FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Gregg Anderson Jerry Smith Andrew Onken Matt Maki Andy Fry Ron Boyd Doug Clark Jonathan Smith Bruce Quade Chris Collings Kiem Hoang Nassissie Fekadu Carol Burr Tracey Gibson Kathleen Kearns Chad Geyer Bruce Eckstein Ron Tornese Steve Gulstrom Matt Johnson John McCormick David Strider Mark Patterson Ammar Chaudhry Tracy Lennertz Scott Johnson Moin Abulhosn Rafael Quezada Todd Kilbourne James Tochihara Steve DeHart Eric Harrell Ross Dickinson Jon Pendleton Greg Sparks Michael Yablonksi Steve Corrie Franco Basti Joseph D’Hedouville PHONE 202.493.4779 202-510-3156 410-266-2949 617-874-6699 202-510-4966 202-510-3087 609-485-4107 202-510-1719 410-573-3516 321-427-5141 609-485-5021 703-610-2414 609-272-4027 202-267-4161 703-491-0661 661-713-9091 703-668-6074 202-267-2527 901-397-8216 480-861-6244 901-647-3717 202-385-4884 202-385-4352 301-7601-0742 617-494-2945 202-493-5498 202-385-4645 202-267-5190 703-801-4285 847-208-1376 315-445-5092 410-266-2060 901-240-7389 612-310-9535 202-385-4987 703-610-1930 202-799-8624 703-518-6313 571-242-6166 EMAIL Gregg.anderson@faa.gov gsmith@thaneincorp.com aonken@arinc.com Matthew.maki@dot.gov afry@thaneincorp.com rboyd@thaneincorp.com dclark@bcisse.com jonsmith@thaneincorp.com bquade@arinc.com Chris.collings@harris.com Kiem.hoang@faa.gov Nassissie.fekadu@noblis.org cburr@mitre.org tgibson@northstargroupllc.com Kathleen.kears@sita.aero cageyer9@msn.com bruce.eckstein@exelisinc.com rtornese@thaneincorp.com slgulstrom@fedex.com mjohnson@systems-enginuity.com jtmccormickiii@fedex.com dstrider@northstargroupllc.com Mark.patterson@faa.gov achaudhry@northstargroupllc.com Tracey.lennertz@doyt.gov Scott.r.johnson@faa.gov Moin.abulhosn@faa.gov Rafael.quezada@faa.gov tkilbourne@systems-enginuity.com James.tochihara@united.com Steve.DeHart@Sensis.com eharrell@arinc.com Rdickinson64@comcast.net Jon.pendleton@delta.com gregory.ctr.cparks@faa.gov mike.yablonski@noblis.org Steve.ctr.corrie@faa.gov Franco.basti@us.thalesgroup.com Joseph.dhedouville@us.thalesgroup.com PHONE PARTICIPANTS 1 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 Rob Mead Jeff Bass Doug Egan Bruce Notley Chris Byrd Karen Bisbee Bruce Gustafson Pete Muraca Andy Colon Geoff Shearer Gerry Shire Christophe Hamel Jerome Condis John Gonda John Noblitt Kathy Lane Kevin Swiatek Perry Clausen Rick Shay Cindy Freud Bill Stine Dongsong Zeng Glenn Morse 253-951-8447 Rob.mead@boeing.com Jeffrey.bass@faa.gov degan@systems-enginuity.com bruce.notley@faa.gov christopher.j.byrd@faa.gov karen.bisbee@fedex.com peter.muraca@faa.gov andy.colon@faa.gov Geoffrey.L.Shearer@boeing.com Gerry.shire@united.com Christophe.Hamel@faa.gov jerome.condis@airbus.com jgonda@mitre.org kathryn.lane@lmco.com kswiatek@ups.com perry.clausen@wnco.com Rick.Shay@united.com cfreud@mitre.org bstine@nbaa.org dzeng@mitre.org glenn.morse@united.com Plenary Meeting: The Plenary meeting started with an introduction and welcome by Jerry Smith. Please view the file “20120712_DCP_DCIT_16_Plenary_Agenda.pptx” to review the agenda. o Thanks to Thales for hosting the DCIT for the second time. Matt Maki presented the trials update briefing. Please view the file “20120712_DCL_16_MMaki_Trials_DCIT_Update.ppt”. The discussion points were: o Significant updates since the last DCIT in terms of November start date at Memphis Tower. o DTAP Development – Continue to work towards delivery on August 17th for initial operational DTAP. For this date to happen, coordination between the teams for work to be done in France and Australia will need to be facilitated. o Work with Thales: The DTAP SSS baseline and functional requirements are notionally finalized with Thales, which is meeting delivery dates. Thales has delivered the initial PSAA, SSHA, SSPP delivered to FAA 2 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 o Three CHI Design Reviews Facility representation at MEM, EWR, ATL - facility and National Data Comm NATCA with Trials and Thales reps where CHI changes were recommended and documented. These changes are reflected in the DTAP schedules. EWR had specific changes to be addressed. A Webex has been scheduled to revisit with each of the reps. o The DCL Trials Timeline graphic Unexpected training requirements in Memphis could potentially shift some of the scheduled dates, possibly affecting Tech Center trials. o Memphis connectivity Construction activities are progressing and nearing completion. Supervision and support are all in sync and working towards the goal. 12th floor electronics equipment room construction is progressing and taking shape. See the PowerPoint slides for photos and labels pointing to components and locations. o Ongoing FAA/FDX Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is officially completed. Volpe/Boeing Trials Service tasking progress reports are good. Pete Muraca is establishing connection with ARINC, and meeting with SITA for that network connection. o Trials SMRD