Take Away Homework A Choose your homework from the menu below: The Peri-ometer suggests the difficulty or challenge the homework offers. Try to push yourself. Each term - you should attempt at least one ‘HOT’ task! Christmas Weeks 1- 2 Carol Weeks 3-4 Weeks 5-6 Weeks 7-8 Weeks 9-10 Complete all three Complete all three Complete all three Complete all three Complete all extra mild, medium extra mild, medium extra mild, medium extra mild, medium three extra mild, and hot tasks. and hot tasks. and hot tasks. and hot tasks. medium and hot tasks. List five differences between a modern and a Victorian childhood. Create a factfile about a famous boarding school. Find five Victorian Make a list of words that are not famous people who used today. have been to boarding school. What is Scrooge’s catchphrase? What does it mean? Write an essay discussing the arguments for and against corporal punishment Compare your Christmas list to a Victorian child’s Christmas list. Create a factfile about Christmas trees and draw and label one. List five different corporal punishments used in Victorian schools. Make a list of five Victorian toys. Write about one in more detail. Draw and label a traditional Victorian Christmas tree. Draw and label three Victorian toys. Design your own Christmas tree. What is a boarding What is corporal school? punishment?