Lesson: Standard of Living & Benefits of Industrialized Societies

Lesson: Standard of Living & Benefits of
Industrialized Societies
Teacher: Stephan Beskowiney
Grade and Curriculum Areas: History 10
Curricular Outcome(s): Industrial Revolution (Economic Decision
Making: Effects on standard of living and benefits of industrialized
Resources /Materials: internet, computers
Websites and Digital Resources: facebook template and office 365
powerpoint online livesharing (group/partner)
Sources: http://www.biographyonline.net/people/famous/industrial-revolution.html
Essential Skills of 21st Century Learning:
 Collaborate, communicate, citizenship
 Create, critical thinking
Digital Citizenship Concepts and Skills: RESPECT, EDUCATE, PROTECT
 Digital Literacy: The capability to use technology and knowing when and how to use it
 Digital Law: The electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
Digital Citizenship Essential Questions:
 Should technology be used to access information to learn new concepts
 Are student’s infringing on other’s rights by the way they use technology? (copyrights)
Essential Knowledge - See Digital Fluency Continuum
 Knowledge: What will students understand?
o Both finding and evaluating information is necessary
o There is a legal responsibility for electronic actions including sharing content, using copyrighted
 Skills: What will students be able to do?
o Find info with specialized tools and databases and weigh the value of online “filter
bubbles”…Collaboratively share resources…
o Appropriately attribute online information and digital media using a standardized referencing format.
Essential Question(s):
- The purpose of the project is to create a Facebook page on an Industrial Revolutionary figure.
- Students will need to look at the impact of the invention made and how it helped change an industrialized
society of the 18th-19th centuries.
Students will analyze how the invention helped increase the standard of living for the common person in the
18th-19th centuries.
- Near the end of the Industrial Revolution unit, have students pick an inventor from the Industrial Revolution
who they think helped change the standard of living for the common person and how their invention
advanced the world into a more industrialized society.
- Discuss copyright issues, how to use MLA citations, citation machine and credible websites.
- Discuss use of hashtags (students will try and use existing hashtags in assignment).
- How to use OneDrive’s online mode in a group setting (live sharing) and etiquette.
- Emphasize the importance of working collaboratively with people simultaneously on one PowerPoint and the
importance of not changing people’s work.
-Use OneDrive online sharing folder with a class to give them the Facebook template
- students save the Facebook template and share with their partner or group
- students decide who is doing what area of the PowerPoint template
- students fill in template with credible info and source it accordingly
- Share the PowerPoint that they have produced with teacher via OneDrive
- Can present to class– make sure to emphasize how the invention/inventor impacted the industrialized society
of the 18th-19th centuries and increased the common person’s standards of living
See rubric and assignment sheet.
Industrial Revolution Facebook Project
The purpose of the project is to create a Facebook page on an Industrial Revolutionary figure. You will have 23 days of computer time to complete the research and construction of the page. Use this sheet to complete
your research before you begin constructing the page and finding pictures. While you are working on your
page, remember to save it periodically!! Hand in this sheet when completed and make sure it is emailed to or
shared with s.beskowiney@rcsd.ca when you think it is finished.
Create a Facebook page for an Industrial Revolutionary Inventor using the following
Name of inventor at the top of the page
1 Profile Picture of your historical figure
Information Corner/Basic Information
 Network, Birthday, Political Affiliation, Religion
Friends Corner:
 6 pictures of people that are/would be friends with your figure (other inventors or people from
18th and 19th Centuries)
Status Updates (at least 2) - funny and informative
The Wall
 Write 6 significant facts on The Wall. These facts need to highlight important events that your
inventor is famous for. Each comment must be about a separate event and include the date.
The comment can be from your figure or from someone associated with your figure.
Standard of Living and Industrialized Society Slide
 In one paragraph, comment on how your invention/inventor made the lives of people easier
and how it impacted society overall.
Personal Information: (At least2- 3 of each) – use information relevant to the time period to
make these up. Obviously there were no tv shows and movies back then, but pick shows or
movies you think they may enjoy if they were around today
 Activities/interests
 Favorite Music
 Favorite Movies/t.v. shows
 Favorite Books
Contact Information: (You may need to make this up, but try and use their last known
 Address:
 Phone Number:
 Email address
Photos/Albums Slide – have various photos and albums that relate to your inventor.
Videos Slide: - Include a picture and at least 2 links to real videos. Try and use hyperlinks.
References - At least 3 credible websites are included with references in parenthesis on FB
template when a piece of information was used ie. (1). Then have the last slide of your ppt have the
proper MLA citation using a site like Citation Machine
Name: _______________________________ Inventor: _______________________
Inventor Rubric
Profile Picture
Information Corner/Basic Information
Network, Birthday, Political Affiliation, Religion,
Friends Corner
6 Pictures
The Wall
6 Significant Facts
Standard of Living and Industrialized Society Slide
- In one paragraph, comment on how your invention/inventor made the lives of people easier
and how it impacted society overall.
Status Updates (at least 2)
- Informative, creative and is historically accurate
Personal Information – 1-2 each
Movies/TV Shows
Contact Information
Creative /Accurate
Photos/Albums Videos
Above and Beyond
Specific attention to details, added extra information, demonstrates inventor’s importance to the
Industrial Revolution, variation of pictures, #hashtags (try and use ones that already exist), Extra
handles (@), status updates were informative and funny
At least 3 credible websites are included with references in parenthesis on FB template when a piece
of information was used ie. (1). Then have the last slide of your ppt have the proper MLA citation
using a site like Citation Machine .