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PSYC1003 is a prequisite for PSYC1004 and PSYC1004 is a prequisite for all
remaining Psychology courses.
Note: See beginning of Section F for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.
PSYC1003 Introductory Psychology I 3 ch (3C)
An overview of psychology as well as an introduction to the biological basis of behavior,
motivation, learning, sensation, perception, memory, thinking and language. Students
may be requested to participate in research and some course credit may be earned in this
PSYC1004 Introductory Psychology II 3 ch (3C)
Examines social behavior, personality, assessment, abnormal psychology, and
psychological therapy. Students may be requested to participate in research and some
course credit may be earned in this way.
PSYC1273 Life Span Development
3 ch (3C)
An introduction to theory, methods, and research findings in lifespan developmental
psychology. The life cycle as a whole and basic processes in socialization, cognition, and
personality development will be examined. This course is designed primarily for Nursing
students. Enrollment of other students is by permission of the instructor. Students
currently enrolled in the BN programme are exempt from the PSYC 1004 prerequisite
requirement. Note: Students who take PSYC 1273 may not take PSYC 2201 or PSYC
3293 .
PSYC2102 Research Methods in Psychology 3 ch (3C 1L)
An introduction to the methods and theory of empirical and experimental research in
psychology. The logic of hypothesis construction and testing in relation to various areas
of psychology are examined. Students will be required to complete an experiment. This
course is intended for students who plan to major or honour in either Psychology or
Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in PSYC 2901 .
PSYC2201 Child Development 3 ch (3C)
A study of theory, methods and research findings in infancy and childhood. Examines
social, cognitive, emotional and physical development. Credit will not be granted for both
PSYC 2201 and ED 3021 .
PSYC2401 Fundamentals of Social Psychology
3 ch (3C)
The scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. The
course examines methods and findings related to such topics as the self in society,
judging others, attitudes, persuasion, social thinking processes and conformity.
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PSYC2901 Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Psychologists
3 ch (3C)
Designed to acquaint the student with the basic tools of statistics which are used to
summarize and analyze psychological data.
PSYC3033 Health Psychology 3 ch (3C) (LE)
An aggregate of the scientific and professional contributions of the discipline of
psychology towards promotion of an holistic approach for the maintenance of health, the
prevention and treatment of illness including etiologic as well as diagnostic correlates of
health and illness.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1003 and PSYC 1004.
PSYC3222 Sex Differences
3 ch (3C)
Focuses on biological and behavioural differences between females and males. Examines
the psychological implications from conception to maturity of both physical sex
differences and differential treatment by family and society.
PSYC3232 Socialization 3 ch (1C 2S)
The major theoretical and empirical approaches to the nature of the child, the
socialization processes, and the development of personality are dealt with in lectures and
Prerequisite: PSYC 2201 .
PSYC3263 The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
3 ch (3C)
Examines psychological based theories of crime and the contribution of psychology to
the understanding of criminal behaviour and the assessment and rehabilitation of
Prerequisites: PSYC 1003 and PSYC 1004 .
PSYC3265 Forensic Psychology 3 ch (3C)
This course will focus on the application of psychological principles within legal contexts
(e.g., legal decision-making, eye witness memory) and in relation to policing practices
(e.g., interrogation practices, credibility assessment).
Prerequisites: PSYC 1003 and PSYC 1004.
PSYC3293 The Psychology of Aging 3 ch (3C)
Focuses on changes in learning ability, memory, perception, physical development,
personality and social development associated with aging, beginning in young adulthood
and extending to late adulthood.
Prerequisites: PSYC 2201 or ED 3021 .
Introduction to Psychological Testing
3 ch (3C/L)
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An introduction to principles of psychological testing as they arise in consideration of
relevant statistical concepts and methods and of historical experience in development and
use of tests for general intelligence, differential abilities and personality traits.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2102 .
