IC Application

Independent Choreography Application
Spring 2016 Dance Showcase
Instructions: If you are interested in submitting your own dance work into the performance, please
follow each of the steps below carefully to be considered.
Part 1: Application Submission
1. Fill out the application and submit to Ms. Wells by Thursday, February 4th.
2. Schedule your initial, mid-way, and final conference with Ms. Wells when you turn your application
in. Your conferences will be held during enrichment. Initial conferences should be scheduled
between Feb. 8th-12th. Midway conferences should be scheduled between Feb. 29th-March 4th. Final
conferences should be scheduled between March 21st-25th.
 My INITIAL conference is on _____________________________________ at ______________
 My MIDWAY conference is on ____________________________________ at ______________
 My FINAL conference is on ______________________________________ at ______________
3. If you have already edited your music, turn in a copy to Ms. Wells when you submit your
application. If you chose to have Ms. Wells edit your music, you will need to schedule a day/time
during enrichment to have Ms. Wells edit your music.
4. Begin choreographing your work.
Part 2: Initial Conference
5. You must show at least four counts of eight at your initial conference. You will be given corrections
to improve your work during this meeting.
6. Use the corrections to make changes to your dance. Continue choreographing your work.
Part 3: Midway Conference
7. You must show at least half of your piece at your midway conference. You will be given corrections
to improve your work during this meeting.
8. Use the corrections to make changes to your dance. Finish choreographing your work.
Part 4: Final Conference
9. You must show a polished, fully completed dance at this conference. You will be given a final set of
corrections to work on until the performance.
10. You will explain your costuming plan(s) to Ms. Wells.
11. You will be notified of your acceptance at or shortly thereafter the final conference.
Part 5: Costuming
12. Costumes must be shown to Ms. Wells on or before Wednesday, April 20th. You will not be
included in the performance without full costume by this due date. NO EXCEPTIONS!
 Performers must be enrolled in dance this semester or participate in dance team at LEHS.
Other students may be approved to participate only if they were enrolled in dance class in the
most previous semester and by permission of the teacher only.
 Turning in your application does not guarantee your spot in the performance. You must fully
complete all requirements and audition based on the number of available slots. Be sure to
check your school email in the case Ms. Wells needs to contact you!
Independent Choreography Application
Spring 2016 Dance Showcase
Check one of the following:
_____I have already edited my music to between 2 and 2½ minutes and have provided a copy of the music with this
_____I would like for Ms. Wells to edit my music to the correct length. The URL link for my song on YouTube is:
What is the title of your dance?________________________________________________________________________
What is the music selection for your dance (Song Title & Artist)? (Must be School Appropriate)
Who is/are the choreographer(s)?______________________________________________________________________
List the dancers in this choreographic work:______________________________________________________________
Are all of the performers/choreographers either enrolled in dance class or dance team at LEHS? __________________
Do you have any plans for your dance based on the story/plot, choreography, formations, etc.? If so, please describe.
What ideas do you have for a costume(s)?_______________________________________________________________
To be filled out by Ms. Wells:
Initial Conference Date/Time:_________________________________________________________________________
Midway Conference Date/Time: _______________________________________________________________________
Final Conference Date/Time:__________________________________________________________________________