Empowerment Triangle Method for Self- Reflection on student assessment Three steps are suggested by the method to facilitate your self-reflection process. The steps consist of three sets of questions. When you are doing this mental exercise in sessions SA-2 & 3, please focus on assessment content design and scoring. Other aspects of the assessment will be discussed in SA-4. Please use this template, write down the key ideas of your answers to the questions in page 2-4, preparing a mini presentation. 1 Step 1 Identify discrepancies by describing the issues at stake: Comparing what was suggested in the presentations and what has been done for the assessment at hand, asking yourself: Are there discrepancies (differences between what it should be and what it is)? Do these differences influence the quality of the assessment? Please choose one or two issues as your main focus(es) Problem 1 ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Problem 2 ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ When the issue(s) at stake is (are) clear, please move to step 2. 2 Step 2 Grasp the problem by clarifying the purposes of the changes you are going to make: a. Why does the discrepancy exist? (give a description of the identified problem) _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b. What is your proposal to improve the assessment? (give an analysis) _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c. Why do you propose such change(s)? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ When the purpose of the possible changes is clear, please move to step 2. . 3 Step 3 a. Tackle the problems by developing a solution: How do the steps look like, what I will do first, second and third? (give a strategy) _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ b. Which principle can I use to solve the problem? (allocate necessary resources) _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ c. How do I know that I have been successful? (give an evaluation) _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Now the possible solution(s) for the problem is (are) found. Then: go for it! Using this template, take the key ideas of your answers to the above questions, preparing a mini presentation. Attention! Because time is limited, please do not try to cover too many elements of the assessment. Please limit your attention to one or few so that they are well considered. 4 Instructions for SA-3 After you present the outcomes of your analysis of your own assessment, please think together with others to evaluate the problem solving process. Please ask yourselves: 1. Did the changes achieve the purpose: is the problem resolved? 2. Am I able to describe what I have done: did I obtain new knowledge and skills? 3. How do others feel now: is everybody satisfied? If there is any negative answer: suggestions from others can be used to re-develop the problem solving process from the beginning onwards and start acting again. We strongly recommend you to do this mental exercise until a satisfactory situation has been achieved. 5