1112 Middle School Instructional PDP Sample

Santa Rosa District Schools
Section II: Instructional Evaluation Instrument/Professional Development Plan
Middle School Sample
School Year _______
FL Statute 1012.98 requires that all teachers write a professional development goal annually that reflects the needs of currently assigned students as indicated by
state assessment data when available. The purpose of the goal is to identify student performance areas that the teacher should address in selecting professional
development activities and identifying deliberate practice that will impact student performance. Goals should be tied to School Improvement Plans. The PDP
counts as 10% of each teacher’s total evaluation.
Student Needs Goal Statement (Classroom teachers must write a goal that addresses a need based on current state assessment and School Improvement Plan data. Non-Classroom teachers
must align goals to classroom teacher, school improvement or district data.)
65% of my students will make learning gains in reading as measured by the 2011 FCAT.
Continuing to increase these students’ vocabulary, critical thinking, and reading comprehension skills through exposure to
informational text have all been identified as the greatest areas of need for these students and will be emphasized throughout the
school year in my science classes to obtain the desired learning gains.
Teacher Needs Goal Statement (The teacher goal statement should identify teacher needs to ensure that the student performance goal is met.)
My goal to help me address the student goal is to attend reading professional development to ensure that I am providing the most
effective reading instruction. I will also become more familiar with the Marzano research-based strategies.
Projected Professional Development (should align with student needs, could include
Deliberate Practice (include literacy practice related to school goal) (Deliberate
teacher certification and teacher professional improvement needs)
Practice is the implementation of research-based strategies that are aligned with the
projected professional development that has been identified.)
1. Participate in analysis of student data using the SMART 2 tool,
benchmark assessments, formative assessments, and summative
2. Participate in professional development/inservice activities to
promote learning gains in reading
3. Participate in Literacy Team meetings and/or activities
4. Participate in collegial discussion and planning
5. Utilize services of site-based Literacy Coach
1. Utilize a standards-based assessment to determine entrylevel student knowledge base
2. Assist in the front-loading of content area vocabulary to
support and promote reading comprehension skills and a
seamless curriculum continuum
3. Emphasize content-specific word study through a wide
variety of literacy activities designed to enhance vocabulary
and comprehension
4. Provide students with opportunities to participate in critical
thinking activities (hands-on labs, Gizmo’s)
5. Offer enrichment activities designed to provide students with
real-world learning experiences
Santa Rosa District Schools
Section II: Instructional Evaluation Instrument/Professional Development Plan
Middle School Sample
School Year _______
6. Utilize on-going formative assessments to monitor the
progress of all students in my science classes
Santa Rosa District Schools
Section II: Instructional Evaluation Instrument/Professional Development Plan
Record of Ongoing Support and Monitoring of Progress:
School Year _______
Topics Addressed
Outcome Statement: Briefly describe your goal, actions taken, and student performance data results.
Plan Completion Rating
(Assessed by administrator.)
Highly Effective (exceeds expectations/completed a minimum of 15 hrs of projected professional development with
appropriate artifacts of deliberate practice related to outcome statement)
Effective (meets expectations/completed a minimum of 12 hours of projected professional development with appropriate
artifacts of deliberate practice related to outcome statement)
Needs Improvement (did not meet all expectations/completed some projected professional development with limited or
inappropriate artifacts of deliberate practice related to outcome statement)
Unsatisfactory (did not met expectations/projected professional development was not completed and limited appropriate
artifacts of deliberate practice related to outcome statement)
Professional development activities may include, but are not limited to:
Learning Communities
Lesson Study
Online Training
Face to Face Training
College Coursework
Conferences /Seminars
Action Research
Mentoring Hours (District Mentors Only)
Section II Score