PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE BUSINESS HONORS PROGRAM IN THE MCCOMBS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CHAPTER IN THE UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG, 2012-2014 Type of Change X Academic Change 1. NAME OF DEGREE PROGRAM: Business Honors Program 2. IF THE ANSWER TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IS YES, THE COLLEGE MUST CONSULT NEAL ARMSTRONG WHO WILL DETERMINE WHETHER SACS-COC APPROVAL IS NEEDED. Is this a new degree program? No Does the program offer courses that will be taught off campus? No Will courses in this program be delivered electronically? No 3. EXPLAIN CHANGE TO DEGREE PROGRAM: 1. Add BA 101H to the list of course requirements for the program. 2. Add STA 375H as an alternative to STA 371H to meet program requirements. 3. Add language to admissions criteria to include extracurricular activities and leadership skills. 3a. Indicate pages in the undergraduate catalog where changes will be made. Pages 57-58 4. GIVE A DETAILED RATIONALE FOR CHANGE. INDIVIDUAL CHANGES SHOULD BE LISTED SEPARATELY. 1. BA 101H was introduced in fall 2004 to provide business honors students with a career strategies course tailored to their specific needs, but, due to an oversight, was not added to the list of required courses. 2. STA 375H was added to the catalog and inventory in fall 2010 as a requirement in the Quantitative Finance track of the finance major. At that point it was uncertain when the necessary faculty resources would be available to begin teaching the course, and so it was not included in the requirements list. The course was offered for the first time in spring of 2011 and is expected to be offered each spring going forward. 3. The Business Honors Programs receives applications from hundreds of excellent students. Including students’ extracurricular activities and leadership potential, allows the program to consider students’ potential more holistically. In instances where students’ other qualifications are comparable, this dimension may also provide more information for determining which students to select. 5. SCOPE OF PROPOSED CHANGE 5a. Does this proposal impact other colleges/schools? If yes, then how? No 5b. Does this proposal involve changes to the core curriculum or other basic education requirements (42hour core, signature courses, flags)? If yes, explain: No 5c. Will this proposal change the number of hours required for degree completion? No 6. COLLEGE/SCHOOL APPROVAL PROCESS Undergraduate Program Committee approval date: September 9, 2011 College approval date: September 23, 2011 Dean approval date: September 23, 2011 [P AGES 57 -58] B USINESS HONORS P ROG RAM The Business Honors Program is designed to provide an intellectual challenge for students who have distinguished themselves academically and in leadership roles outside the classroom. The student may choose a general program of study or [one of the major programs in business or both] choose to combine the general program of study with an additional major. Business Honors Program students take [twelve] fourteen business courses in special sections open only to them. [At least two and one-half years are required to complete the Business Honors Program sequence of courses.] Additional information is available from the Business Honors Program Office. ADMISSION Admission to the Business Honors Program is limited to a small number of exceptional students who are chosen on a competitive basis. Admission decisions are made by the Business Honors Program Committee. Most students enter the program as freshmen, but some are admitted as sophomores. Students entering the University and the McCombs School of Business as freshmen may apply to the Business Honors Program by completing a separate online application [form] available [from the Business Honors Program Office] through the UT Office of Admissions. The Business Honors Program Committee considers the student’s SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores, high school class rank, preparatory courses, extracurricular activities, evidence of leadership ability, and other objective criteria. Students may also seek admission to the Business Honors Program during the spring semester of their freshman year to begin taking courses as a sophomore. To be considered for admission, the student must have completed in the fall and spring semesters of the freshman year at least twenty-four semester hours of college-level coursework; this coursework must include Economics 304K and 304L, Mathematics 408C or 408K, and Mathematics 408D or 408L. The student must also have fulfilled the foreign language requirement for the BBA degree. In addition to the criteria listed above for freshman applicants, the Business Honors Program Committee considers the student’s grade point average in courses taken in residence at the University and the number, type, and rigor of the courses the student has taken at the University. [No student will be admitted to the Business Honors Program who has received credit for Management Information Systems 301 and more than one of the other business core courses listed below in a regular (nonhonors) section]. Students will also be evaluated based upon evidence of their extracurricular activities and leadership abilities. Students applying to the Business Honors Program are permitted to have received credit for Management Information Systems 301 and Business Administration 101; however, no credit will be accepted for other courses normally taken as part of the honors core. Application materials and information about deadlines are available at http://www.mccombs. CONTINUANCE [no change] GRADUATION [no change] DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Business Honors Program students may choose a general program of study, [one of the major subject degree plans, or both.] or choose to combine the general program of study with an additional major. Requirements for the general program of study are 1. The core curriculum requirements described in chapter 2 and the BBA degree requirements on pages 54–55. 2. Completion of the following business core courses and other business courses in special Honors Program sections: Accounting 311H, 312H, Business Administration 101H, 324H and 151H, Finance 357H, Legal Environment of Business 323H, Management 336H and 374H, Management Information Systems 301H, Marketing 337H, Operations Management 335H, and Statistics 309H and 371H/375H. 3. Nine semester hours of upper-division business electives. 4. Additional elective coursework, if necessary, to provide a total of at least 121 120 semester hours.