are approved. Trials Activities Second NCP approved through CCB and remote host patch will be pushed to HADDS in late July. Space and power test NCP have been submitted for SME review. Results are attached with no negative feedback to date. Final NCP with FIDO echoport will allow for revision number data when MEM converts to an ERAM feed to HADDS in March 2013. ERAM could not accommodate the modification request to include the revision number due to schedule, cost, etc. The backup plan to this scenario is the FIDO echoport. This will require a separate NCP. o Security Office A final security document package was submitted by Guy Corneille. Security has reviewed the document, but will need approximately two weeks to complete the evaluation process. The DCIT intends to accomplish the following with this process: Approval to Proceed; based on planned architecture and design. 3 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 A smaller requirement level proxy at Atlanta NESG, which would allow conduct NAT translation. Cannot proceed with FTI provisioning until the ISSM review is complete. These items are significant factors with the program and as such, the Program Manager is involved with this process to ensure that there are no holds ups from a Data Comm perspective. o Memphis training procedures are formally reviewed. Memphis has provided documentation complete enough to start training. Jerry Smith asked the DCIT for feedback on the following: o Comments and/or questions regarding the meeting minutes from DCIT #15. There were no questions or comments. o DCIT Website – The website link will need more visibility when sent to the DCIT members. o DCIT Meeting Invitation/Google Docs tracking spreadsheet – Link to questionnaire that calculates attendance will be added to invitation. All agree. Pete Muraca discussed key dates to achieve events delivery of pDTAP on May 10 ground-to-ground connectivity in conjunction with the DCL Trials OTE Timeline. o The intent of the timeline is to emphasize key dates. The delivery of pDTAP occurred on May 10th. The following events are to be accomplished between that time and August 17th: o Ground to Ground connectivity in place; Avionics connected o Documentations in place with testing procedures and plans o The VRTM; coordination in place. o Opportunity to do ground-to-ground/air-to-ground connectivity over the next couple of weeks, as well as connectivity to Tech Center Aircraft. o Recently, permission was granted to transmit to and from via antennae on roof of lab to exercise avionics suite in the lab itself. License from Spectrum Office is a clearance to act as a target out of the building more functionality/capabilities across DTAP. o Extra capabilities show that requirements are met. Work continues with Boeing/Airbus and the integrative solutions as platforms. o Week of August 27th will entail participation with DCIT aircraft to introduce connection and clearance / logon for formal testing. This is a way to get air framers participation and communication prior to the Memphis dates. o Move to Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) in late September in Memphis. Will begin to concentrate on End-to-End operational scenarios with facilities. 4 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 o Will meet with Boeing next week to attempt connectivity, logon and communicate air-to-ground to ensure DTAP is performing as designed. Jerry Smith asked for a telecom to go over particulars during the week of the meeting. Rick Shay offered to facilitate testing from United Airlines perspective. Kevin Swiatek from UPS will check with management crews and availability to participate. Southwest – no FANS working at this time. John McCormick with FedEx recommended an aircraft taxi scenario at a later phase of testing. Gregg Anderson gave a Programmatic update o Final Investment Decision was successful, and Data Communications is a bona fide program. Now that workflows have been triggered to move forward, there are multiple deadlines, the lifecycle is getting full, and funnel situation is occurring with many tasks and details due at or near the same time. As a result – The November deadline is gaining a lot of risk because of the amount of detail that needs to be accomplished between now and then. If the November 1 target date does not happen, it does not deem a failure. It is more important to mitigate risk and deliver a complete product than to rush to the finish. o Chris Byrd (Memphis Management Rep) has asked to back up training to occur in September. This creates more risk for training to happen subsequently to OTE, which may require some fixes. There could potentially be backfill and OT/Schedule issues. The DCIT will work collectively; but Nov 1 is unlikely. The goal is to build the moratorium, and that looks like it will happen. o John McCormick assures the group that the Data Comm Program, and the DCIT, has the support and commitment