SOC 262 Fall 2013 syllabus

SOC 262 Sociology of the Family
Fall 2013 / Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
Asst.Prof.Dr. Banu Kavaklı Birdal
Lecture: Tue 08:40-09:30, Wed 10:40-12:30 (D504)
Office hours: Thu 13:30-15:30 (D316)
Course Description:
Most people have a network of others that they consider their family. But what exactly is a
family? How do family structures vary from culture to culture or subculture to subculture? Is
what we consider the “traditional family” changing over time? Why do families exist? What
are the functions of the family? These are some of the questions that we are going to ask when
discussing families from a sociological perspective.
Grading and Evaluation:
Exams will draw on readings, videos, lectures and class discussions. You are expected to
attend the lectures and participate in class discussions. Readings are introductory material that
we will expand on during lectures. Therefore, come to class having read the assigned material.
Project: You will do a group project on a topic to be decided with your professor and present
your work. The details of the project will be announced throughout the semester. Every
written material must be typed (double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman) and turned in to the
professor in the classroom (e-mail attachments are not accepted).
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Course Materials*:
Textbook: Hammond, Ron J. 2010. Sociology of the Family. Smashwords Edition. (Textbook)
Available on the web:
* Additional course material will be provided throughout the semester.
Schedule of Classes, Readings and Assignments:
Week 1
Session 1 (24 September): Welcome / Introduction
Session 2 (26 September): Syllabus and course description
Movie: Evlidir Ne Yapsa Yeridir (Şerif Gören, 1978)
Week 2
Session 1-2 (1-3 October): Family Forms: Changes and Definitions
Reading: Textbook Chapter 1
Week 3
Session 1-2 (8-10 October): Theories and Methods for Studying Families
Reading: Textbook Chapters 2 and 3
Video: Modern Family
Week 4
(15-17 October) NO CLASS!!
Week 5
Session 1-2 (22-24 October): Families in Historical Perspective
Reading: Alan Duben, “Turkish Families and Households in Historical Perspective”,
Journal of Family History, 10 (1), 1985.
Alan Duben, “The significance of family and kinship in urban Turkey", in Sex Roles,
Family, and Community in Turkey (Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı ed.), 1982.
Project topics to be determined.
Week 6
Session 1 (29 October): NO CLASS!!
Session 2 (31 October): Gender in the Family
Reading: Textbook Chapter 4
Week 7
Session 1-2 (5-7 November): Intimate Relationships
Reading: Textbook Chapters 5 and 12
Week 8
Session 1-2 (12-14 November): Violence in the Family
Reading: Textbook Chapter 16
Week 9
Session 1 (19 November): Midterm Review
Session 2 (21 November): MIDTERM EXAM
Week 10
Session 1-2 (26-28 November): Parenting
Reading: Textbook Chapter 10
Movie: Babies (Thomas Balmes, 2010)
Project progress report due!
Week 11
Session 1-2 (3-5 December): Aging and Families
Reading: Textbook Chapter 14
Movie: Amour (Michael Haneke, 2012)
Week 12
Session 1-2 (10-12 December): State and Family Policies
Reading: Şemsa Özar ve Burcu Yakut Çakar. “Eşi Vefat Etmiş Kadinlar İçin Bir
Nakit Sosyal Yardim Programi Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Araştirma Projesi”, 2011.
Bruce H. Rankin, Işık A. Aytaç and Banu Kavaklı Birdal . “The 2008 Economic Crisis
and Household Coping Strategies among Married Urban Families in Turkey” METU
Studies in Development Journal: In Honor of Selim İlkin & İlhan Tekeli) 40 (2): 317338, 2013.
Week 13
Session 1-2 (17-19 December): Project Presentations
Week 14
Session 1-2 (24-26 December): Project Presentations
Week 15
Session 1 (31 December): Project Presentations
Session 2 (2 January): Final Review