End of Project Report Medical Teams International requests final reports on projects from partners within 2 months from the agreed project completion date. The following are guidelines for the end of project report. Date: Partner: Reporting Period: Country: 1. Project Name: 2. Project Participants Number of individuals who directly benefitted from the project (e.g. trainees, patients, children under 5 years, women of reproductive age, etc.) Number of individuals who indirectly benefitted from the project (e.g. community members, hospital staff, men, etc.) Please provide #s for those target groups in the list below that benefitted from or participated in this project: # of People Directly Served: Adults >18 years: ______ OR Women of Reproductive Age (15-49 years) ______ Children/Youth 6 - 18 years: ______ Children 0 – 5 years: ______ OR Children 0 – 2 years _____ Community Health Workers supported: _____ (description: include # men / # women) Health professionals supported: _____ Health facilities participating: _____ Others: ______ (describe): Total # of People Directly Served: _____ # of People Indirectly Served: _______ Description: TOTAL # of People Served: _______ 3. OVERVIEW: Briefly state the nature of the project and its current status. Section III - D - 3 End of Project Report - 1 4. PROJECT DESIGN 4.1 Project Goal: How did the project contribute to meeting the goal? 4.2 Project Adjustments: Describe any adjustment or changes made to the original objectives. 4.3 Project Duration: Was the project completed within the proposed timeframe? Please explain. 4.4 Effectiveness: Were project resources (human, financial), capacities, and selected strategies sensible, effective, and sufficient to achieve intended results? Please explain. 4.5 Efficiency: Were project objectives achieved at a reasonable cost, compared with alternative approaches to accomplishing the same objectives? 4.6 Equity: Describe the impact of the project on disadvantaged groups. What strategies were effective in reaching them? Why? Are there groups you did not reach? Why? 4.7 Sustainability: Is the activity, behavior, or services likely to continue after this project ends? 4.8 Exit Plan: Please describe completion of the project exit plan. 4.9 Transformation: Describe, as applicable to location and circumstances, how the experience of Christ’s love resulted in holistic change in the communities or individuals you work with. What are some ways that you integrated interventions, including sharing Biblical wisdom, to address the holistic health needs of your communities? This description may include quantitative measures of transformational indicators, or may be better expressed in stories or other qualitative forms, depending on your circumstances. If a story best fits your situation, you may choose to answer question 8 only. Refer to the MTI TDI document for examples, and consider ways to describe the transformation happening broadly (i.e., at the community or system level). 5. CAPACITY & COORDINATION: 5.1 Capacity: How did the project increase your organization’s capacity? 5.2 Coordination: How did the project coordinate activities with work of other groups in the area (with which groups and in what capacity)? Section III - D - 3 End of Project Report - 2 6. MONITORING, EVALUATION & REPORTING 6.1 Progress Tracking Form: Describe the objectives of the project and the results achieved by reporting on the project objectives, outputs, and activities and results as per the original proposal. Indicator BL CI Final Target Final Result CI Goal: Objective1: Outputs: Activities [add more Objectives, Outputs, etc. as needed] Count the number of targets met and divide by the number of possible targets (# targets met/total # targets) ________% Indicate Yes or No whether >80% of the targets were met YES ________ NO ________ Section III - D - 3 End of Project Report - 3 Please indicate the status of the project in reaching the target for each indicator. Indicate: “Target met” or “Target not met” 6.2 Community Participation: How were project participants (marginalized groups and women and men) involved in decision-making, design, and delivery and/or monitoring of the project? How were women or girls’ strategic interests met in this project? How were the needs of the underserved groups met? 6.3 Evaluation and Reporting: How was the project evaluated and by whom? How was data gathered and by whom? How were the evaluation results and/or reporting shared and discussed with stakeholders? 7. LESSONS LEARNED 7.1 Please share those aspects of the project which should be replicated, and those which did not work as expected. 7.2 What changes in program operations would you like to see based on these lessons? Please elaborate. 7.3 For Partners: Would you like to see any changes in your relationship with Medical Teams International based on this experience? If so, please explain. 7.4 Follow up Planned. How will lessons learned be applied to present and future programming? 8. Please include interviews of project participants that illustrate the particular spiritual/transformational, physical and/or community impact on people’s lives. Please include photos if possible. 9. FINANCIAL REPORTING (Please complete if receiving cash grant from MTI.) 9.1 9.2 9.3 Present the budget and percentage of budget spent per major line item. Discuss any major discrepancies. Provide explanation for discrepancies and explain the impact of the discrepancies on achieving the objectives. Describe local fund raising or contribution to the project during the project. Section III - D - 3 End of Project Report - 4