PSYC3323 Community Psychology and Mental Health
3 ch (2C 1S)
Provides a detailed examination of how to evaluate programs in the community. Areas
covered are mental health, criminal justice, and other systems that provide human
PSYC3343 Human Sexuality
3 ch (3C)
Provides an introduction to the psychology of human sexuality, including examination of
topics such as sexual anatomy, sexual behaviour, sexual response, sexual dysfunction and
therapy, sexual variation and other topics of interest.
PSYC3352 Developmentally Handicapped Children and Adults
3 ch (3C)
A survey of sensory, physical and intellectual dysfunction in interaction with
developmental processes.
PSYC3362 Introduction to Guidance and Counselling 3 ch (3C)
A survey of the concepts, theories, and resources involved in the guidance and
counselling area.
PSYC3383 Perception
3 ch (3C)
Provides a broad introduction to visual and auditory perception. Topics include the
structure and neural functioning of auditory and visual systems and contemporary
approaches to traditional problems of perception. The course may include reviews of
other sense modalities.
PSYC3393 Systems of Therapy 3 ch (3C)
The array of contemporary psychotherapeutic techniques is examined with emphasis on
the relationship that exists between the theoretical and historical background of a therapy
and the form it assumes when put into practice.
PSYC3412 Advanced Social Psychology 3 ch (3C)
Further examines the scientific methods and findings that pertain to the functioning of
individuals in social contexts. Topics include advanced methods used to study groups,
aggression, prejudice, attraction and altruism.
PSYC3453 Cross Cultural Psychology (O)
3 ch (3C)
Cross cultural influences on behaviour, cognition, motivation, and personality variation.
Methodological issues are examined.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1003 , PSYC 1004 .
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PSYC3461 Theories of Personality
3 ch (3C)
Theory formation is greatly influenced by the assumptions, beliefs and experience of the
theorist. In surveying formal theories of personality, an attempt is made to demonstrate
the influence of personal-subjective factors in the development of theory.
PSYC3493 Changing Behaviour 3 ch (3C)
An examination of the application of basic principles of learning to human behavioural
processes. A study of the treatment techniques and assessment procedures employed in
behaviour modification programs.
PSYC3503 Learning
3 ch (3C)
A survey of principles of both instrumental and classical conditioning focusing on animal
subjects. Such topics as biological constraints on learning, cognitive interpretations of
learning, and memory processes will be included. There will be various demonstrations
throughout the course.
PSYC3553 Psychopathology
3 ch (3C)
This course will provide the student with a comprehensive picture of maladaptive
behaviour from a biological and psychosocial perspective. Problems associated with
diagnostic systems, the role of stress, and other causative factors implicated in the
traditional clinical syndromes will be discussed.
PSYC3603 Selective Attention and Memory
3ch (3C/SL)
Open to 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students who have completed PSYC 1004. An examination
of the processes involved in the reception, election and storage of information.
PSYC3632 Motivation
3 ch (3C)
A critical examination of the concept of motivation in terms of its power to explain
findings in the experimental literature and its capacity to generate research.
PSYC3693 Cognitive Processes 3 ch (3C)
The scientific study of higher mental processes. This course examines experimental
methods and findings related to attention, memory, mental imagery, the organization of
general knowledge, language, problem solving and creativity.
PSYC3711 Biological Psychology
3 ch (3C) (LE)
An introduction to the anatomy and physiology of nervous systems with a special
emphasis on behavioural indices of function. Illustrative examples of both human and
animal research are surveyed.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1003 and PSYC 1004
PSYC3723 Introduction to Human Neuropsychology 3 ch (3C)
A review of human neuroanatomy with a focus on recent theories and findings regarding
the functional organization of the brain. The principles of cerebral asymmetry,
disconnection syndromes, and the functions of the occipital, parietal, temporal, and
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frontal lobes are examined. A special emphasis is placed on the role of brain systems in
sensory motor skills, higher order cognitive functions and personality.
