World-civil Mid - Assumption University

World Civilization (GE2101)
Group: dajdaj
Thanadaj Saswatkaloon
ID: 5510253
The period of human being
1. Age of stone > the Paleolithic age, the Neolithic age
- No light, no report of human
2. Age of metals
- Firth system of lighting + human being
The period of the world
1. The ancient period > age of stone till 4 civilizations(Meso, Egyp, Indian, Chinese)
2. The middle period
3. The modern period> it is now. Starts from modern world
The earliest beginning
1. The Paleolithic age (Old Stone Age)
They live with everything made of big size of stone > weapons
Fist Hatchet > first weapon of human being, for hunting to catch animals
They are hunter, live by hunting only animals
they are small group of people (nuclear family) dad+mom+son 5+6 peoples
they live in the cave, wandering, food gathering, and hunting, move together
they know nothing about the world/ Make female and male are equal
no leader/ use the same right
The first evidence of human being
birth place of human being > African (Tanzania in the east of Africa)
first called them Homo Habilis ( man with ability)
they try to move out around the world to find food
then we found species around the world
then we found the second species Homo Erectus
we found in Asia. Java man(Indonesia) + Peking man(china)
they move to many parts of Asia and around the world
then found Homo Sapiens
found in Germany, Neanderthal man
only found sculpture, can’t say how they really look like. No system record.
Then we found Homo Sapiens Sapiens
called them Cro-magnon in Southern French cave
they are clever and try to understand the environment
- they put on their clothes to keep warming/ learn environment
- they have fire to cook and keep warming
- Animism to show respect to all objects (the star, river), learn why animal are gone/
why disaster happened, to make they feel safe and security.
Art works
- Cave painting to record the way of life, many stories by animal’s shades.
2. The Neolithic culture (new Stone Age)
Everything is made from small size of stone. To make it easy to carry
They don’t hunt anymore > became a farmer (food producer)
Live in the house, many family live together became society
Stop moving, live together and then spread around the world
Take care of plant and animals
Set regulation for society and share everything together > agricultural important
Big size of family > (extended family)
They need manpower, to help each other, to take care of plant and animals
Woman plays an important role in the society > female are leader
- They build their house to live
- They make potteries to cook and contain liquid
Polytheism to believe in many god and goddesses
Introduced first religion
Can’t mention the name because no record, but we only found many god statues
They think goddesses has many power
The greatest goddess is the earth mother
- Venus she is the earth mother. It is because earth gives a lot to them
- She is fat because they are productivity, wealthy, and healthy
- She takes care of plants and animals
Age of Metal (achievement)
- First system of writing, first written record of the world > belong to Mesopotamian
- Combine many metals together to make a new one
- The first irrigation system for agriculture. To find place near river. To keep water.
Mesopotamian Civilization
Historical background
Location: Iraq now
The land between two rivers > Tigris + Euphrates rivers
Way of life: farmer, agriculturist
In the past they called Fertile Crescent
All are deserts and rivers with no mountains
The river is unpredictable > know nothing about environment. Flood and disaster
Group of people
1. Sumerians
- Political system: city states
- Leader: many leaders depend on how many cities
- They believe in god > the Priests are the leader of religion. And they respect
- Theocracy means the government that live by the priests
- King is priests king / Gudea is used to call their priests
2. Akkadians
- They introduced Empire > all cities joined together. Only one king
3. Amorites
- They introduced capital city > babylone
- They introduced Law of Hammurabi > what you do, you get the same but not leader
- Start trading system
4. Assyrians
- They are great warriors
- The best achievement is military + weapons
- They expanded while they fight over civilizations
- The losers became their slaves
5. Chaldeans
- King Nebuchadnezzar > hanging gardens > one of the greatest of the world
- It is for entertainment, to show how good they are
6. Persians
- The end of power of Mesopotamian period. They are the last invaders
1. Sumerians
- They introduced irrigation system for agriculture to give water
