CAMDEN CITY PLANNING BOARD December 9, 2014 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE CAMDEN CITY PLANNING BOARD Please be advised that there will be a regularly scheduled meeting of the Camden City Planning Board on Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 520 Market Street, Camden, New Jersey 08101. AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reading of the Opening Statement Roll Call Approval of Planning Board Minutes- November 5, 2014 Swearing in of all Professionals and Planning Staff Planning Director’s Report 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Certificate of Appropriateness re: Angel Guzman 316 N. 2nd Street. The applicant is proposing the installation of a fence at said property within the Cooper Grant Historic District. B. Certificate of Appropriateness re: Xiu Hua Yu 1378-82 Collings Road. The applicant is proposing exterior work at said property within the Fairview Historic District. C. Certificate of Appropriateness re: FLDSJ, LLC 1077 N. Common Road. The applicant is proposing the installation of a roof at said property within the Fairview Historic District. D. Certificate of Appropriateness re: Katrina Watkins re: 1061 Trent Road. The applicant is proposing the installation of a roof at said property within the Fairview Historic District. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. A resolution directing the Planning Board of the City of Camden to consider and prepare an amendment to the North Camden Waterfront Study Area Redevelopment Plan. B. Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: The Heart of Camden, Inc. 1801 Broadway, Block: 480; Lot: 21. The applicant is proposing the renovation of a now vacant, 3-story dwelling, also a handicap ramp, a solid fence, a wall sign, patio, a water feature, landscaping and exterior lighting. Planning Board Agenda December 9, 2014 Page 2 C. Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: 300 North Delaware Partners, LLC c/o Cooper’s Ferry Partnership 300 North Delaware Avenue. Block 60; Lot: 1.The applicant is proposing a 71,520 sq. ft. Office Use and 4,000 sq. ft. of Retail Use. D. Amended Final Site Plan re: Cooper Cancer Center Inc., 400 Haddon Avenue (2 Cooper Plaza) Block: 1443; Lot: 5.02. The applicant is proposing the installation of an ambulance canopy and related patient drop-off improvements. The Mayor verbally has waived the 10 day review period for all actions taken by the Planning Board, thus allowing the Board to adopt a resolution memorializing the action taken by the Board on this matter. E. Review and Consideration of the 2015 Planning Board Meeting Dates. 8. ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS: September 2014 Certificate of Appropriateness re: DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE Downtown Redevelopment Plan Amendment Request: Project Renovations of the Pierre Apartment Building at 304-306 Cooper Street-APPROVED Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: APPROVED AT ZONING BOARD MTG. 9/8/14 New Cingular Wireless 1515 Haddon Avenue Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: CONTINUANCE LEAP Cramer Hill, LLC/LEAP Academy University Charter School 130 Broadway Capital Project Review re: Rowan University Expansion Project Final Site Plan re: APPROVED M&M Development, LLC 306 Cooper Street Jacqueline Rodriguez 3416 Federal Street October 2014 Certificate of Appropriateness re: DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE Amy Holmes 1126 Collings Road Cynthia Strong 1328 Argus Road Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: CONTINUANCE LEAP Cramer Hill, LLC/LEAP Academy University Charter School 130 Broadway Certificate of Appropriateness re: APPROVED Independence Associates 1622 Independence Road Nancy Fields 1067 Ironside Road St. Josephine Bakhita Parish 3129 Alabama Road Anthony/Sheila Davis 3151 Mt. Ephraim Avenue Planning Board Agenda December 9, 2014 Page 3 Certificate of Appropriateness re: CONTINUANCE Angel Guzman 316 N. 2nd Street November 2014 Certificate of Appropriateness re: CONTINUANCE Angel Guzman 316 N. 2nd Street Xiu Hua Yu 1378-82 Collings Road FLDSJ, LLC 1077 N. Common Road Katrina Watkins 1061 Trent Road Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: CONTINUANCE Le (Thomas) Wu 303 Broadway Preliminary & Final Site Plan re: APPROVED LEAP Cramer Hill, LLC/LEAP Academy University Certificate of Appropriateness re: CONTINUANCE Katrina Watkins re: 1061 Trent Road. Rutgers University 305 Cooper Street Sonya Perry 1288 S. Merrimac Road 9. Adjournment Sincerely Angela Miller, Planning Board Secretary am cc: All City Council Members All Directors All Management Team Members Press Room