Year 1/2 Curriculum Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Are there only 7 wonders in the world? Cotswold Wildlife Park Does every picture tell a story? Have we left the past behind us? Imagine if… What makes Great Britain great? English Labels, lists, captions, poetry, nonchronological reports Traditional tales Character description Instructions Maths Number and Place value, addition and subtraction, maths facts, problem solving, fractions, length, shape, position Stories from different cultures Instructions Dictionary Setting Number and Place value, maths facts addition and subtraction, multiplication and division facts problem solving, time Do you have to be a hero to make a difference? Visit to the school from portals to the past. Non-chronological reports Explanation Character description Poetry Number and Place value, maths facts addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, Time, shape and space, data Science African animals -Identify, classify and group. Work scientifically Electricity -Identify and record appliances in categories. -Recognise potential hazards. Seasons -Observe and describe changes in seasons over time. Work scientifically Forces -Describe movements of objects. Work scientifically Topic Trips/Events Number and Place value, maths facts addition and subtraction, problem solving, fractions, money measures Keeping fit and healthy -Explore and compare differences. -Describe basic needs. -Understand importance of healthy living. Seasons -Observe and describe changes in seasons over time. Work scientifically Hill End Yr 2. Character description Non-chronological report Number and Place value, maths facts, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division including problem solving. Money, fractions, measures & data Properties of materials -Name a variety of everyday materials. -Describe simple physical properties. Nocturnal animals - Identify, classify and group. Work scientifically Stories in familiar settings Dictionary Information texts Poetry Number and Place value, maths facts, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, time &measures Plants -Identify and name a variety of plants. - Find out about and describe what plants need to survive. Seasons -Observe and describe changes in seasons over time. Work scientifically Year 1/2 Curriculum -Historical enquiry including similarities and differences (toys from the past). -Changes within living memory. -Sources of information. History Geography Computing Art -Physical and human features. -Skills (map work). -Place knowledge contrast with nonEuropean Country (Kenya) -Programming, Coding and controlling devices. - Create and debug simple programs. -Recognises uses of technology outside of school. -Cross-curricular research. -Place knowledge contrast with nonEuropean Country (Kenya and Masai people). -Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content (word processing focus). -Communicating and collaborating (e-safety), -Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content (music and sound focus). -Use a range of materials creatively (Diorama, colour mixing, silhouettes). -Develop a wide range of art and design techniques using colour and pattern. -Observational drawing -Investigate lives of significant individuals (Florence Nightingale). -Compare aspects of life in different periods. -Programming, Coding and controlling devices. - Create and debug simple programs -Recognises uses of technology outside of school. -Communicating and collaborating (esafety). -Use a range of materials creatively (collage) -Significant historical events/people and places in own locality (William Fletcher). - Physical and human geography in the local area. - Map skills UK and local area. -Directional language. -Observational and fieldwork skills. -Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content (graphics focus). -Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. -Communicating and collaborating (esafety). -Share ideas, experiences and imagination. -Use drawing, painting and sculpture to share ideas. -Explore the work of artists (Printing, Natural sculptures). -Evaluate and analyse. Year 1/2 Curriculum -Explore the work of craft makers (masai shields/ necklaces). Kenyan pancakes -Explore, design and make purposeful products (toys). -Select and use tools and equipment. -Play tuned instruments musically. -Listen with concentration to a variety of African music. -Use voices expressively and perform. -Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. -Perform an African dance using simple movement patterns. -Use voices expressively and creatively during Christmas play rehearsals and performances. -Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds. -Use voices by singing songs, speaking chants and rhymes -Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of live and recorded music. -Use voices by singing songs. -Speaking chants and rhymes. -Use voices by singing songs, speaking chants and rhymes. -Play tuned instruments musically. -Listen with concentration to a variety of music. -Play tuned and untuned instruments musically. -Use voices by singing songs. -Speaking chants and rhymes. -Rehearse and perform Christmas dances using simple movement patterns. -Develop movement skills, balance and coordination. -Develop fundamental movement skills. -Extend agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. -Perform simple country dances using movement patterns and perform to an audience. -Yr 2 Swim a distance of at least 25m, use a range of strokes effectively, perform self-rescue in different situations. -Master basic movements including throwing and catching. -Engage in competitive and cooperative activities including developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Settling in Praise and criticism Personal power Choice and consequence Managing anger Gentle/hurting touch Telling others and keeping secrets Glad to be me Celebrating differences Saying goodbye Themes from term 1 and 2 to be continued throughout the year… Design/Technology Music P.E. PSHE -Explore, design and make purposeful products (papier mache pots). -Select and use tools and equipment. Year 1/2 Curriculum RE Christianity – Belonging, Believing and Celebrations. Building Learning Power Collaboration Perseverance Judaism – Belonging, Believing and Celebrations. Christianity – Christmas. Collaboration Perseverance Stories including Moses and the Plagues. Celebrations in Christianity and Judaism (Passover and Easter) Christianity -special places (Church & synagogue) Signs and symbols (Christianity and Judaism). Celebrations Collaboration Perseverance Revising Making Links Collaboration Perseverance Revising Making Links Collaboration Perseverance Revising Making Links Revising Making Links Collaboration Perseverance Revising Making Links