- Mathematic (numbersixty) it refers to time of clocks
- Lunar calendar to predict the time of flood. How the moon move around
- System of writing> cuneiform to record symbols, pictures, signs > pictographic
2. Amorites
- The system of law > code of Hammurabi > depends on social ranks
- Not fair because the leader don’t get punish. All depends on status
- Epic (long poem) > the epic of Gilgamesh to explain the adventure of leader
- The bible > explain the flood > Noah story
Religion: polytheism starts from Neolithic age
View of life
- not enjoyable, they upset in life called > Pessimistic
- Because of the environment > no protection from mountains
- They don’t want any more life. No life after dead
Art works
- 3 styles of building > the Arch, Vault and Dome from Sumerians
- The sculpture is the human shape or Gudea(priest king)
- Ziggurat > the symbol of Meso > built to worship god and show respect to god
The Egyptian civilization
Geographical background
The center of Egypt: the Nile river
The region: many barriers (mountains). So only one group there
The Nile is gentle and predictable river
2 parts : upper ( Southern) and lower (northern)
Narmer (menes) he joined both parts together and established first dynasty called
Pharoah. And he is the first Pharoah of Egyptian (Leader of society) but common
3 kingdoms
1. The old kingdom
- Zoser is the outstanding Pharoah of Egyp and established the old kingdom
- He first build step Pyramids to store Pharoah dead body > Best time of Architecture
- He changed status of Pharoah to be Half god Half human (god-king)
- He order people to do it no questions
- All Pharoah has to marry with their sister to save the blood of god
- People live happily and social and economic stability
- Then he introduced Bureaucracy for political system. Because the land is big
- One leader and two helpers
- Vizier(make decision and give advice) and Nomarchs(leader province and tax
- Then the problem happened when Pharoah used all tax money to build pyramids
- People started the war
- political Chaos > Vizier and Nomarchs seek for power
- the end of the old kingdom
2. the middle kingdom (the golden age)
- the growth of trade around the world
- to practice democratic religion (equally and freedom) all people, same right
- so the pyramids can store to all people to build their own.
- Hykros invaded and fighting and took all Egypt and introduced military affairs
3. The new kingdom
- Pharoah Ahmose took power back from Hykros
- Pharoah Akhanaton > the father of
- Pharoah Tutankhamen > then many groups of people moves there
- Alexander the great moves there. The leader of Greek, plan to conquer the world
- Then Cleopatra is the last leader of Egypt > woman Pharoah
- Cleopatra married to Roman civilization(Julius Caesar) when he was killed , the
roman pointed out to two leaders( Mark antony and Octavian) then mark fell in love
with Cleopatra! The war started Roman won and Roman took Egypt
1. Polytheism
- Amon or Ra : god of the sun
- Isis : god of nile river and fertility
- Osiris : god of the judgement and after life. People picked him because Osiris cult
he was killed and became alive again
2. Monotheism
- sun god (Aton) to believe in only one god
- he changed his name from Amenhotep to Akhenaton to show respect to Aton
- people cant accept, against the new religion then he was killed
3. polytheism
- Pharoah TutanKhanmen announced to turn back to polytheism.
1. Astronomy
- Story of sun, star and moon
- Perfect calendar, lunar calendar
- Study from the appearance of Sirus (dog star)
- The predict time of Nile flood
2. Mathemetics
- To design the style of pyramid building. The size and the style
- Arithmetic+ geometry + rectangon + hexagon
3. Medicine
- To believe in life after dead. How to keep the dead body. To operate parts of body
4. Architecture
- Pyramids from Zoser to keep the dead body
- Large number of pyramids building
- In front they have spinx sculpture to show power+strength of Pharoah
- The great Pyramid of Khufu and Cheops af Gizeh to body of Pharoah Khufu
5. The Egyptian writing
- Hietrographic (picture+symbol+sign) after cuneiform
- Use papyrus to record, made from the tree leaves
- It is important for English alphabet, parents of English language
6. Literature
- The pyramid text or coffin text
- To explain about the bodies for Osiris to judge where to go. Good or bad
View of life
- They enjoy their life > optimism good attitude because of environment
- So they prefer to stay alive again > then believe in life after dead
- Osiris will come and judge at the end of the world.
