with each genotype (error bars are Agresti-Coull 95% confidence interval for proportions [Agresti & Coull 1998], evaluated using R package binom [Sundar 2009]); open circles indicate expected frequency of TLR4BE genotypes under Hardy-Weinberg (error bars are 95% confidence intervals derived using logit transformation for frequencies, Sutton et al. 2011). 8 Supplementary Figure 5 Number of surviving juveniles produced by each pair in each breeding season, including all known Ulva robin breeding pairs (i.e. including ungenotyped animals); N = 475 pair-years. Data are spread out along the x-axis to reduce overlay of multiple points. The fitted trend shows a statistically significant decline over time, based on a generalised linear model with a Poisson link function: Njuveniles ~ -0.142 [± 0.020 SE] × Year + 284.2 [± 39.4]. 9 Supplementary Figure 6 Correlation between relatedness of genotyped animals to blue-metal and to his first partner white-metal (N = 624 individuals with non-zero relatedness to either); points shown may represent overlay of multiple individuals with equal relatedness. Points on the diagonal (solid line) represent individuals with equal relatedness to blue-metal and white-metal (N = 594). The dashed lines indicate the relatedness of first-degree relatives. A small number of animals (N = 30; 5.1%) show higher relatedness to blue-metal because he continued breeding after white-metal died (these were inbred matings, so the offspring are partially related to whitemetal). 10 Supplementary Methods Generalised linear mixed-effects modelling For all survival models, the binomial response variable was whether or not birds banded at the juvenile stage (age approximately 2 weeks) survived to the following breeding season (age 1 year; lived = 1, died = 0), also termed “over-winter survival”. Models were fitted using lme4 (Bates & Maechler 2009) in R (R Core Development Team 2011), and inference was based on the top 2 AICC sub-models of the global model (using the package MuMIn [Bartoń 2009], following Grueber et al. 2011). To permit direct comparison of effect sizes among predictors on different scales, all predictors were standardised to 0.5 SD (following Gelman 2008) using the package arm (Gelman et al. 2009). We report the effect sizes of our final models, with standard errors or confidence intervals as an estimate of the precision of effects (Nakagawa & Cuthill 2007). Where appropriate, effects are back-transformed onto their native scale to facilitate interpretation of biological relevance. Prediction of Mendelian frequencies In the dataset, 637 genotyped juveniles had two genotyped parents; 144 (22.6%) of these had parents with genotype combinations that could potentially give rise to TLR4BE offspring (i.e. TLR4BX × TLR4EX). For each offspring, we calculated the Mendelian probability that it would have TLR4BE genotype given its parent’s genotypes (i.e. values for each individual were 0, 0.25 or 0.5 [there were no TLR4BB × TLR4EE pairs in the dataset to give a 1.0 probability]). We used Monte-Carlo simulations written in Visual Basic to estimate the overall mean and 95% confidence interval for the proportion of TLR4BE offspring each year. In each iteration of the simulation, offspring were assigned genotypes (TLR4BE or not) by comparing the Mendelian probability of TLR4BE to a random number between 0 and 1 from a uniform distribution. If the random number was less than the expected probability of being TLR4BE for that individual, it was assigned TLR4BE; if higher, it was assigned “other”. The number of simulated TLR4BE individuals in each year was then divided by the total number of offspring produced in that year to give a proportion. We used 5,000 iterations to generate a distribution of expected proportions, and the mean and 95% quantiles of this distribution were taken as the overall expected proportion of TLR4BE individuals for each year. Simulation of random mating We used a randomisation simulation to estimate the number of TLR4BE offspring that would be produced each year under random mating. Random mating was approximated by 11 randomising the pool of breeding adults within each year. Members of established pairs (pairs that bred together for >1 year) were only available for randomisation in the first year that they bred, but were “fixed” in subsequent breeding years. Established breeders that split up from former partners and found new ones were treated the same as first-time breeders in that year. After identifying available breeders within each year, we randomised the list of breeding females relative to the males (all known breeders were included, even those that were ungenotyped, to reduce potential bias that would result from repeatedly excluding the same, ungenotyped pairs). This procedure held constant the total number of breeding pairs within each year, as well as the number of partners per bird. The number of offspring produced by each pair was sampled (with replacement) from