Quest Guide - The Great Walk

The Great Walk-About
Quest Guide
Starting line: Only 2 race vehicles per team. Van 1 will check-in at the Stake Academy on
Onieda St in Preston Idaho between 6am-7am. Starting times will be given to you prior to
starting. Van 2 will check-in at the Jct of Maple Grove Rd and Hwy 34 North of Preston Idaho.
Each van will need to show the following items
a. 6 reflective vests
b. 6 flashing LED lights
c. 6 headlamps
d. First-Aid kit
e. Copy of the Quest Guide and Maps
Team will state their team name to the official
Sign your name on the official check in sheet
Collect your team wrist band
Each team is required to have a safety navigator in the front seat
1. Finish Line: This finish line is at 127 Silver Springs Ln, Thayne, WY.
2. Team mates can cross the finish line with their ‘anchor’ by waiting at the top of the road and
running with them to the finish.
3. Be aware of local traffic on the road and stay in designated area
Sleeping Area
1. Campgrounds are located along the route during night time hours. We will have camping spots
saved for team useage.
2. There are parks in Grace, Idaho and Soda Springs, Idaho that you can rest in before your night
time run. There is also a resting spot located at 251 S 3rd in Soda Springs which is also an
exchange point. Water coolers and be refilled there.
3. Do Not pulled off to the side of the road to sleep. Find a designated area.
Reflective Vests
1. Reflective vests, head lamps and tail lights shall be worn by everyone during the hours of 6pm
and 7am
2. Legs make as requiring a reflective vest must wear their vests even during daylight hours
3. Persons not wearing reflective safety gear will be asked to leave the course
1. We encourage the use of only one ear bud for your safety and ability to hear traffic
2. Music must be at a volume that the walker can still hear sounds around them
3. If a race official deems music is too loud, the walker will be asked to remove the headphones
1. NO alcohol is allowed on the course for your safety and the safety of others.
2. Any team found with alcohol will be disqualified immediately
3. Idaho and Wyoming also have laws prohibiting open containers in vehicles
Course Closures
1. The courses closes at 9p-m Saturday evening
2. Exchanges 34-36 will begin closing at that time also
3. Any team still on the course will be requested to proceed to the finish line in their vehicle
1. No traffic or police monitors are promised to protect runners and walkers from vehicular traffic
along the course.
2. Great care must be exercised at all times by participants and team vehicles.
3. Participants must travel along the left road shoulder or sidewalk (unless otherwise stated), and
obey all Idaho and Wyoming traffic laws and signals.
4. Self-policing of our event will prevent injuries or traffic-related mishaps.
5. Any team deemed unsafe by race officials will be asked to leave the course
6. If you encounter dangerous or aggressive wildlife, get off the race course.
7. Follow race directional signs at all times
8. Have cell phone numbers for members of your team in the other van
Highway Safety
Walk Against Traffic and on proper surfaces
1. Walkers are to run on the left shoulder of all roads (against traffic), using sidewalks or trails
when available, unless signs or maps direct otherwise.
Be aware of traffic and obey traffic laws
1. Walkers are to understand that they do not have exclusive use of the roadway and are required
to obey all traffic laws. This includes stopping at traffic lights.
2. ALL walkers must wear night gear during the Official Nighttime Hours – Reflective Vest,
Headlamp (or flashlight) and Blinking LED Taillight.
3. ALL participants must wear reflective vests during the Official Nighttime Hours everywhere on
the course, including exchanges.
4. Pacers may be used but ONLY during nighttime hours. Pacers DO NOT have to be a member of
the team. Walking pacers can walk with the walker but MUST run in single file. Bike pacers may
ONLY be used on trails. Pacers MUST wear the same night safety gear as the runner (reflective
vest, headlamp, and LED).
5. If you choose to have a van driver, who is not a runner, the driver must also adhere to these
safety guidelines.
First Aid, Emergencies and hydration
1. There is a certified paramedic on the course with us. CALL 911 in the event of an
2. Teams are required and responsible for supplying an adequate first aid kit to treat: blisters,
abrasion, headaches, heat exhaustion, and other common ailments.