Indus civilization
Location: Hindus river, now belong to Pakistan
The native people: Dravidians (dark+small people) > the founder
2 cities tell the history of Dravidians: Mohenjo-Daro + Harappa
Political system: theocracy > the government by the priest
Religion: polytheism
System of writing: pictographic + Ox plows
The decline of Indus because of landslides(destroy whole parts) + Malaria(kill
people) + Invaders(Aryans people attacked)
Indian civilization
Historical background
The native people: Aryans people ( white, tall and handsome) live near Asia first
The class system: leader, priest, and all common people
The center: ganges river, do all ceremony
The invasion move there: Alexandre the great attack Northern parts and live for 2
years, to conquer. Then they took it back and established 3 empires
3 empires
1. Maurya empire
- Founder: Chandragupta Maurya
- The greatest leader: ashoka the great
- Ashoka experts in fighting > expanded territories > kill many peoples
- He believes in Buddhism and practice in middle way
- He apply nonviolence (ahimsa) + middle way
- The country was ruled by law and morality> no conflict> peaceful
- Send missionary to other countries > Thailand first time+asia
2. Kushan empire
- Outstanding work: Christianity, but people in India they only believe in Hindu
- The growth of trade > silk road ( trade between india+china)
3. Gupta empire (the golden age)
- Astronomy: solar eclipse > explain relationship between sun, moon, earth and
- Theory of zero: 0-9 to trade with other societies > now called Arabic Numerals
- Literatures: Ramayana > tell story of Hindu gods and goddesses + Mahabharata >
the great war of Hindus god
- Invaders: Persians, Tarks and Afghani, Muslims (islam) took all parts of Indian for
long time. The Aryans is a looser and still have to live there.
Relationship between China and India
1. Religion
- Hinayana Buddhism > india
- Manayana Buddhism > China
2. Trade
- Silk road
3. Social structure (caste system)
- To separate skin color, 3 for Aryans and last for Dravidians, leader and looser
- Brahmans(the priest) introduce this system
kshatriyas (the warrier, the leader)
- vaishyas ( the farmer, the trader)
- Sudras ( the unfree, the slaves)
- The status can’t be changed, diff caste, diff work, diff privileges
- Can’t marry across status
- The outcast is for the children that marry across. No one want to touch them
1. Polytheism
- Intra: god of thunder and war
- Varuna : god of rain
2. Hinduism (Brahmanism)
- The main doctrines are Reincarnation (samsara) > to reborn/ karma > what you did,
effect next life / Dharma > to practice good behavior
3. Three great gods of Indus (Hinduism)
- Brahma : the creators
- Vishnu : the preserver
- Shiva : the destroyer
4. Buddhism
- To call back power from Brahman
- The founder: prince Siddhatha Gautama of Shakya Tribes (2nd) caste
- Reformation: change it better > Kshatriyas try to stop power from Brahman > new
- The main doctrines is to believe in reincarnation, Karma(what you do effect this life),
Dharma(good moral
- Similar to Hinduism because the founder is from Hinduism and duplicate
- The holy text: tripitaka > the ultimate goal of religion > Nirvana (emptiness)
- The method to reach Nirvana: meditation (concentrate to reach goal)
- The most important teaching : 4 noble truths > the 8 fold paths
- Hinayana
o Small vehicle, narrow from India
o Very strict to all rules follow tripitaka word by words. Sentence by sentence
o Emphasize on individualism, concentrate to oneself
o All members always concentrate to themselves
o To find method to reach Nirnana
- Mahayana
o The larger , big vehicle from China
o They use practical set, not follow tripitaka
o Tripitaka could not apply for nowadays
o Many ways to reach Nirvana
o Just concentrate on many kinds of activity
The holy text
Vedas (hymns) > the religious song+ceremony to practice to worship god
Only Brahman caste can touch this text, to study the text
The Upanishads > tell about Moshka
The ultimate goal of Hinduism> Moshka(freedom) training of Yoking(yoka)
They believe that god create everything include human being
They have Atman in the body (individual soul) if die soul return to god, if good
No more reincarnation
Chinese civilization
Geographical and historical background
- The location: the yellow river (huang Ho River)
- People do agriculture > wheat
- People: Mongoliod or yellow-skinned race. They are all from the same group
The period of Chinese Civil
1. Shang Dynasty
- Conservative society > hard to change them + unique society
- Introduce first ceremony(ancestor worship) to show respect believe they bring luck
- Call someone start from family name
- They introduced chopsticks to eat
- Found Ideographic(pictures explain ideas)
- Use Oracle bone to record
- People always put on jade instead of diamond. To get luck
2. Chou Dynasty
- The political system > Feudalism > only one leader+land owner+poor Chinese