the distribution of observed family sizes among the pool of “established” or “new” breeders in that year (excluding ungenotyped offspring, as these cannot be compared to observed data). These family sizes were bootstrapped separately because new breeding pairs are represented mainly by first-time breeders, which tend to have reduced annual reproductive fitness. Where both members of a pair were genotyped, each offspring was assigned either a TLR4BE or “other” genotype, based on Mendelian probabilities, as outlined in the Supplementary Methods section “Prediction of Mendelian frequencies”. The annual proportion of 1-year-old TLR4BE offspring produced under this random mating scheme was calculated by dividing the number produced by the total number of offspring produced in that year, and 5,000 iterations provided a mean and 95% quantiles for the overall expected annual proportion of TLR4BE offspring produced under random mating. Genedropping In each iteration of the simulation, the known genotypes of the founders were randomly passed down the pedigree following Mendelian inheritance, to derive simulated descendant genotypes. Of the 722 descendants in the pedigree, 14 (1.9%) had missing parental data: 13 individuals were banded as adults and so nest of origin could not be assigned reliably (wholly unknown pedigree), and one had an unbanded mother (half unknown pedigree). These gaps in the pedigree were handled by assigning missing genotypes (“NA”) to unknown birds and “dropping” these unknown alleles alongside the known alleles. In this way, our estimates of genetic diversity in the descendant population are unbiased by any assumptions about the genotypes of unidentified individuals. Taking this missing data into account, genotype information could be simulated for 95.6% of all banded descendants. 12 Relatedness to blue-metal We calculated the pedigree-based relatedness of every individual (survived and died) to bluemetal (denoted RBM, using the pedigree analysis software PMx [Lacy et al. 2011]) and used this value as a predictor in a GLMM with survival as the binomial response variable. Interpretation of RBM is complicated by an inability to distinguish whether a “good gene” came specifically from blue-metal, or alternatively from his first partner, “white-metal”, because 94.9% of blue-metal’s descendants in the population are equally related to whitemetal (Supplementary Figure 6). His remaining offspring were also partially related to whitemetal, as they resulted from inbred matings. We therefore interpret RBM as a measure of lineage membership. We also fitted the interaction between RBM and TLR4BE genotype (present/absent), to determine whether the degree of relatedness to blue-metal affected the influence of TLR4BE genotype on survival. Models also contained F as a further fixed factor and cohort as a random factor. Model selection and inference were based on AICC, as for the main analysis (see Supplementary Methods section “Generalised linear mixed-effects modelling”. 13 References cited in Supplementary Material Agresti A, Coull BA (1998) Approximate is better than "exact" for interval estimation of binomial proportions. The American Statistician 52, 119-126. Bartoń K (2009) MuMIn: multi-model inference, R package, version 0.12.2. Bates D, Maechler M (2009) lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using S4 classes, R package, version 0.999375-31. Gelman A (2008) Scaling regression inputs by dividing by two standard deviations. Statistics in Medicine 27, 2865-2873. Gelman A, Su Y-S, Yajima M, Hill J, Pittau MG, Kerman J, Zheng T (2009) arm: Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models, R package, version 9.01. Graur D, Li W-H (2000) Fundamentals of molecular evolution. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland. Grueber CE, Nakagawa S, Laws RJ, Jamieson IG (2011) Multimodel inference in ecology and evolution: challenges and solutions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24, 699-711. Grueber CE, Wallis GP, King T, Jamieson IG (2012) Variation at innate immunity Toll-like receptor genes in a bottlenecked population of a New Zealand robin. PLoS ONE 7, e45011. Lacy RC, Ballou JD, Pollak JP (2011) PMx: software package for demographic and genetic analysis and management of pedigreed populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3, 433-437. Nakagawa S, Cuthill IC (2007) Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: a practical guide for biologists. Biological Reviews 82, 591-605. R Core Development Team (2011) R: A language and environment for statistical computing, version 2.12.2. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Sundar D-R (2009) binom: binomial confidence intervals for several parameterizations, R package, version 1.0-5. Sutton JT, Nakagawa S, Robertson BC, Jamieson IG (2011) Disentangling the roles of natural selection and genetic drift in shaping variation at MHC immunity genes. Molecular Ecology 20, 4408-4420. 14