from FedEx. A “thanks” was conveyed to Gregg Anderson and company for keeping this program on target. Gregg Anderson went through the briefing that was presented to the JRC. Please see the file “20120607_DCP_DCIT_16_GAnderson_30May2012_JRC_FID_41_sites.ppt “ for details. The highlights of this briefing are as follows: o The first FID occurred on May 16th. The pivotal question at the first meeting was - If there are 70 CONUS installations of TDLS (along with maintenance funds over the lifecycle to sustain), “Why are sites being chosen that have no benefits?” The group disassembled and reworked the sites and budget numbers to reflect positive cost benefits. They reconvened on May 30th. At the May 30th meeting: o The CONUS installations number changed to 57, instead of 70. 5 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 o o o o o Requesting an Investment Decision to award the Integrates Services Contract, the ERAM modifications to support the Tower service. There are 35 sites that have positive Net Present Value (NPV), plus 6 others that should be considered. This brings the number from 57 to 41. o This reduction translates to a $3.2M savings, and a savings of $2.6M per year for 24 years on the recurring fees. 15 of the sites claim 86% of the benefits. (Slide below outlines this discussion.) The program will return to JRC in FY13 to present the contract modification after awarding DCIS to refresh the information for network services and negotiations, as well as update the work completed on the site selections. Decision approved to move forward with DCIS and award the contract modification to Lockheed Martin on ERAM. The 41 sites were also approved. John Pendleton asked a question regarding deployment schedule pressure? DCIS Contract – Vendors are required to provide equipped aircraft and partner operations as part of the contract, therefore, they have an option to request how to proceed with the roll out. (First five sites) Until the contract award happens, the roll out is unknown at this time. TAAMS Airport Modeling - Mike Yablonski to show the Kennedy and Houston airport models at DCIT #17; August 22 – 23 at ITT Exelis in Herndon, VA. It is possible to decompose the list logic more – Cost ratios / direct operating cost. Airline Direct Operating Cost (ADOC); Passenger Value of Time (PVT); PVT + ADOC is the formula that created the list of airports. 6 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 Slide 6 from brief. Rob Mead presented the End to End document v1.0. Please see the document “DCL_end2end_Build_1_v1.1.docx”. o The End to End document was reviewed as the group discussed changes. This version represents DTAP Build 1. The End to End document for DTAP Build 2 will be started. A question was asked whether or not FRDCL is part of the flight plan correlation process? This discussion was not resolved and still needs to be addressed. It was taken offline and may be revisited at the next DCIT or working group meeting. Note in the FRDCL section: The Thales system also checks for 24 bit address in flight plan and logon. It should not be done with FANS. It will be changed to Build 2. 777 Operators should not file a 24 bit for Build 1. (ATN version of the 777 will be in CM contact message applied as part of ATN/new package.) Propose that this be a removable item for the DTAP for Build 2. DTAP should not check for this. 7 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 Exception to this is FANS2/Flight Plan to Europe. o Revise current scenarios list. Entire appendix for capturing parameters will be updated with renewed information. Ron Boyd and Andy Fry to create new message sample selection and circulate through leads. This will be delivered in the August timeframe and added to End-to-End. Carol Burr had a comment that courtesy copy SSR code to be deleted. Overview of working groups o Operations Management had full participation with each of working group leads, as well as FedEx, Thales and Memphis reps present. Dates for late start of training settled from Oct 29 – Nov 9. Then the Program start date is Monday the 12th, despite that it is a holiday. (Light holiday traffic will make for an ideal first day.) o AOC Working Group has met for two telecons since the last DCIT with a focus on the Production System that allowed prod to make recommendations to AOC participants : The courtesy copy initial exchange would be the only time information not completely sent to the Flight Deck would be sent to the AOC. It is the full route string of clearance, if it was Cleared As Filed (CAF). New Message agreed for timing issues in the TOWER to control controllers’ and print cycle for strips that are printed. There will be a gate ID message to facilities. “Is this necessary since AOC does not support Gate IDs?” The decision from AOC was to send only what was sent to the Pilot. Otherwise, the communication timing could go beyond the strip production time and message would end up in a bit bucket. This applies to Trial System Phase 2 and Production System. When trials get to EWR, this will be supported and invoked because United does use Gate ID information. ICAO 2012 Flight Plan will be active in November of this year. As ERAM comes in, it will be supported. It is still being worked. A Natrack internal meeting with FAA ATOP Ocean 21, who runs outside Oceanic Airspace and uses CPDLC, were briefed. They have some of the same issues reported on the ground; Must manually cut/paste info for lat/long into Um80 clearance. Safety issues were reported. The group conveyed: if there is anything Data Comm could do to help this issue, it would be much appreciated. 