3. Chin empire
- Introduced new political system > first empire
- The first emperor is Shih-Huang-ti > legalism
- the named China came from this dynasty
- introduced Ideographic > has meaning but no sounds
- he order people to build the great wall of China to protect land from enemy
- he order many governments to destroy the books about philosophy, but keep doctor
and agriculture. It is because he doesn’t want people to be clever
4. Han empire(the golden age)
- Wu ti (the emperor) he is the great warrior. He attack many parts of Asian countries
- The silk road > from Han Empire to Kushan empire
- He practice bureaucracy > bureaucratic monarchy(only one empire)+two seniors
- Two seniors are prime minister and head of civil service
- Use Confucianism to take examination to choose only 2 people
- Wang mang(powerful prime minister) became leader and he is bad. Spent all money
for himself, not for people, people against > civil war > Mandate of Heaven(punish)
Philosophy in Chou dynasty
1. Confucianism (chou dynasty)
- Founder: Master kung
- Book: Confucian classic
- How to be a good leader in 5 ways
- Concentrate on good manners and social responsibilities
- Consider human for society. Do the best for society
2. Taoism (chou dynasty)
- Founder: Laozi
- Book: Dao de Jing
- Concentrate on good manners and social responsibilities
- Individualism > live alone and find out what you want
3. Mandate of Heaven
- Chinese emperor is the heaven, if bad manners, bad rulers > get punishment
- the rebelt against the bad leader
- heaven send him to be a good leader, but if not, get rebellion, destroy dynasty and
start the new
4. legalism ( chou)
- the founder: Guangzi
- to understand statesman of governors because all people are selfish
- can’t live together. So select leader to guide all people
- Set the law of the country. leader get the right to force people to practice to be good
Greek civilization
Historical background
- The region: mainland + many islands
- Political: city states (police) > new style of fighting > Phalanx
- Cities: Athens(fighter,trader,philosopher,democracy) + Sparta(Warrior)
Polytheism (gods and goddesses)
The main character: anthropomorphic (physical body+feeling)
Humanism(philosophy) man can do anything that they want
Also nude, because they want to show how beautiful they are from god
Poseidon: sea god
Ares : god of war
Athena : god of love
Greek temple is used to worship god and it’s the house of god. Its rectangle
The political evolution of greek city states
Monarchy : one leader > power of leader under the law
Oligarchy: group of governments (3-5 member)
Tyranny : Tyrant as the leader as dictatorship > power above the law
Democracy: start from Athens
Sparta (exceptional city-states)
- Soldier as the leaders
- They are all warrior
- There are 3 classes
o The spartiates > the citizen of Sparta, full time soldiers, only male gender, if
male its only people, only male can vote
o The perioeci > non citizen, no political right, they are foreigners that move in,
farmers and traders
o The helots (serfs) > the unfree men, the looser from the war, do all works for
2 classes
- First they practice Monarchy
o The famous > draco he introduced law code
o Solon is new leader, reform draco’s law, extablished of oligarchy, support
- Then found pesistrates > become one leader of Athens> introduced Tyrants
- Hippias> the son of Pesis Tratus > bad tyrants
- Cleisthenes> the founder of democracy > father of Athenian democracy(all can vote
The outstanding war > peloponesian war
The great war, the greatest between Athens+Sparta
Because the growth of Athens expansion, they want to take Sparta
Many different between Athens+Sparta
The Sparta won and all power of Athens declined
The golden age of democracy > pericles
- Athenian democracy
o Principles of freedom
o Equality
o Citizenship > all are equal
o The different between Athenian and now because
 Athen women and foreigner are exclude + direct and individual
 Modern all people are equal + indirect. We have to select egually
Philip of Macedon
The father of Alexander the great
He made a great expansion and want to conquer the world
The growth of trade
Introduce Hellenistic > a new civilization that combine west+east idea together
Became one leader of the country
Alexander died at 32 and all power declined
Live in Athens
Emphasis human ethics. Always go to the market to meet and discuss
Introduce questioning to know the truth. To ask question+analyze the answer
Concern with political theory and get conflict with Athenian. So he was killed
Then comes to plato > one of his student
Tell a lot about Socrates
Established his school : academy
He introduced Idealism: to believe in only their own idea and knowledge
The outstanding works > theory of ideas> he believe our world consist of 2 parts
o Material world > all tangible that can touch
o Ideal world > untangible > knowledge + goodness > never change> the
most important!!!
