It concerns a competition for Young horses in 4 years of birth:
Date of start criterion: 8-11-2014
4 year olds: these are horses that by starting date of the criterion were born in
the year 2011.
5 year olds: these are horses that by starting date of the criterion were born in
the year 2010.
6 year olds: these are horses that by starting date of the criterion were born in
the year 2009.
7 year olds: these are horses that by starting date of the criterion were born in
the year 2008.
Horses must be in the possession of a valid registration certificate from a
recognized studbook. A copy of this certificate must be send before the start of
the criterion to the secretariat young horses criterion DE WARRE/JUMPING
BOCHOLT, M. Verheijen, B. Van Bovenstraat 17, 6107 CP Stevensweert,
Holland, e-mail:, phone from Belgium:
+31(0)637406508 of +31(0)475552251.
The criterion is open for participation by foreign riders.
The criterion consists out of 6 games (3 in Bocholt, 3 in Neeroeteren) and a big
final at the National Jumping from February 14-22, 2015 in Bocholt.
In order to participate the final, a combination had to participate 2
competitions in Bocholt and 2 in Neeroeteren. If the horse from a placed
combination for the Big Final is being sold in the meantime or got injured, this
horse may be replaced by another one (provided same birth year).
Competition dates and locations:
08-11-2014: 1st criterion competition De Warre Neeroeteren
22-11-2014: 2nd criterion competition Jumping Bocholt De Damburg
13-12-2014: 3th criterion competition De Warre Neeroeteren
17-01-2015: 4th criterion competition De Warre Neeroeteren
31-01-2015: 5th criterion competition Jumping Bocholt De Damburg
14-02-2015: 6th criterion competition Jumping Bocholt De Damburg
Between February 15th and 22nd, 2015: Big Final during National Jumping
Inschrijven dient te geschieden per internet via de inschrijfmodules van Bocholt
( en De Warre ( . Dit kan tot 2 dagen
voor aanvang van een wedstrijd. De startlijsten worden telkens gepubliceerd
op de bovengenoemde internetsites de dag voor de wedstrijd om 18.00 uur.
Registration, true internet, by the application modules Bocholt
( and De Warre ( Subscription is
possible up to 2 days before a competition. The starting lists are always
published on the above websites the day before the competition at 18:00H.
Entry fee:
4 year olds: € 10/competition
5 year olds: € 12/competition
6- and 7 years: € 15/ competition
6 criterion competitions:
4 year olds: 1 round clear round.
5 year olds: 2 phases NOT on time
6 and 7 year olds: 2 phases on time.
Big Final competition:
4 year olds: classic course with barrage afterwards (not on time) on penalty
5 year olds: classic course with barrage afterwards on penalty points and time.
6 and 7 year olds: classic course with barrage afterwards on penalty points and
Maximum heights fences:
1st criterion competition: 2011 - 80 cm, 2010 - 95 cm, 2009 - 110 cm,
2008 - 125 cm .
2e criterion competition: 2011 - 80 cm, 2010 - 100 cm, 2009 - 110 cm,
2008 - 125 cm.
3e criterion competition: 2011 - 85 cm, 2010 - 100 cm, 2009 - 115 cm,
2008 - 125 cm.
4e criterion competition: 2011 - 90 cm, 2010 - 110 cm, 2009 - 120 cm,
2008 - 130 cm.
5e criterion competition: 2011 - 95 cm, 2010 - 110 cm, 2009 - 120 cm,
2008 - 130 cm.
6e criterion competition: 2011 - 100 cm, 2010 - 115 cm, 2009 - 125 cm,
2008 - 130 cm.
BIG FINAL: 2011 - 100 cm, 2010 - 115 cm, 2009 - 125 cm, 2008 - 135
Prize money:
6 criterion competitions:
4 year olds: each error-free combination receives € 5,00.
5 year olds: each double error-free combination receives € 10,00.
6- and 7 year olds: 1st € 150, 2nd € 120, 3th € 90, 4th € 60, 5th € 30, 6th and follow
prices € 15.
Breeders prices: for the breeders of the winning horse at the 5,6 and 7 years
olds, there’s an attractive breeding to win during the Big Final in Bocholt.
Condition for receipt of the breeders price is that the breeder him/her self is
present to accept the award. When not present, the prize goes tot the breeder
of number 2, etc., etc., …
Entry fee Big Final:
Inschrijfgeld 4 jarigen: 15 euro
Entry fee 4 year olds: 15 euro
Entry fee 5 year olds: 20 euro
Entry fee 6- and 7 year olds: 25 euro
Prize money big final:
With the 4 year olds, 5 euro is being paid when the combination is double
error-free, and 500 euro extra prize money to be divided among the double
error-free combinations.
With the 5 year olds: 1st 500 euro, 2nd 250 euro, 3th 150 euro, 4th100 euro, 5th
50 euro, 6th and follow prices: 25 euro.
With the 6- and 7 year olds: 1st 750 euro, 2nd 375 euro, 3th 200 euro, 4th 125
euro, 5th 75 euro, 6th and follow prices: 25 euro .
Payment entry fee and prize ceremony:
All entry fees need to be paid before the start of the competition on the
secretariat in Bocholt or true the online registration tool from De Warre in
Neeroeteren. Prize money can be collected after a competition at the
During the Big Final, the best 6 combinations per category are required to ride
an honor lap and form a honor guard after the competition.
Participation at own risk and responsibility.
In all cases where these regulations make no provision, the competition
organization decides.