Introducing Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research

Introducing Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Project - for Agency supervisors
We wish to advise that ACAP has recently launched the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MCP) . This
is an exciting new course for students who have completed their initial counselling or related training and are
now moving to an advanced level as a practitioner in contemporary counselling and psychotherapy. Further
information about the course is available on the ACAP website or from student recruitment.
Placement Requirements and Supervision
Students enrolled in the MCP will undertake one student placement during their course. This placement will
extend across 2 terms (approximately 7 months). Group clinical supervision will be provided by ACAP. Many
students will have previous experience of counselling from their current work or from a previous placement.
Therefore, they will be ready to undertake counselling or psychotherapy work either on a one to one basis or
group therapy shortly after commencement of placement. The student must undertake counselling or
psychotherapy work with clients for the full duration of the placement. Students are required to complete a
minimum of 80 hours of counselling and / or psychotherapy during the 2 terms of placement. Expectations are
that students would attend a minimum of one day per week and would see no less than 3 clients per week and /
or facilitate 2 counselling therapy groups per week.
Onsite supervision requirements are expected to be minimal. Students will need orientation and guidance when
starting placement to establish a routine. Although you as the placement supervisor will remain responsible for
the student and clients at all times, MCP students are expected to operate autonomously, show initiative and
fully participate in the day to day operations of the agency with minimum supervision.
Agency Benefits: Research Projects
MCP students will also undertake a research project. This can be developed prior to or during placement and
carried out during the placement period. This is an excellent opportunity for your agency to have a significant
research project undertaken that will benefit the agency. Examples of previous research projects include:
Therapeutic No-Shows: A Literature Review Focused on Prevention or An Exploration of Volunteer
Experiences of Working with (agency) to Identify and Evaluate Reasons that Volunteers are Attracted
to and Remain with the Organisation’. Students will discuss the agency’s research needs when they meet
with you regarding a possible placement opportunity.
Placement Dates
Discussions with students regarding potential placements should take place at least 3 months in advance.
Placements can start prior to the commencement of the term, and may continue after the completion of the 2nd
term by negotiation with the student. Approximate dates for placement are:
Approximate start date
Approximate finish date
May 5 2014
Dec 15 2014
August 18 2014
Paperwork has been kept to a minimum and includes confirming the placement, confirming the professional
learning goals for the placement, participating in a 45 minute mid placement review with an ACAP teaching staff
representative and completing an end of placement report (rating scale and brief comments).
Confirming your interest
Supervisors may wish to take advantage of having a masters student undertake a research project in any area of
benefit to your agency as well as conduct therapy groups and one to one counselling for an extended period.
You are invited to contact the Student Placement Team to discuss this opportunity
Sydney Campus
(NSW, ACT WA and off shore)
T 02 9964 6300
Brisbane Campus (Qld, NT)
T 07 3234 4412
Melbourne Campus (VIC TAS SA)
T 03 8613 0600