- His book : the republic
o The book of plato
o He explained his dream world. It’s a perfect society
o People are join together
o 3 classes of people
 Philosopher, soldier, and farmer
o The great leader is philosopher-king
o It is good at that time
Good student of plato
He established school: lyceum and he is the teacher of Alexander the great
He believe in all human reasons > rationalism
He study plato’s theory of idea. And believe that material+real world are equally
- He believe in universe system and he found that the sun is in the center > geometric
- He answers all questions in the reason
Greek arts
1. Literature
- Homer wroth the Iliad and the odyssey > the out standing epics
- Greek drama (tragedy+comedy) tragedy to respect god, to worship (god of wine
and spring)
2. Architecture (column)
- doric > the Parthenon of Athens > plain, no decoration, simple
- Ionic > most popular, only few
- Corinthian > Hellenistic period > new civilization that combine east and west
3. Sculpture
- All human figures because people believe human can do all thing they want
- Athletic statue > they want to that people are strong
Roman civilization
Historical back ground
- First the italic live there for the beginning
- Then Etruscans took power from Roman
- Location: the whole part of Italian peninsular, many greek people move there
Group of people
1. Italic people : the first group, ancestor of Roman
2. Etruscans: the new comers. First live in Asia minor then move to Northern&central Italy.
- They are fighter and warrior.
- They introduced architecture style of construction to roman (arch, vault,
- Gradiatorial combats the new way of fighting with human+animal/ human+human
3. Greek : move to southern part of Italy
- Introduced Greek language as official language to written+spoken
Political system
1. First practice Monarchy
- Introduced by Etruscans > only one king and two organization
o Assembly (21-60 male) citizens of military age
o Senate (council or elders) members called senators > ole men
o Senate is the leader of each family.
o Senate is the highest position, king cant make decision
2. Republic government
- 2 elected leader(consuls) position for 1 year to balance power to society
- Separate power to eastern and western
- Senate has the highest and get the right to select the consuls
3. Principate
- New political system of roman from augustus
- The leader is called > princeps
- All people get the same right, up to majority, same democracy, female only
- The golden age of roman society > turn back right to people
- He build the hospital for people
4. Empire
- The new political system
- The great emperor is Marcus Aurelius
- Roman problems started after Marcus died > all power of Roman declined
Classes of people
1. Patricians : small group, highest class, get right to join senate, rich people
2. Plebeians : all common people. Majority group of Roman, no political right
Not fair because there is looser and winner > start fighting > war
The struggle of orders
- Political conflicts, most important movement of Roman political
- Plebeians won!!
- They established Tribunes > 10 members to join for
o The first written law + call back right
o Law of 12 tables > to make it fair between patricians
o To make it fair for both. They both set the same punishment.
o Both can be senate!!!
Political continue
Two great consuls were Pompey(plebian,east) and Julias Caesar(patricians,south)
First no problem, but then pompey want to be the only leader > war started
Caesar won. Pompey was murdered in Egypt. Caesar as the only one leader
Caesar love fighting, move out , attack many parts of the world, always won!!
