Permaculture France

Sustainability and Abundance
by G. A. Williamson
“I had a dream one night long ago, it was that I was in paradise here on earth, my children
and grandchildren were all there with laughter in their hearts and love in their eyes. I was
proud of my generation for leaving the earth in a better state than we found it, so that they
can continue to do the same”. J. Orwell.
Sustainability and Abundance
by G. A. Williamson
The Future
What is Permaculture?
“Permaculture is the
Perhaps permaculture is a new way of life or simply a different
approach. Maybe you are interested in making our planet cleaner or
laying down the foundations toward a better, more natural future for
us all. You may also like the idea of a solution for a better future for
humanity. Whatever your goal Permaculture will certainly have
something for you.
only way forward, there
prove that together.
Permaculture France
In short, permaculture is the only way forward in my humble opinion.
Every religion on our planet agrees. A change in our society that will
involve improving our soil and that is good for your soul, no one can
dispute permaculture except perhaps the ones who would put profit
above the common good.
is no down side”, let us
Permaculture is a system of growing a sustainable food source on any
piece of land, any size, anywhere, any place, anytime. There is no
downside as every human being on the planet has something to offer
and therefore something to gain by a completely natural future path
for us all individually and collectively as members of the same earthly
Permaculture has been pioneered and proven in Australia during the
Sixty’s and Seventy’s. There are many people associated with this
ideal, (the ideal of permanent culture), one thing they hold in common
is that all of them give knowledge, as a gift to those who do not yet
know about permaculture. We must all help to further and propel this
solution firstly locally then globally.
Proposed site one.
Permaculture France
What is the plan?
Together everyone achieves more (T.E.A.M for short). This is the best route for us to move
forward in a positive direction. This is why you are reading this right now. We need you to be a
part of that team and we will address this in due course. The most important thing right now is
that we all get involved in any way big or small, eventually becoming, loving, and growing this
Proposed site one.
fabulous global family of earth angels.
Locally the following points are up for discussion.
Anyone can get involved.
Any who wish to learn, can do so without reserve.
School trips with games and practical workshops in the communal earth structure.
Agriculture/Horticulture workshop meetings, (one every season).
Including local gardeners knowledge share.
On-line social networks with seasonal video films with free access to all globally.
Perhaps a printed booklet for visitors, cost included in entrance fee.
Local hand made products, art, food, music, all accepted, local crafts exchange centre,
to include seasonal markets.
There are plenty of benefits on many levels, each surrounds one, two or ideally all of these three
following elements. They are soil soul and society, as described by Satish Kumar’s book of same
We can green our deserts using the permaculture system. It has been proven, repeatedly to
produce more yield with less effort and less energy on the same land. We do not need to
continuously fight against nature. Permaculture teaches us to get back to basics and coexist with
nature. We are all part of this world, denial of this is to deny yourself and those around you a
true existence. There is no need to poison ourselves with chemicals and launch chemical warfare
on the land, which provides for all of our needs and the needs of many others through “olde
worlde” tried and tested methods. Simply by working with Nature and trying to improve on
natural processes we do less work and improve the soil for countless generations to come.
Natures law, if you give then you automatically receive in return more than you have given.
How can nature not be good for the soul? Birds singing, flowers bouncing to nature’s rhythm,
colours to send your senses soring, topped with an endless supply of all year round free food in
abundance. This must lift anybody’s spirit or any soul. Gardening is good for the soul that is it.
Our planet mother earth will be healthier and nature will be happier (we are part of nature
remember). We will find a more peaceful loving society ahead of us. After all, is it not better that
we should live in harmony with each other instead of the barren other option, which in my mind
would be something like “Mad Max” the eighties Mel Gibson Film. We currently live in times of
uncertainty. It seems as though it is all bad news with corruption at many levels. Certain
individuals seem to favour war, power, and planetary rape over caring what they leave behind
when they are gone. Well I for one have had enough of all this nonsense. The negativity, which is
started by the greedy fat cats and I know that society needs permaculture as much as we need
each other. Come on join the revolution. Let us beat the corrupt by changing the rules towards a
better future for all of us, let us improve society a club we all belong to after all.
Permaculture France
These are only three of the benefits of permaculture. There are many more, which will become
apparent over time. This is the most viable future for all of us, maybe the only plausible option
for us and I would like us, together as one too prove that, here in the centre of France, what
better place than “the garden of France”. Contact
We will surely find many more benefits as
we progress toward a better future.
