Student Teacher Linkage Data Quality: Discrepancy Rates and Team Teaching Jeff Watson Chris Thorn UW Madison Wisconsin Center for Education Research Value-Added Research Center Center for Data Quality and Systems Innovation Paper Presented at the Association for Education Finance Policy 37th Annual Conference March, 2012 Boston, Massachusetts Background and Purpose Urban districts invest significant resources in data systems and information technology infrastructure with the goal of informing decision making, supporting evaluation, and enabling planning. Increasingly, districts are trying to use their data systems to inform decisions related to measuring and improving the rates at which students are learning (e.g., using value-added). One necessary condition of developing classroom-level estimates of student growth is that a district’s data systems must provide information about which teachers are teaching which students. While it is unrealistic to expect districts to have perfect data about who is teaching whom, we should be very concerned about if student – teacher linkage data are good enough to support this new use. This paper reviews our work with one urban district that was designed to assess the quality of their ST linkage data as well as the extent to which team teaching may impact the attribution of student learning to specific teachers. Linking students to teachers sounds like a function that any district data system should be able to do. However, many states and districts are challenged when they try to implement systems that require high quality student–teacher linkage data. The Data Quality Campaign (DQC) has focused on providing resources state-level policy makers need to guide strategic planning for their states’ information technology infrastructure. In 2009, the DQC found that 29 states self reported the ability to link students to teachers (DQC, 2009). However, in a 2010 brief, the DQC reported that most states and districts lack the capacity to know about team-teaching, schools’ organizational models, or the ability to verify and improve the quality of their student–teacher linkage data (DQC, 2010). Battelle for Kids recently published a white paper that identified several sources of errors in district data systems that can impact the quality of student– teacher linkages. These deficiencies included not knowing about course schedules, school- and grade-level regrouping students during the year, student and teacher mobility, team teaching methods, course content and course-assessment alignment, as well as charter school teaching and learning (Battelle for Kids, 2010). As the stakes associated with these new policies increase, the need for accurate and valid student – teacher linkage data also increases. As a result, the process of validating student – teacher linkage data is becoming more common place. While organizations like the DQC and Battelle for Kids are helping raise awareness of the factors that can impact the data quality of student teacher linkages, little attention has been given to documenting the extent to which student – teacher linkage data accurately portrays who is teaching whom. Watson et. al (2010) reported results from a pilot study where 10% of records were validated as incorrect by teachers and another 15% of records were flagged as having received team teaching. In other words, only 3 out of 4 records were verified as accurate and valid. We designed the current study to expand the 2010 pilot study to a much larger sample of schools and teachers. We assessed the accuracy of student-teacher linkage data by asking teachers to verify the math and reading courses they were teaching as well as the student rosters for those courses. In addition to assessing the accuracy of the district’s data, we also asked teachers to report the extent to which they used team teaching. Methods Sample Working with district leaders, we identified 49 schools to invite to participate in this study. Teachers were invited to participate via email as well as through printed letters of support and periodic requests for their participation from their principals. Over a three week period, 348 teachers from 47 schools reviewed their student-teacher linkage data for 8824 students. As a result, 16,318 student records were verified by teachers. Procedure We developed a web-based application called the Student Teacher Verification System (STVS) for the purpose of efficiently verifying teacher – course assignments and student rosters. Initial student-teacher linkage data was extracted from the district’s student information system and loaded into the STVS. We also worked with the district prior to verification to recruit schools, train principals on the system, and describe the purpose of the study. STVS was field tested in 4 schools 2 weeks prior to the implementation of the study to ensure that they system was working properly on the computers that were typical for the district. Teachers completed the following steps: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Log In Confirm courses Indicate content area Indicate course-level team teaching Confirm students for Math and Reading courses Indicate student-level team teaching Log out The entire process required about 15 minutes to complete. Teachers who did not wish to participate simply did not log in to the system. After 3 weeks, the teacher participation window was closed and Principals logged into the system to resolve any discrepancies that may have resulted from teachers' participation. Specifically, STVS asks principals to review and assign any unclaimed students or classes. Findings and Conclusions Student-teacher linkage discrepancies In general, our findings suggest that teacher-course assignments were pretty accurate and student rosters were also in pretty good shape for this district. Out of 16318 records verified, only 428 (2.6%) were flagged by teachers as being discrepant. Incorrect teacher – course assignments accounted for .7% of these while incorrect student-roster data accounted for 1.9% (see Figure 1). 