M.R. Thefirst1, E.D Minutes2 and S.B. Last3
Laboratory of physics, University of Nanoworld, Place, Zip Code, City, Country
Laboratory of biochemistry, National University, Place, Zip Code, City, Country
Exposure assessment group, Technical Research Center, Place, Zip Code, City, Country
Email: thefirst@jesmile.zk
For the AIRMON2014 conference organized by INRS in association with other partners oral and poster
presentations will be accepted.
The abstract should be in one column (like this example), and one page long. Use A4 page set-up and
make all margins (top, bottom, left, right) 25 mm wide. Start typing text here (about 7cm from the top of the
page). Use 10 pt Times New Roman font for the text and the title should be in 12 pt bold and in capital). Centre
the title, the authors’ names, the addresses, and keywords. For the body of the abstract, start each paragraph with
a tab, and use tab settings of 1 cm. Justify the body of the text both left and right.
Figures (in black and white) and Tables may be included in the abstract, but make sure that they have a
caption, and that they are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. The font used in captions should be 10
pt. Vertical lines in tables should be avoided. Figures should be high resolution and in a form and of a quality
suitable for reproduction
Please, avoid submitting abstracts containing only future results.
Figure 1. This is the sort of Figure which illustrates good agreement between theory and experiment which
include experimental error.
References should be made in the style (Sauve, 2010), or (Baron & Willeke, 2001; Tuut et al., 1998) or
simply refer to Tuut et al. (1998). Examples of references are shown below. Leave a blank line above the list
with references (and also above acknowledgement).
The abstract should be submitted in WORD format only using an email attachment to The deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2014.
On the second page, authors should indicate the key topic, among the eleven mentioned in the call of
papers to which it relates. They should also indicate their preference in terms of oral or poster presentation. The
abstracts will be reviewed by the different committees. Abstracts which do not fulfil the above standards will be
Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Council for Prevention at Workplace under grant
Baron, P.A., & Willeke, K. (2001). Aerosol Measurement – Principles, Techniques and Applications New York,
USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Sauve, S. (2010). J. Toxicology and Aerosol, 2, 1234-1243.
Tuut, B., Cyclone, D., & Net, N. (1999). in Proc. 1th Int. Conf. on Nanoaerosols Monitoring, Minto (Srilov,
Paris), 631-633.
Topic (tick the key topic of your presentation):
Air sampling and air monitoring
Exposure assessment-strategies, peak exposures, multi-exposures
Cumulative exposure and epidemiology
Exposure modelling
Active and passive sampling of organic and inorganic gases
Sampling and measurement of aerosols and bioaerosols
Sampling and measurement of mixed phases
Nano-aerosol sampling and measurements
Chemical speciation
Quality of measurements, uncertainties
Biological monitoring – biomarkers of exposure.
Preference (tick the preference for presentation) :
Poster presentation
No preference