Mintlaw Academy Parent Council Meeting Present Alan Horberry, Cllr Jim Ingram, Lynne Thomson, Elizabeth Preston, Carole McHugh, Anna Gillanders, Shirley Hutchison and Joyce Mannion Apologies G Oldham Minutes of last meeting – Proposed – S Hutchison Seconded – C McHugh Matters arising Mrs McGillvary (HE), has made links with Aden Mill and there is a possibility of a trip for pupils. Interviews were held for Head Boy and Head Girl – The Successful candidates were Alex Robbie S5 and Megan Bond S6. Young Photographer of the year – the local Rotary Club are happy to sponsor this new competition. Chairpersons Report A Gillanders stated that 2013/14 had been a good year. The Parent Council had been involved in the interviews for Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies, and commented on the high standard of applicants. The Awards Ceremony took place at MACBI Hub and this too was highly successful. A Horberry thanked A Gillanders for her attendance and support at several Meetings held for Aberdeenshire Councils Parent Council Chairpersons. Treasurers Report Account balance - £1424.91 Recently received a payment of £485 from Aberdeenshire Council. Banking details required to be changed – L Thomson to arrange this. 2014 SQA Results A Horberry gave an overview of National Qualifications. All pupils at Mintlaw sitting Nat 5’s also completed the Nat 4 added value unit so if they failed at Nat 5 they would receive a Nat 4. This practice will continue. S4 Results 40% achieved 5+ Nat 5’s (significant improvement on 2013 by 23%) Looking to improve on this for next year. 8 S4 pupils got qualifications at ‘H’ level – the second highest number in Aberdeenshire. In English, Mintlaw is the No 1 performing school in Aberdeenshire, and second highest when combining maths and english results. S5 Results This year’s results are down on last year (those attaining 3+ highers, 2013 – 24%, 2014 – 20%) To some extent this was expected due to the pupil’s performance in S4. Working towards next year’s S5 results being better, although it should be noted that there were still some outstanding results by some pupils. S6 Results S6 performed strongly and this was expected based on their S5 results. Raising Attainmennt There is supervised study Monitoring of targets and working grades throughout the year. 5 subjects in S5 and analysis of choices to ensure best choices are made Scheduled performance management meetings to review grades Strategies to support and challenge under attaining pupils, and appropriate interventions changing of timings of reports and prelims In future if there is a problem in a particular subject the PT will contact the parents instead of going through the Guidance Teacher. Cllr Ingram asked if there was a problem getting pupils into the school. A Horberry stated that if necessary he would fund parents transport costs to ensure that they come in. The structure of the school day has changed. There are no split periods over morning break and lunch, resulting in less disruption and more teaching, and there is no longer registration. Insight (measures pupil performance) Used for the first time in 2014 and this is a new system for the analysis of pupil attainment and wider achievements. Looks at – Literacy & Numeracy Positive destinations Attainment including wider achievements Deprivation This should work in Mintlaw Academy’s favour. Head Teachers Report Have 8 new members of staff – school is viewed as friendly and has good CPD. There are no gaps in the curriculum, although still have no computing in school. Currently have a vacancy in Admin & Business as Linda Walker is leaving, however hope to have a replacement soon. Deputes office still waiting to be divided (for reasons of confidentiality) and creation of a waiting area. Still waiting for phone lines to put in all classrooms. All classroom doors now have glass put in, so can see what is going on without having to open the door. Stairs have been re-floored. Generally trying to smarten up the building. E Preston commented that with the introduction of school uniform she has noted a reduction in the use of ‘bad’ language. Celebrating Success Leadership Group – Need to promote Mintlaw Academy more and look at all areas that pupils do well in and shout about it! E Preston is to attend this group. Pupil Voice – there is a Pupil Senate S1-4 which meets once a fortnight and works in conjunction with S5-6 group. Targets for this year – the curriculum doesn’t quite meet all the needs of all the pupils Changes are required - Structure of the day - can’t do music in S1-3 - Too much Art and PE in some year groups - DofE/Life Skills are extra-curricular – need to build these into the curriculum. AOCB C McHugh asked what the money in the bank was used for. It is supposed to be used for the running of the Parent Council, however it has no running costs. Discussed what the money could be spent on but was agreed that for the time being it would stay in the bank. Date of Next Meeting Before closing the meeting A Gillanders thanked B Mair for her time as Secretary. Next Meeting –Tuesday 4th November 7pm