Great Ideas List

Great Ideas – easy, cheap, quick
 Campus-wide party to encourage communication & friendship
 Brown bag lunches w/ all faculty to bring new and old together and teach history of NTCC
 Hire faculty prior to one in position retirement of their predecessor to allow overlap and
 Build alumni association strong – incorporate with 25 year celebration
 Do not transfer funds from one budget to another in Spring or Summer so there are funds left in
summer to spend on instruction
 Let community know about new hires and make sure the new feel welcome
 Begin a mentoring process for new employees by long-term employees who have good, positive
 Put new employees on committees
 Let person retiring have input on hiring of new
 Phase in retirement by ½ contract w/ benefits & autonomy & priority in scheduling class times
 Establish a teaching academy for FT teachers
 Have salary schedules for all levels and make our salary more in the middle rather than on the
low end (will cost $$ in the short run but will boost morale & give back some prestige for NTCC.
Will in long run help keep new employees)
 Professor emeritus criteria & policy (faculty senate has worked on this)
 Need to award rank – full professor medallion to be worn at graduation
 Formal college-wide retirement recognition
 Dumpster to be located adjacent to the Whatley building – it’s the only theatre facility I am
aware of that doesn’t have one
 Incorporate former and retired employees into the NTCC family w/ free tickets to productions
and invitation to events, subscription to newsletters (educator & Eagle) awards banquet, etc.
 New employee orientation each semester conducted by senior faculty & staff
 Peer observations/evaluations for new faculty
 (this idea costs too much and cannot be implemented easily) I wish we would consider an adult
day care – federally funded - for our community. With the aging population this is going to be a
big need in the near future. I’m not talking about medically needy – just adults who shouldn’t
be alone during the day. This program could work hand-in-hand with the child care program
(built side-by-side so they can interact and things such as food & workers can be shared) These
individuals could sign up for continuing education classes. It would be a service – not a money
 Involve (require) all faculty to advise students at registration – provide incentive for assistance
 Adjust classified staff educational incentives by adding a $500 award for completion of a
bachelors degree
 Have individuals attending professional conferences present, upon return, information they
learned at the quarterly symposium
Great Ideas List 2009
 Reward faculty for working at registration
 Encourage all college employees to make the student experience at NTCC “special” It is all
about “experiences” with the new generation and if each employee would consider the impact
they have on students’ lives we could give excellent customer service & retain more students.
 Add a question about customer service & commitment to students/co-workers to every
employee’s annual evaluation form. This would help set the standards & reinforce the college’s
commitment to excellence
 For next year’s inservice we should break into groups and tell about our great moment of the
year. Example, Tom Lynch had a student propose to his fiance in his class. Many students cried!
It wasa an experience the class will never forget and students love “experiences.” We could
then choose the best 10 or 15 great experiences and present them to the college
 A picnic area under the trees behind the Whatley Center & a walking path. All our tables are on
the concrete. Most colleges have a “green” area for students.
 Set high standards and have high expectations for all employees. “Zero tolerance” for poor
customer service. I realize this is out of the box but it works in my area. Every employee knows
what is expected of them when hired. 100% great customer/student service, dedication, willing
to go the extra mile and they are evaluated on these areas. Think about some business where
every single employee is always upbeat, helpful and willing to help. They know the job depends
on their attitude – it is set by leaders!
 Brown bag lunches for training on several areas including academic advising, financial aid, etc.
 Employee incentives (professional development units) for training opportunities
 Kiosk – better signage throughout campus
 New employee orientation. One-on-one comprehensive. Include insurance, ERS, tour of
campus, name badges, keys, etc.
 Quarterly offer follow up to grou of individuals that went through orientation to cover more info
and address questions that have arisen
 New employee handbook – develop something that can be placed on web, printed as needed.
 Reestablish professional development/skills development committee
 Welcome committee to help new employees acclimate and learn the ropes
 At in-services have panel groups where new employees can dialogue w/ veteran faculty/staff to
help perpetuate family environment
 New employee handbook
 Travel for required CEU and staff development
 Reestablish professional development committee
 Pass on history to new employees
 Story on employees for others to learn about employee
 Comprehensive new employee training and manual (every semester) - separate training for
faculty and classified staff
 Reestablish professional development committee
 Staff development information sheet
 Institutional Survey:
Great Ideas List 2009
o What can NTCC do to help you be successful?
o What are your goals for NTCC?
o What travel would you like to do and why?