8 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 o Currently hard coded to use alphabet; Would like to accommodate the automation we have now. Gregg Anderson suggested taking a white paper to Air Traffic Controllers in upcoming meetings. The NAT consists of 12 groups representing air traffic. o FAA publishes Lat/Long tracks daily on website for users. Questions regarding regions in World Wide Database – AOC will work on this with the Users. The World Wide Database doesn’t cover everything. The ground system is several iterations behind the current Lat/Long publications. o What do we do with the ground system? The Trial system can support up to v15. Still working on this issue. Carol Burr represents the Production team. o Trial and Production interfaces are being built to be as similar as possible. The information exchange should be the same with both systems. There will be mechanisms available in 2015 that cannot be done now. The AOC will have another telecom to recap. o Flight Deck – Andy Fry reported Ops schedule and working out dates with FedEx/United and Delta. Made contact with Coordination with flight Centers/CMO APM on August 17th for FedEx material to be approved for data link operations. Plan for United schedule – More clarity on dates to give to United reps. End-to-End impacts regarding features of logon and what impact it will have on Flight Deck. Conclusion has not been reached, but a good chance that it will be to revert to voice. Once in En-to-End, it will be added to FD Users’ Guide. Shorter version of questionnaire has been created, but both long and short versions will be provided, and it will be hosted in electronic format. There will also be a paper version. How info to be measured and collected will be revisited offline. The Flight Deck Users’ Guide has been edited with very few comments. The AOC scenarios will be updated and passed on to team leads. o ATC, training procedures – Ron Boyd reported that the group has met with reps from Atlanta, Newark and Memphis to view how the CHI looks for Air Traffic Control. 9 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 There was very good reception. ATCs gave feedback about CHI and modifications to consider. The SSS has been modified to reflect changes. EWR’s complex in Build 2 after Memphis. The functionality and OTE training will be available in November at Tech Center Training. The date to test OTE is flexible, depending on functional testing. Trip to Memphis Center – Air Traffic Management unit and automation to FRDCL in Field 11 of Flight Plan: Reroute scenarios at Memphis to not remove FRDCL out of remarks. Emphasize – DO NOT REMOVE FRDCL. Patch is done for ICAO 2012 Flight Plan upgrade. Training procedures at Memphis - Memphis completed impressive training and procedures documents. Everything is understandable and everyone was in agreement. May have minor changes to document depending on upcoming trial starts. Memphis training will take precedence over trials training, but Memphis will support the Trials to start on time. System Integration - Andrew Onken discussed the System Integration Description Document v0.7. Please see the file “20120711Systems_Integration_Description_Documentv0.7.doc”. o Will get all comments incorporated. o Test section reflects methodology Example messages; waiting to hear from FedEx regarding spacing. o FRCDLC – unresolved comment in End-to-End regarding correlation. Will be resolved when End-to-End document gets resolved. The Plenary Meeting concluded for the day. NEXT DCIT MEETINGS DCIT #17: August 22 & 23 at ITT Exelis in Herndon, VA NOTE: There will not be a formal DCIT meeting in the month of September, but the group will convene via Webex/Telecon to allow for preparations of upcoming deliverables and milestone dates. Formal DCIT meetings will resume in October. Respectfully Submitted, Ammar Chaudhry/Tracey Gibson Data Communications Program Support North Star Group, LLC 600 Maryland Ave SW 10 FAA NextGen Data Communications Program Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) Plenary Meeting #16 DATE: TIME: PLACE: July 12, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thales USA, Inc. 2733 South Crystal Dr., Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22202 Washington, DC 20024 11