17443 13296 (81.5%) Records reviewed No Team Instruction 100% Self-Attribution 15890 (97.4%) 16318 (100%) Records Included in Analysis Correct at both course- and studentlevel 2594 (15.9%) Some Team Instruction 775 (4.7%) Data Quality 111 (.7%) 428 (2.6%) Incorrect at either course- or studentlevel Course-level Course-level discrepancy 1422 (8.7%) 317 (1.9%) Student-level 58.4% Average SelfAttribution 63.5% Course Level Self-Attribution 49.7% Student Level Self-Attribution Student-level discrepancy 397 (2.4%) 1125 incomplete records excluded BOTH courseand studentlevels 38.4% Both Levels Self-Attribution Team Teaching Figure 1- Data Quality Logic Model. Discrepancy frequencies for disputed records, Team teaching frequencies, and the average self-attribution of instruction. However findings showed that discrepancy rates varied by school and teacher. Using a weighted average, we observed that 1.8 records per teacher were disputed (SDweighted = 7.3). Furthermore, 80% of the discrepancies originated from just 6% of participating teachers (N=22) (Figure 2). The highest discrepancy rate observed for a teacher was 98% (83 out of 84 records) and another 4 teachers had discrepancy rates at 50% or higher. Ten teachers reported discrepancy rates at 10% or higher and less than 50%. 19 teachers reported rates between 5% and 9.9%. Thirty-seven teachers had rates higher than 0% but less than 5% and 278 teachers reported no discrepancies. Cumulative Percent of Discrepancies by Teacher 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253 265 277 289 301 313 325 337 0 Figure 2- Cumulative percent of discrepancies by teacher - Twenty-two teachers accounted for 80% of reported discrepancies. We observed similar patterns when we aggregate discrepancies at the school-level. Using a weighted average, we observed only 9.1 discrepancies per school (SDweighted = 13.7). However, eleven schools accounted for 80% of the discrepancies reported and seventeen schools reported no discrepancies (Figure 3). The highest observed school-wide discrepancy rate was 49% (based on 169 records). Two other schools had rates above 10% and three more had rates between 5 and 10%. Twenty-five schools had rates between 0% and 5%, whereas sixteen schools had no discrepancies. One of the challenges that remain, despite the generally high quality data in most schools, is how to successfully identify the schools and classrooms in which error rates are high. Our finding of 80% of the errors in 11 of the schools 49 schools suggests that the deployment of a modern student information system is not enough to address data quality challenges by itself. The task for policy makers is to explore the sources of error in this group of schools. Anecdotal evidence from other urban districts suggests that issues of staff training, leadership turnover, and novel organizational models (such as looping or multigrade classrooms that don’t fit the standard SIS use case) have all been associated with higher error rates. Without a systemic understanding of the source of this error to more explicitly address its causes, system-wide verification may be the only way to ensure fairness for high stakes use of student-teacher linkage data. Cumulative Percentage of Discrepancies by School 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 V I AF C AP D AJ H AO S AC AA AQ AL AT AB E G L P Z AH AK AS Figure 3- Cumulative Percentage of Discrepancies by School. About 80% of discrepancies were observed in about 20% of the schools included in this study. Team teaching discrepancies Our data suggests that team teaching practices are commonly used, and on average teachers only attributed about 60% of a student’s instruction to themselves when team teaching methods were used. Of the 15890 records that were verified as accurate, teachers flagged 2594 as receiving instruction through team teaching practices such as shared classrooms, pull-out instruction for English language learners, or push-in services for special education instruction (Figure 1). When aggregated by school, team teaching was reported unevenly across schools in that about half of the schools accounted for about 80% of the records flagged as receiving team teaching (Figure 4). When teachers reported team teaching at the course-level (e.g., shared classrooms), the percent of instruction they attributed to themselves was bimodally distributed at 50% and 75% levels. Self-attribution of instruction for studentlevel team teaching also appeared bimodal, but a higher percentage of teachers estimated selfattribution below <40% (Figure 5). Cumulative Percentage of Team Teaching by School 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% M AI AF Y F N T AN J AR B R P A G AU AT U E L AM AA AJ AS Figure 4- Cumulative Percentage of Team Teaching by School. Team teaching practices were less clustered than data quality discrepancies, but were nonetheless distributed unevenly across schools. 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 Course 0.1 Student 0.05 91-100 81-90 71-80 61-70 51-60 41-50 31-40 21-30 11-20 1-10 0 0 % of Instruction Attributed to Self Figure 5- Distribution of Self-Attribution of Instruction in Team Teaching Situations. Team teaching presents a similar, but slightly different challenge than the “distribution of error” problem presented above. While team teaching at the course and individual student level reflects of the reality of a substantial number of students in the sample, it is also analytically much more complicated and is a policy challenge for school leaders who are now required in many states and districts to provide individual effectiveness ratings to individual educators . The fact that approximately 16% of the sample included some level of team teaching indicates that for those teachers, the system will only be able produce a single measure of the teachers’ joint effort – not a measure of each teacher’s contribution. While not a problem for program evaluation of school-level effectiveness studies, it does provide a substantial challenge for those charged with producing individual measures of educator productivity. References Battelle for Kids, 2009 – The Importance of Accurately Linking Instruction to Students to Determine Teacher Effectiveness ( Data Quality Campaign, 2010 - Strengthening the Teacher-Student Link to Inform Teacher Quality Efforts ( Data Quality Campaign, 2010 - Effectively Linking Teachers and Students ( Watson, J., Thorn, C., Ponisciak, S. & Boehm, F. (2011, March). Measuring the Impact of Team Teaching on Student-Teacher Linkage Data. Paper presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Seattle, Washington.