o On going new faculty checkups
New employee handbook
New employee orientation
New employee follow up orientation (90 days after hire)
Ongoing IT courses to update use of software, esp Outlook and Microsoft 2007
Reinstitute professional development committee
Replace light bulbs
Provide seating areas for students to study or read in every building except Admin (some seating
for people waiting there would be helpful)
Wall hand sanitizers installed on the walls
Have Dale train us with what we already have and should do
Instituted a better warning system
Check all parking lot lights
Fix the cameras we have and add more for security
Make sure everyone has keys for the door to their buildings
Have drills to prepare for violence, fire, tornado to ID where we are now and do training
Put locks on the inside of doors so we can lock down the campus
Consider an in-house intercom/phone system tied to the operator
Replace aluminum can and paper recycling bins across campus
Train faculty for emergency preparedness (CPR/first aid/disaster role)
Keep working to train us to be green
Redesign admin to make it more aesthetically pleasing and functional environment
Facilitate the PO process – too long to get $ when needed
Reinstate credit cards
Relocate Morris County outreach services
Have NTCC weekend work days on facilities
Help people obtain citizenship
Campus mall directory
High school kids audit classes and invite them to sit in
Emergency plan emailed or webCT to students
Get cell #s to send out text updates of emergency or phone numbers
Photo ID must be shown to take Accuplacer – students taking tests for others
Materials re: levels (test scores, etc. for advisors) at registration
Clean mold from offices
Bulb in light outside Humanities building
Online committee membership & charges/duties of committees
Check academic status of students on published materials
Put honor societies on transcripts
Great Ideas List 2009
 All buildings need signs facing the parking lots (IT does not) for easy identification
 Every restroom should have a fully accessible bathroom stall (comode height important) – not
just slapped together
 Generate accurate list of “mothers day out” programs in the area to provide childcare until we
can have day care on campus
 Designate employee parking until we determine the feasibility of an employee parking lot
 Reinstate off-campus/business registration at Lowes, etc.
 Verify and advertise student membership in the new 2-story fitness building in Mt Pleasant until
we have our own fitness facility
 Improve communication w/in departments and between departments
 Training for call center & for assistance w/ registration & advisement
 More professional development opportunities (like Zig Ziglar)
 Consider outside firm to construct additional dorm space and manage it under contract
 Make sure marquee is up to date, maybe offer daily “tips” recognize acheivements
 Have a student awards coordinator – that we are allowed to be aware through emails what
awards are out there…who is competing (could be honors director)
 Faculty parking
 Designated phone receptionists
 Update campus signs
 New hires matched w/ mentors and given a handbook – benefits explanation
 FAQ on web for new employees
 Open physical education facilities to staff/faculty as a benefit or small fee
 Add walking trail around campus – it used to be there but disappeared. We have a beautiful
 Have a cheat sheet with basic answers to common questions and who should get the calls for
certain issues
 Directory by department
 New students get t-shirt w/ registration
 Healthier food choices in SUB
 Restructure budget process and purchase order process – freedom to use monies that are
budgeted for department – streamline budget order process. Make purchase order process
 Clarify ADA policy – especially concerning students with physical disabilities
 Safety drills
 Lighting – replace bulbs
 Trash pick up voluntarily – seen on weekends – maybe everyone could pick-up
 Awnings to connect buildings
 Speed bumps to slow traffic
 Traffic sign when parking to include the dental hygiene clinic
 Walking trail around campus
Great Ideas List 2009
 Handouts for InService in Spanish (Ice breaker: Give agenda to all faculty beginning in Spanish
to provide sensitivity training
 Remind students to pick up after themselves in the SUB. They are adults! Faculty and staff
should reinforce this.
 Freshman orientation – give rules & expectations of students. Pilot off another institution’s
 Recruiting – Lee Gill working hard & doing a good job! (Tommie Smith)
 Reinstate off-campus gatherings – fish frys, BBQs, funtimes
 Faculty/staff break room
 Opportunities for lunch together, etc. I.e. “fat Friday”
 Career café – lunch, people who go above & beyond with dedication
 People (employees, students, relationships) who change the future. CIS, presidential scholars, …
 Energy conservation: HVAC/Air, water usage, doors/windows, restrooms, computers/AV equip
left on…
 Better lighting of parking lots and campus
 Better heating & air conditioning in Humanities
 Faculty should be more intune/informed of library resources before sending students over (they
should know how to use the Library before sending students over)
 Make sure all locks on bathroom stall doors work
 Split graduation into morning and evening
 Value people’s opinions – culture needs to be maintained…doesn’t cost anything
 Fix handicapped doors
 Replace light bulbs
 Kudos for great ad campaigns – maybe do “Let our Dr.s help you become a Dr”