Prerequisite: PSYC 3711 .
PSYC3724 Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology 3 ch (3C)
Explores the neuropsychological sequelae of the most common neurological and
psychiatric disorders seen in the practice of clinical neuropsychology , including vascular
disorders, traumatic head injuries, epilepsy, tumours, multiple sclerosis, anxiety,
depression, schizophrenia, dementia, and neuro-degenerative conditions, such as
Alzheimer's Disease.
Prerequisite: PSYC 3723 .
PSYC3725 The Dementias
3 ch (3C)
An introduction to a devastating group of diseases which cause irreversible decline in
cognitive functioning and for which the incidence is expected to triple by the year 2031.
The etiological models, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes, treatment, care,
and management issues of the most common types of dementias are explored including
cortical (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, Vascular Dementia, Frontal Lobe Diseases) and
subcortical (e.g., Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and
AIDS) dementias. Prerequisites: PSYC 1003 and PSYC 1004.
PSYC3743 Comparative Psychology
3 ch (3C)
Development of psychological theory by the comparison of data from different species.
Emphasizes the evolution and adaptive significance of behaviour.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1003 & PSYC 1004 .
PSYC3752 Drugs and Behaviour 3 ch (3C)
A survey of all classes of psychoactive drugs, their effects on human and animal
physiology and behaviour, their history of use, and various drug-related issues such as
abuse, dependency, and legality.
PSYC3803 Industrial Psychology 3 ch (3C)
Application of psychological knowledge to business and industrial problems.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1003 , PSYC 1004 .
PSYC3913 Introduction to Statistical Interference and Experimental Design in
Psychology 3 ch (3C)
This course provides an introduction to research design and statistical inference in
psychology. Topics covered are computational procedures and theory up to analysis of
variance, including multiple comparisons and multiple regression. Students will also
learn how to analyse data using one or more statistical packages.
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Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 2901 .
PSYC4021 Pyschophysiological Research
3 ch (2C 1L)
Deals with measurement techniques of the autonomic and central nervous systems of
humans functioning under cognitive or situational challenges. The measurements reflect
processes and conditions related to stress, cognitive functioning, motivation and
individual differences.
PSYC4053 History of Psychology
3 ch (3C)
This course traces the origins and development of modern psychology from its roots in
ancient Greece through the philosophical and scientific developments in Europe that have
culminated in the broad polymorphic discipline of today.
PSYC4111 Basic Research
3 ch (3S)
The purpose is to enable students to become actively involved in basic research. This
involvement will take the form of participation in research, reading and discussion of
research topics, and development of research skills.
PSYC4122 Basic Research II
Continuation of PSYC 4111 .
3 ch (3S)
PSYC4131 Honours Research Seminar 0 ch (3S)
A non-credit seminar for Honours students. Topics include problems of research design
and discussions of student Honours research projects.
PSYC4142 Honours Research Seminar 0 ch (3S)
A non-credit seminar for Honours students. Topics include problems of research design
and discussions of student Honours research projects.
Prerequisite: PSYC 4131 .
PSYC4143 Designing Research Proposals
3 ch
Under the direction of a supervisor a student develops a proposal which is assessed and
approved by the Department.
Prerequisite: Eligibility for the Honours programme. A letter grade will be assigned.
PSYC4145 Honours Thesis
3 ch
Under the direction of a supervisor a student conducts, completes and defends the
Prerequisite: A grade of B+ or higher in PSYC 4143 . A letter grade will be assigned.
PSYC4213 Practicum in Child Studies I 3 ch (4C/S)
This practicum is designed to provide students with experience in the school setting. The
major emphasis is on field placement, where students will gain practical experience
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working with children. This course has limited enrolment, and is open to fourth year
Psychology majors and honours students.
Prerequisites: PSYC 2201 , PSYC 3493 , and permission of instructor.
PSYC4214 Practicum in Child Studies II 3 ch (4C/S)
A continuation of PSYC 4213 .