3. Most running/walking injuries are directly related to soft tissue trauma and are effectively treated
with ice.
4. We strongly recommend bringing a cooler filled with ice (remember R.I.C.E: Rest Ice
Compression Elevation).
5. If you see anyone in need of assistance, please get their race number, and if possible, let the
Exchange Leader with a radio know at the next Exchange Point. They are capable of bringing in
an ambulance or even LifeFlight if necessary.
6. In case of emergency, (Start, on course roads, or at Finish), it is each participant/team's
responsibility to seek their own appropriate medical/emergency care. (Remember to write in your
emergency medical info where provided on the back of your race bib!)
7. No aid stations guaranteed along the course
8. Hydration: Participants are strongly urged to carry large containers of water in team vehicles!
9. Mid-day, temperatures may be in the high 80's to low 90's.
10. Most important step you can take during the race is to continuously hydrate (take in noncaffeinated fluids and water).
11. Recommended intake: 12-16 cups of water per day
Heat, Lightening and bad weather
1. The race will occur come rain or shine
2. If there is extreme heat during the race we reserve the right to hold teams until the
temperature drops. In this scenario we would have teams skip ahead 1 leg for every 1 hour of
Heat Hold. Race officials at each exchange will documents teams stop and restart times. Teams
will not be allowed to restart before their designated restart time. If teams restart after their
designated restart time, the difference will be added to their overall result times. During a Heat
Hold all teams are encouraged to get off of the course, out of the sun, and not to proceed to
their next exchange until 15 minutes prior to their re-start time. After the race, TGWA will apply
each team’s average pace to the legs that were skipped. Note that if a Heat Hold is in place, your
team is still responsible for attending the Start Line / Ex6 for race check-in and the safety
briefing before skipping to their re-start exchange.
3. If there is lightning at the start of the race we reserve the right to delay starts until the lightning
clears. If you see lightning on the course after the race has started, get your runner off the road
and into the support vehicle. Make a note of the time and the location where you exited the
course. If lightning clears within 1 hour put your runner back on the road where they left and
make a note of the time. If lightning persists longer than an hour, move ahead to the next
exchange. For every hour of lightning, you may move ahead one exchange. Keep close track of
where and when you left the course and where and when you returned to the course. At the
end of the race we will have a form available for you to report these locations and times. We
will then calculate your average pace and apply this pace to the segment of the course that you
missed. In this way we will adjust all overall race times. Only teams that have taken accurate
notes will be given official times.
4. If a runner encounters flooded areas that cannot be ran through, have your runner get into the
support vehicle, drive the runner ahead where the road is no longer flooded to continue running
his or her leg.
Race Course Courtesy
1. Remember you are sharing the course with other cars, atv’s and campers
2. Respect their solitude
3. No loud cheering, horn honking or noise making during night time hours in camping
4. Drive safely and defensively. Call in other unsafe drivers
5. Do NOT get out to assist your walker on non-support legs. These are dangerous
traffic areas.
6. Flags must be used when crossing roadways to assist walkers
7. Do NOT urinate of defecate in private residential areas. We have porta potties at
exchange points.
8. When running in farm areas it is a good idea to carry a rock or stick in case of dogs or
cows. Get off the course if you encounter dangerous or aggressive wildlife
Items you may want to bring
1. Extra socks
2. Two pair of shoes in case one gets really wet
3. Changes of clothes if wanted (stinky ones can be place in gallon sized ziplock bags to reduce
4. Sleeping bag or bed roll
5. First aid kit with mole skin for blisters
6. Sunscreen and lip balm
7. Glide and Goldbond to prevent chaffing
8. Camera
9. Race food- bagels, peanut butter, nuts, oranges, chips, pretzels,candy, some sports drinks and
lots of water. We suggest 5 gal coolers instead of individual bottle. (if you buy together you’ll
save $)
10. Reusable water bottles
11. Noise makers
12. Two way radios are highly recommended for areas with no cell coverage
Important Phone Numbers
Emergency dial 911
Valee Wells-Coordinator 208-709-1043
Heidi Colson- Coordinator 208-604-0566
Kelly Wells- Race Director- 208-709-1038
Jared Colson – EMS Lead 208-221-4464