Unit Plan Sample


Music Lesson Plan

Grade: 4

Unit/Concept: Native American Music/Meter

Week: 12

Lesson: 1 of 3

Focus/Musical Objective: II – TLW demonstrate the ability to accompany singing and dance in 4/4 meter. VI – TLW identify Native American instruments. TLW

identify Native American music by sound. VIIITLW understand the importance

of music in Native American culture. I X – TLW perform Native American music.

National Standard: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SPI: 6.2, 6.4, and 8.

Skill(s): Demonstrate 2 and 4 beat meter. Play instruments to accompany songs.

Dance in a circle. Understand music in relation to culture.

Guiding Questions: Who are Native Americans? What can you tell me about Native

Americans? Why do you think we are having this lesson this month?

Strategies: Group discussion, modeling, group shared and guided practice, individual instruction.

Assessment: Visual observation of the students performing tasks. Teacher’s observation of student participation and mastery of skills. Written assessment of

Native American music and culture. Students will be assessed in their ability to correctly answer written questions on Native American Music. (-0 = E, -1 = G, -2 = S -3 = N, -4 = U)

Students will be evaluated on their ability to correctly play hand drums, floor toms and rattles. (Check = Mastered, I = Needs help, Delta = Did no Participate) Students will be

evaluated on conduct (9weeks grade rubric > 0-1 delta = E; 2 deltas = G; 3 deltas = S; 4 deltas =

N; 5 or more deltas = U)

Room Set-up: Un-pitched percussion instruments. Computer, projector, and stereo for the music and video presentation. Piano and recorder for teacher performance parts. Circle on the floor (hula hoop) for the dance. Hand drums, floor toms and rattles for student performance.

Entrance Procedure: Color lines.

Warm-up Focusing Activity: Chicken Dance review from previous lesson (circle dance).

Activity/Process: Show a picture of Native Americans and play a short music example from the power point. Ask the above opened ended questions and identify the instruments by sound. (drum, rattle, whistle or flute) and identify the meter as 2 or 4 (not triple). Reinforce their answers with

Music of Native Americans pg. 13 from Music Puzzlers, book 3 by Jerold Kellman, Hayes©

School Publishing – ISBN 1-55767-181-8. (use classroom procedures for distributing paper and pencils) After reviewing the correct answers, pick-up the papers and form a circle around a hula hoop. The teacher will model the movements for a “friendship dance.” Students will repeat the movements and practice with CD accompaniment.

Supplemental Activities - Social Studies: Native American Culture

Language Arts: Reading.

Closure: Dismissal tickets on Native American Music.

Music Lesson Plan

Grade: 5

Unit/Concept: Native American Music/Meter

Week: 13

Lesson: 2 of 3

Focus/Musical Objective: II – TLW demonstrate the ability to accompany

singing and dance in 4/4 meter. VI – TLW identify Native American instruments.

TLW identify Native American music by sound. VIIITLW understand the

importance of music in Native American culture. IXTLW perform Native

American music.

National Standard: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SPI: 2.3, 8.2, and 9.1

Skill(s): Demonstrate 2 and 4 beat meter. Play instruments to accompany songs.

Dance in a circle. Understand music in relation to culture.

Guiding Questions: What can you tell me about Native Americans? What can you tell me about a friendship dance? What can we do to accompany a friendship dance?

Strategies: Group discussion, modeling, group shared and guided practice, individual instruction.

Assessment: Visual observation of the students performing tasks. Teacher’s observation of student participation and mastery of skills. Students will be evaluated on their ability to correctly play hand drums, floor toms and rattles. (Check = Mastered, I =

Needs help, Delta = Did no Participate) Students will be evaluated on conduct (9weeks grade rubric > 0-1 delta = E; 2 deltas = G; 3 deltas = S; 4 deltas = N; 5 or more deltas = U)

Room Set-up: Un-pitched percussion instruments. Computer, projector, and stereo for the music and video presentation. Piano and recorder for teacher performance parts. Circle on the floor (hula hoop) for the dance. Hand drums, floor toms and rattles for student performance.

Entrance Procedure: Color lines.

Warm-up Focusing Activity: Chicken Dance review from previous lesson (circle dance).

Activity/Process: Review the friendship dance from the previous lesson. Play I Walk In Beauty

– 3 – p. 329 CD 15:16. Sing along with the CD accompaniment and perform the dance. Stay in the circle. Model the drum and rattle parts for I Walk In Beauty. Have the students play along with the

CD accompaniment.

◊(circle left and then circle right on the repeat)

He ne-ya-na he ya he ya na,

◊He ne-ya-na he ya hi yo he ya hi yo (repeat)

◊I yearn for beauty, yes I do, yes I do; (circle in)

◊I learn of beauty, yes I do, you know I do; (circle out)

◊I beam with beauty, just for you and only you; (circle in)

◊He ya he ya hi yo (circle out)

◊(circle left and then circle right on the repeat)

◊He ne-ya-na he ya he ya na,

◊He ne-ya-na he ya hi yo he ya hi yo (repeat)

Supplemental Activities - Social Studies: Native American Culture

Closure: Dismissal tickets on Native American Music.

Music Lesson Plan

Grade: 5

Unit/Concept: Native American Music/Meter

Week: 14

Lesson: 3 of 3

Focus/Musical Objective: II – TLW demonstrate the ability to accompany

singing and dance in 4/4 meter. VI – TLW identify Native American instruments.

TLW identify Native American music by sound. VIIITLW understand the

importance of music in Native American culture. IXTLW perform Native

American music.

National Standard: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SPI: 2.3, 8.2, and 9.1

Skill(s): Demonstrate 2 and 4 beat meter. Play instruments to accompany songs.

Dance in a circle. Understand music in relation to culture.

Guiding Questions: What can you tell me about Native Americans? What can you tell me about a friendship dance? What can we do to accompany a friendship dance?

Strategies: Group discussion, modeling, group shared and guided practice, individual instruction.

Assessment: Visual observation of the students performing tasks. Teacher’s observation of student participation and mastery of skills. Students will be evaluated on their ability to correctly play hand drums, floor toms and rattles. (Check = Mastered, I =

Needs help, Delta = Did no Participate) Students will be evaluated on conduct (9weeks grade rubric > 0-1 delta = E; 2 deltas = G; 3 deltas = S; 4 deltas = N; 5 or more deltas = U)

Room Set-up: Un-pitched percussion instruments. Computer, projector, and stereo for the music and video presentation. Piano and recorder for teacher performance parts. Circle on the floor (hula hoop) for the dance. Hand drums, floor toms and rattles for student performance.

Entrance Procedure: Color lines.

Warm-up Focusing Activity: Chicken Dance review from previous lesson (circle dance).

Activity/Process: Review the friendship dance from the previous lesson. Play I Walk In Beauty.

Sing along with the CD accompaniment and perform the dance. Students will perform the drum and rattle parts for I Walk In Beauty along with the CD accompaniment. Practice singing I Walk In Beauty with student accompaniment. Add the dance parts. Students will perform the dance, sing and accompany I Walk In Beauty . Rotate parts so that all students have the opportunity to sing, dance and play percussion instruments.

Supplemental Activities - Social Studies: Native American Culture

Closure: Dismissal tickets on Native American Music.
