Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10.6 . . . Relations and Functions


Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10.6 . . . Relations and Functions . . .

Outcome: FP 10.6 Expand and apply understanding of relations and functions including:

 relating data, graphs and situations

 analyzing and interpreting

 distinguishing between relations and functions

Indicators: see curriculum guide, page 25

Enduring Understandings :

Students will understand that…

 Relations are a foundation for all mathematics.

 A relation expresses the relationship between the term of a pattern and its term number and can be used to represent situations and to solve problems.

 A function is a special type of relation for which each element of the first set is associated with a unique element of the second set.

Students will know :

Stage 1 – Desired Results

 Relations can be expressed in a variety of ways.

 All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions.

 Restrictions are placed on relations.

Essential Questions :

 What is a relation?

 What is a function?

 How do we determine whether or not a relation is a function?

 Why is it necessary to determine acceptable values for a situation?

 Which kinds of situations cannot be represented on a graph?

 What methods can be used to represent relations?

 When is it not appropriate to join the points on a graph?

Students will do :

 Explain relationships between relations and functions.

 Determine whether or not data represents a function.

 Graph data and list restrictions on domain and range.

 Determine the domain, range and restrictions of a graph, a set of ordered pairs or a table of values.

 Provide and explain situations represented by given graphs.

 Sketch a graph to represent a given situation.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:

(will be used as part of summative evaluation for unit)

 Representing Relations and Properties of



 performance task

 unit exam

Formative (Pre-assessment, Self, …) :

 Homework/self-evaluation

 Assess Your Understanding textbook activities

 Entrance pass - day 2

 L to J quizzes (square root)

 Group presentation – day 1

 Journal entry – day 4, day 8

 Frayer model – day 4

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

Note: textbook referenced in Pearson’s Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10

Day 1 (5.1) Representing Relations (pages 256-263)

 Make Connections and Construct Understandings (pages 256-258)

 Explore and discuss examples 1, 2 3 on pages 259 – 261.

 Discuss the Ideas on page 261.

 Give a formal definition of a relation.

Will there still be time for this??

 Have students work in small groups (ideal size = 4; leader, materials manager, recorder, reporter) to create a relation that they can describe in words. Instruct them to work together to produce two different visual representations of the relation.

 Groups present their relations to the class.

 Summarize/closure.

Day 2

 Use entrance pass question: “What is a relation and how can it be displayed?

 Review yesterday’s concept.

 Give assignment from textbook, page 261, #1  14, selecting questions appropriate to specific group of students.

Day 3 (5.2) Properties of Functions (pages 264-273)

 Begin by discussing last day’s assignment and addressing any difficulties presented by students.

 Make Connections and Construct Understanding pages 264-265.

 Explore and discuss examples 1, 2, 3 on pages 266-269.

 Discuss the Ideas on page 270.

 Give assignment from textbook, page 272, #4  23, choosing an appropriate number of questions for group.

Day 4

 Journal entry: Critique the statement: “Relations and functions are the same thing”.

 Discuss Frayer Model for a function, page 274.

 Assess Your Understanding activity, page 275.

Day 5 (5.3) Interpreting and Sketching Graphs (pages 276-283)

 Make Connections and Construct Understanding activity, pages 276-277.

 Explore and discuss examples 1, 2, 3 on pages 278 – 280.

 Discuss the Ideas on page 281.

 Assignment: textbook, pages 281-283, #3  18, choosing a number of questions appropriate to the specific group.

Day 6 (5.4) Graphing Data (Math Lab)

 Make Connections, page 284.

 Construct Understanding, page 285, parts A, B, C.

 Assess Your Understanding activity, page 286

Day 12

 Unit exam

Day 7 (5.5) Graphs of Relations and Functions (pages 287-297)

 Make Connections, page 287.

 Construct Understanding activity, pages 288-289.

 Explore and discuss examples 1, 2, 3, 4, pages 290 – 293.

 Discuss the Ideas, page 293.

Day 8 (5.5) Graphs of Relations and Functions (pages 287-297) continued . . .

Journal: Reflect, page 297.

 Assignment: textbook, pages 294  297, #4  24, choosing an amount appropriate to specific group.

Day 9

 As a review/summary activity, the group will be given 10 minutes to create and display a concept map for the unit. The teacher will then refer the students to Checkpoint 2 on page 298 and have them add any concepts they have missed.

 Assign Assess Your Understanding, page 299.

Days 10 and 11

 Individual Performance Task: Representing Relations and Properties of Functions (see handouts)
