7th . Unit 2: Cells State SubSuggested Resources Learning Description of Assessment Learning . StandardsGoal Profiency Task Mastery Goal 7.L.1.1 I can I can Student GR7.Unit2.As 1. Foss Diversity of Life Kit - Activities 1, 2, Student use a identify s can sessment 3, micros the s are label 2. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 2 able to cope. parts of the 3. http://www.microscopeidentify a eyepiec microscope.org/basic/microscope-parts.htm basic microsc e, arm, 4. http://www.biologycorner.com/microquiz/ cell ope. base, 5. organel stage, http://www.freeclubweb.com/powerpoints/sci les and fine ence/microscopes.html their focus, functio and ns. coarse focus on a diagra m of a microsc ope. I can Student GR7.Unit2.An 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 2 operate s can swerKey a mount microsc a slide, ope to focus, view and small draw objects. what is seen. I can I can Student 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2 identify identify can 2. the the label http://library.thinkquest.org/12413/structures. main main the html parts parts of main 3. of an compo http://www.ibiblio.org/virtualcell/tour/cell/cell. animal animal nents htm and cell. of an 4. http://kg025.k12.sd.us/cells.htm plant animal 5. cells. cell: http://www.nsf.gov/news/overviews/biology/i cell nteractive.jsp membr 6. ane, http://myschoolhouse.com/courses/O/1/70.a nucleus sp , 7. http://jccytopla schools.net/write/sci/cells_files/v3_documen sm, t.htm and the 8. http://glencoe.mcgrawvacuole hill.com/sites/0078778066/student_view0/ch s. apter4/section1/self-check_quiz-eng_.html I can Student identify s can the label . . . . main parts of a plant cell. I know the functio ns of some parts of the cell. I know what an organel le is. . I know what the function of the nucleus is. the main compo nents of a plant cell: cell wall, cell membr ane, nucleus , cytopla sm, vacuole (most plant cells have only one), and chloropl asts. Student s can describ e that organel les are any of the speciali zed parts of a cell that have specific function s. Student s can describ e that the nucleus is the control center of the cell. . . I know Student 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 1 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zafJKbMPA8 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 1 2..http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell_nuc leus.html 3. http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_pl ace/biocoach/cells/intro.html (all structures) 4. http://www.biologyjunction.com/cell_function s.htm (all structures) 5. www.scienceclass.net/PowerPoints/Cell_structure_functio n.ppt (all structures) 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 1 what the function of the mitocho ndria is. . I know what the functio n of the lysoso mes is. Student s can describ e that the lysoso mes destroy old cell parts. I know Student what s can the describ functio e that n of the the chlorop chlorop lasts lasts are is. only found in plant cells and help make food for plants. I know Student what s can the describ functio e that n of the the cytopla cytopla sm is s can describ e that the mitocho ndria makes energy for the cell. I know Student what s can the describ function e that of the the vacuole vacuole s is. s store wastes, water, and food for the cell. 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 1 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 1 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2, Section 1 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2-3 sm is. the jellylike substa nce within a cell that holds the organel les. I know Student what s can the describ functio e that n of the cell the cell wall wall is. provide s structur e and support for plant cells. I know Student what s can the describ functio e that n of the cell the cell membr membr ane ane is. transpo rts materia ls into and out of the cell. I know Student what s can active describ transp e that ort is. active transpo rt occurs when energy is require d to move materia l in or out of 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2-3 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2-3 I know what active and passiv e transp ort are. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 3, Section 2 http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell2_activ etran.html I know what passiv e transp ort is. I can describ e how scienc e and technol ogy have helped society solve proble ms. the cell. Student s can describ e that passive transpo rt occurs when materia ls move in or out of the cell without using up energy (e.g. osmosi s, diffusio n). Student s can describ e how science and technol ogy have helped science solve proble ms (i.e. microsc opes help identify bacteri a that cause disease s). 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 3, Section 2 2. http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell2_pass ivetran.html I can describ e how scienc e and technol ogy have helped society solve proble ms. 1. Glencoe Science Text-Ch. 2