Caesar then took back the country from senates, he do everything
He became dictator for 10 years . only him can make final decision
Many senates against but cant do anything
After 10 years, Caesar was murdered by two senates(brutus+cassins)
Achievements of Caesar
- Roman are large size, he expand Roman territories
- Reform Egyptian calendar > 1 year=365 days > july is from his name
- Polytheism
o Jupiter ( father of all god and all human)
o Mars : (god of war)
o Neptune ( sea god)
o Venus ( goddess of love)
Two consuls after Caesar died
Octavian > caesar’s nephew/ he control west society
Mark antony > close friend of Caesar, went to Egypt and fall in love with Cleopatra
Octavian want to be the only one > the battle of Actium > Octavian won
Mark antony + Cleopatra committed suicide
whole part of Egypt belong to Octavian
Octavian has new name > augustus > became one leader
the achievement of Augustus
- He introduced Latin language, adapt from Greek, he make it official language
- Bible use latin language
- Scientific achievement : Ptolemy > book about Geocentric theory from Aristotle to
confirm the idea
- The growth of trade
- Expansion of roman territory from Italy to northern part of…
The decline of Roman
1. Internal factors
- Lack of manpower. No more people take care of plants and animal. Most of them
are fighter
- Plague, rat disease. Many people died
- Lack of civic concerned leader didn’t take good care of people
2. External factors
- The invaders from Germans
1. Engineering
- Introduced concrete to make building, roads, bridges and aqueducts(transfer water)
2. Literature
- latin language as official language. Both written and spoken
- Cicero > one senator, expert in latin, the greatest leaderof latin prose style
3. System of law
- law of 12 tables from republican government> from inequality
- Code of Justinian adapt from 12 tables
- Now use Europeans civil war that combine from those 2 laws
4. Architecture
- Etruscans introduced Arch, vault and dome. the penthenon/the colosseum/the forum
- Sculpture > Equestrian > statue of person on horse > statue of Marcus Aurelius
Rise of islam
The birthplace: the middle east > center (mecca) now capital city of Saudi
The native people: Arab people
First they practice believe in Animism > all objects has spirit inside>show respect all
But hard for people to join together to believe in many god
Mohammad introduced Islam to believe in one god Muslim are who practice Islam
Allah is the name of one god > Monotheism
Mohammad announced he is not the founder, but also prophet of lslam
Prophet is the messenger of god. All 25 prophets. He is the last one
Born in poor family, married with woman> became business man live in Mecca
He tried to find 2 regions > Judaism and Christianity
Got idea from these to religions to become Islam
Introduced Jihad > the holy war of Muslim. It they protect the country; kill people will
not be their fault. If did, go to heaven automatically and live with god forever
- Judaism
o Founder: Abraham
o Holy test: the 1o commandments relationship between human+god
o God: Jehovah
- Christianity
o Founder: jesus
o Holy text: bible
o God: noname
- Islam
o Come from both Judaism+Christianity
o Founder: mohammad
o Holy text : Koran> tell the words of god and regulation
o God: Allah > same god ah Jehovah+Christian
Political system
Caliphate > leader is Caliph(elected leader) both leader of religion+country
First caliph is father-in-law of Mohammad
Abu baker > Omar > Otsman > ali(son-in-law)
Abu baker did a great expansion of Islam to around the world.
The battle of tours (one city of france)
It is between Abu baker + Charles Martel
Happened when Abu want to take France > Martel win
Most important fighting of Europe because martel stop expansion of Islam
So all Europeans are still Christianity
The basic obligation of Islam
Believe in only one god : allah. Don’t know what he look like but he live everywhere
Need to pray to god everyday 5 times a day. Turn face o same direction of Mecca
Fast of Ramadon > one month of Islamic calendar > 9th month of the year
Charity> rich muslim need to donate $ to poor people and pay tax
One time in life need to go to Mecca > Hadj to show respect to god
Middle ages (medival period)
Historical background
Location: western part of European countries
After the collapse of Roman civilization(augustus) expanded to other countries
Now belong to Medieval society. Whole part join together to only one unit
German leader attacked roman civilization, then many groups attack
The Carolingians > one royal family took one part of Roman > two outstanding
o Martel stop islam
o Charlemagne established his empire > holy roman empire
Believe in catholic. Plan to restore all power of roman
The first emperor > Charlemagne/ called leader > pope
Then empire splits into 3 portions after Charlemagne died
The rest are the rise of independent states such as England,france,germany…
The other parts established newborn countries
All still believe in pope
The political system
- The feudal system was introduced by Chinese
- Consists of land lord + vassel
o King (landlord) give land to nobil > knights(soldier) > peasant(poor) >vassel
Outstanding war
- Crusade war
o Problem is religious (Christian+muslim)
o Because Christian military took Jerusalem and Muslim can’t go to worship
o They both believe in the same god
o 8 times more than 100 years > finally Jerusalem are Muslim
1. Catholic faith > answer all question from bible
2. Aristotle.> human reasons > answer all questions base on reason+dividend
3. The greatest philosopher : Thomas Aquinas > catholic priests > new program of study >
scholasticism ( combine catholic faith+human reason) need to use both to make
knowledge of the world. Faith come first! If against faith > cant announce the new
knowledge > all believe in pope. If against pope, get punishment.
1. Architecture: gothic style (by france) > high towers + arches+vault+stained glass
window to tell story
2. Literature: latin language both written+spoken
Christianity : the age of faith and dark age about Christian faith
Its bad time because only one pope handle everything
He is the leader and just command. No one can against
Cardinal can select pope > cardinal is the highest priests