April 2015 Minutes - Mariemont City Schools

Mariemont Junior High PTO
Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2015
Call to Order
Nan Dill
Nan Dill called the meeting to order at 9:10am, and welcomed the board
members and guests (13 total) in attendance.
Warrior Coalition
Melanie Stutenroth
Melanie Stutenroth encouraged more community members to attend the Warrior
Coalition meetings and events. The most recent event was led by the
Commander for DART (Drugs and Alcohol Recovery Team), here he provided
samples of various drugs for attendees to see and discussed the signs to look for
when children are experimenting with drugs. Melanie also discussed that “Coach
Scrips” are being used in the Mariemont School athletic programs on a weekly
basis. The Warrior Coalition is also writing articles in the local community papers
related to current issues in our district.
District Arts Audit
Molly Connaughton
Ms. Connaughton discussed the District-wide K-12 Arts Audit, where Mariemont
Schools are working with the Ohio Alliance Arts Education (OAAE) to evaluate
the current arts programs offered within the district. Consultants are currently
spending time in our schools and gathering feedback from students and teachers.
Lauren Hess, a consultant with OAAE, attended the meeting to obtain
perspective from Junior High parents. The attendees were split into 2 groups
and provided feedback on 4 specific questions.
District Update
Steve Estepp
Mr. Estepp discussed the upcoming FAB Affair on Saturday, April 18 th. He
announced that Mrs. Tami Croll will be the new Dean of Students at Mariemont
Elementary. Parent surveys will be emailed to district families in mid-May. Mr.
Estepp encourages all families to complete separate surveys for each child in the
district to provide more accurate feedback.
V. Principal’s Report
Molly Connaughton
Ms. Connaughton began with another reminder to support the Mariemont
programs by attending the FAB Affair this Saturday night. Afterwards, she
discussed the following:
Parking Change – A new “No Parking” sign has been added to the right
when you exit the half circle. This will provide a safer exit when leaving
the Junior High.
Node Furniture – Donations are still being accepted for the Node Furniture.
The furniture for Mrs. Jordan’s (8th grade LA) and Mrs. Parr’s (7th grade
SS) classes have been ordered and will be delivered soon!
Kings Island – The junior high students will spend a day at Kings Island on
May 15th. Permission slips were sent home last week, and “strikes” are in
full effect.
District Arts Audit – Began before spring break and will continue through
the end of the school year. The district should receive a report by the end
of the summer with recommendations to improve arts within our schools.
Testing – The JH testing has been moved back a week. Testing will be on
April 28th (LA), April 29th & 30th (Math), and May 5th (Science).
Ms. Connaughton was excited to announce proposed changes to the Junior High
Curriculum next year. Since the fall, Ms. Connaughton has met with each
department, talking to teachers to improve the education here at Mariemont
Junior High. She detailed her proposed changes to “Preserve Academics,
Increase Electives and Add Learning Experiences” in a presentation to the group.
A studio arts program will be incorporated into the junior high curriculum next
year. Ms. Connaughton stated that the MAA has designated $5,000 in funds to
start this program in the fall.
Counselor Report
Amy Skinner
Mrs. Skinner discussed the language choices provided to 7th and 8th graders next
year. All 8th graders received verification forms listing courses selected for next
year. These forms require parent signature and are due Friday, April 17 th. Mrs.
Skinner led a discussion about the PE flex credit (applications due May 1 st) and
the PE waiver.
All parents should attend one of the following meetings for the Washington DC
fundraiser, April 23rd at 7:15pm or April 24th at 8:30am.
Evereve Fundraiser
Teresa Mikesell
Teresa Mikesell announced that Evereve at Kenwood Towne Center will be
donating 15% of all purchases to the Mariemont JH PTO.
VI. Treasurer’s Report
Sarah Grimmer
Sarah provided the attached Treasurer’s Report for review.
Minutes / Adjournment
Upon motion by Jeri Gatch, and seconded by Robyn Forbes, the March 2015
minutes were approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50am.