Back to our plan
The plan then is to raise the funds as illustrated in our financial planning section. The property is
currently used for home produce, free of chemical use since 2005, by a typical European family
(British and French). When capital is available, this project will be developed in an organic,
natural yet orderly fashion. That is to say that we will develop it in bite sized pieces, together as
a team. These projects need to be organized into order on a time line; moreover, they are
flexible and will work around the most financially viable route and best for the environment
Monday 25th August 2014 (New Moon). 0900hrs – 19:00hrs
Permaculture France
Side Note
Monday in French is Lundi, or Lune day, which means “moon day” which links to Monday…….
All involved must try to make this day even if it is just for an hour or so.
site and
one.practical. It is viewed that we
1. Accommodation - To be of earthly quality,
would need to start with four to six pods in singular and double rooms, each one to
include a lounge with board games, external cooking & sanitary, self-catering would
seem viable with maybe a group diner in the evenings in the visitors centre.
2. Sanitation – To again be of earthly build (example is a “wofati”), and to use either
compost or rocket stove mass heater or both.
3. Tea Shop
Our Goal
“Could it not be the foolish idealist who would want to leave the earth in a better condition than
the generation before”?
Would it not be great if we improve the state of the soil and realign our natural state of
existence? With the added bonus of improving our planet, reducing fuel consumption and bills
and not to mention improving society, into one glorious furnace of positivity, love, peace and
understanding are you in or what? Please remember this before you reach a conclusion,
“If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem”.
Therefor the goal is simple. IMPROVEMENT and we all understand that there is always room for
improvement, always.
Early days
Permaculture France
Swathes in place, all planting of support and production food forests, Building of all water
systems and eco buildings and visitors centre. Heating and sanitary systems in place, tea-making
facilities in garden shed using rocket heater. Dry toilets, compost heater, swirls and food nursery
and growing areas, swathe inter-planting, water harvest, increasing stock and earthen oven.The
list goes on. A Tea Shop is always a good place for ideas to come from. Therefor we must
approach the visitors centre with this in mind. This should double up as a cyber space place.
What we need (apart from a little funding, some materials and initial machie rental), more than
any of these things we need volunteers (of which there are many on line, see skill sets below).
However this would be local people in time. They would erect temporary accommodation whilst
helping to build the various eco buildings and structures. Remember TEAM, together everyone
achieves more.
Local media involvement is crucial from the beginning. Local authorities will have green light
“can do” support from local government, as this is a national deal. Think on this. As we develop
this project, we will be designing a blueprint, which will eventually get what they call “rolled out”
which means spread out all over the country at various strategic locations, different land type on
a varied cross section of public representation, which will be geographically placed to cover the
whole country in the future. This is why it is essential that we start in the centre and spiral
outwards, perfect.
So come on, get on board now whilst we are putting the roots down.
Permaculture France
TIME LINE, to be agreed, along these lines.
Proposed site one.
Skill sets.
The spectrum here is endless. We want to encourage a broad cross section of people from all
levels and facets of society. All will get something in exchange for their time as we will be a not
for profits organisation in the early days.
Please make no mistakes, although we are into nature, we also understand that there is a certain
amount of income that every house hold needs to exist. Therefore, once we have the brand
established we will be floating shares in the private and public domains, by which time the local
trade will be rolling organically and automatically.
Therefore, the early days will require the skill sets of many who will leave systems in place which
can be maintained with ease by any individual attaining one of our diplomas or certificates.
We need you to act. This will require input from various individuals, departments and a cross
section of government budgets such as, education and research, tourism, horticulture,
agriculture, energy and more.
Ongoing improvements will happen naturally. Think also on these points, boosting local
economy and local trades, we will invite local artists to show their work on open days and
musicians to help build a recycled tyre amphitheatre for their own use on concert nights. What
will stand out most importantly above all else will be people. Everyone will have a name plaque
on our honours list for future generations to see.
So what say you?
“Let us make history together spread a positive word to echo
throughout the corridors of time forever more.
Permaculture France
It is all about people now just as it was in the beginning people not
unlike you.
A truly great decision is one that will be remembered as those
individuals who went the extra distance for the benefit of
others”. J. Orwell
Contact details :
Thank you, for your time.
“The road is long my friend yet go down it we must, let us
have fun and try the untrodden track, hand in hand as we
run through the flowers laughing like children once more”
Permaculture France
J. Orwell
Proposed site one.