Prerequisite: PSYC 4213 .
PSYC4233 Programme Evaluation
3 ch (3C)
A review of the principles and methods used in planning and conducting programme
evaluations. A basic introduction to the review and assessment of applied/clinical
research using meta-analytic methods.
Prerequisites: PSYC 2102 , PSYC 2901 (or SOCI 3100 ).
PSYC4263 Field Placement in Community Corrections I
3 ch (LE)
The field placement is designed to provide students with practical experience in a
community correctional setting that provides services for federal parolees. The course has
limited enrollment and is open to 3rd - 4th year psychology & sociology majors.
Prerequisites: PSYC 3263 and PSYC 3493 and SOCI 2611 and SOCI 3614 ; 3rd - 4th
year PSYC/SOCI, Cumulative GPA=B (exceptions may be made at the discretion of
the instructors).
PSYC4264 Field Placement in Community Corrections II
3 ch (LE)
The field placement is designed to provide students with additional practical experience
in a community correctional setting that provides services for federal parolees. The
course has limited enrollment and is open to 3rd - 4th year psychology & sociology
Prerequisites: PSYC 3263 and PSYC 3493 and SOCI 2611 and SOCI 3614 ; 3rd - 4th
year PSYC/SOCI, Cumulative GPA=B (exceptions may be made at the discretion of
the instructors).
PSYC4265 Field Placement in Clinical Psychology
3 ch (3C) (LE)
Exposure to community mental health settings, with the goal of gaining applied
supervised experience with individuals who have mental health, behavioural and/or
intellectual challenges. Enrolment is limited to Psyc Major/Honour students with a
minimum CGPA of 3.3 (B+) and is subject to permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1003, PSYC 1004, PSYC 3553, PSYC 3493, and either PSYC
3362 or PSYC 3393.
Special Topics in Personality 3 ch (C/S)
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A seminar course focusing on an in-depth analysis of selected topics in personality theory
and research. Possible topics include attachment, interpersonal relations and
communication, intimacy, loneliness, solitude, and issues in personality assessment.
Prerequisite:PSYC 2102 and PSYC 3461 .
PSYC4493 Developmental Psychopathology
3 ch (3C/S)
Introduces students to the literature of maladaptive behavior within the developmental
perspective. Specific disorders of childhood and adolescence will be included in the
seminar topics.
Prerequisites: PSYC 2012 and PSYC 2201 and PSYC 3353 or permission of instructor.
PSYC4583 Advanced Perception 3 ch (3C)
Provides an in-depth discussion and analysis of selected problems in perception. Topics
may include temporal factors in perception, optical illusions, spatial frequency
representation, perceptual development, motion perception.
Prerequisite: PSYC 3383 .
PSYC4693 Learning Theory
3 ch (3C/S)
An examination of some of the persistent theoretical questions in learning.
Prerequisite: PSYC 3503 .
PSYC4733 Cognitive Neuroscience
3 ch (3C/S)
This course deals with contemporary neurological models of perception and cognition.
Topics will be selected to reflect the expertise of faculty. They may include
computational networks, blind sight, prosopagnosia, lateralization, etc.
Prerequisites:PSYC 2102, PSYC 3711 and either PSYC 3383 or PSYC 3693 .
PSYC4813 Substance Abuse and Dependence 3 ch (3C)
This course covers a broad spectrum of topics in the area of addiction including the
epidemiology of substance abuse and dependence, the biopsychosocial bases of
addiction, as well as, issues of comorbidity and treatment.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2102 and one of, PSYC 3752 or PSYC 4833.
PSYC4833 Psychopharmacology 3 ch (3C)
A seminar course focusing on the drugs used in the treatment of depression, anxiety,
panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, schizophrenia, dementias, and
related disorders. The emphasis is on the biological bases of these syndromes and the
pharmacological agents used to alleviate them.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2102 and, PSYC 3711.