ECE - what do I learn?

Firstly and most importantly I learn…
About developing learning dispositions of courage and curiosity,
trust and playfulness, perseverance, confidence and responsibility
About problem solving, analysis, hypothesis, estimation, prediction,
classification, comparison, exploration, experimentation, reflection
and evaluation
To be away from you – my whanau – which may take time
To complete a task or activity
To collaborate with my peers in small and large groups
To collaborate with my teachers and other adults
To work alone, exploring and experimenting
To take turns and negotiate
To share and co-operate
To make choices and be independent
To question and answer
To ask for help from my peers and my teachers
Routines, rules, customs and regular events
Share things about my life outside of the Centre
About the world around me
How things work
•About the tools of literacy i.e. pens, rulers, books, paper
About the tools of numeracy i.e. number games and resources
“I need to learn all of these things to grow up as a confident and competent person”
“I learn a lot from working in a variety of areas around the centre”
COLLAGE, DRAWING, PAINTING: are important areas for me to
express myself creatively in my own way. I develop skills such as cutting,
placing, holding a pencil, pen, paint brush or crayon and writing
BOOKS, STORIES: open up a world of make believe, introduce me to the
make up of books (author/illustrator/spine/title page) and to the
concepts of print. I learn about sounds & symbols of language
BLOCKS: develop my building and balancing skills as well as my
imagination. Many maths concepts are learned here because blocks are
made in wholes, halves, quarters, triangles, circles, rectangles
DOUGH: is fun to touch and squeeze and is quite a settling activity. My
hand muscles (that I use for writing and painting) develop and I learn
lots of maths concepts e.g. length, volume, weight, fractions
PUZZLES: help me to learn about shapes, colours, positioning and other
maths concepts. My co-ordination, memory and concentration and
perseverance also develops
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY: is learned through interacting with the
natural, social, physical and material worlds. I learn by doing, asking,
guessing and planning. At the carpentry table I can use real tools
MUSIC, MOVEMENT: help me to develop my sense of rhythm, coordination, control and memory. Music is another way I can develop
different ways to be creative and expressive
SAND, WATER: are great fun as well as offering opportunities to learn
about volume, weight, floating/sinking, empty/full, heavy/light and
technological tools like pulleys
DRAMATIC PLAY: provides opportunities for me to use my imagination
and to act out my feelings and fears as well as learn about culturally
valued activities that I see adults around me doing (e.g. cooking)
GROSS MOTOR PLAY: helps me to gain confidence and control over my
body. I can actively explore my world using all my senses as well as the
materials, resources and equipment my teachers provide