Minutes 12.3.15


ASNMU General Assembly




December 2012

Charcoal Room, 6:00pm




Public Comment

Approval of Consent Items a.

Agenda 12.3.12 b.

Minutes 11.26.12 i.

Sam: Motion to approve both ii.

John M.: Seconded, approved

Executive Reports a.

President i.

Ben: Got out of a meeting with David Haines, wants a list of priorities that

ASNMU has. Could go around round robin and share ideas. ii.

Tyler: Student union. iii.

Luke: More events, every weekend have an event for students. Student sponsored. Support smaller organizations, athletics, club sports. iv.

Nathan: Campus involvement, more options for things to do for students.

Student center of some kind. Transition to Google, like Google drive, email, calendar, etc. Participation on campus. v.

Amber: Student union, bridge gap between on campus and off campus. Bringing student groups together should be done. Would like to see peif pass included.

First ladies closet. vi.

Troy: Voter registration and student voters. Behind other campus’s on this.

Putting things together for the bridge program. vii.

Julie: Small organizations support. viii.

John B.: Getting everyone on one system. Bring up our image. ix.

Sam: School spirit, holding different events may it be sporting events or student activities. x.

John M.: School spirit, scholarship we have on our desk-gaming tournament.

Events on campus, show campus we are there for them. Transparency. USOEC, can do something with the Olympic building. Use means that the center offers. xi.

Ben: Childcare scholarship fund hasn’t been approved. There is the 45 minute rule at the Den, could step in and have opinion on that. Food advisory board went great. Went to president’s council and went over things he was working on, printers was one thing. Students can have digital transcripts send. Retreat next semester. Glass case up in LRC, probably ok. b.

Vice President c.



Abby: will have a meeting next week in the office next week. Informal. Maybe go other places on campus to do hours. Will be organizing the office next week.

Sending out an email about that. Cleaning it, etc. Study lounge posters need to be put up by tomorrow. McClintock, campus apartment, etc. John was unable to make it and email him if you need him. ii.

Ben: $60,000 left in SFC budget and 3 people are joining. d.



Appointments a.

Neil Martel –off campus rep b.

Brandon Zanon –down campus rep c.

Mackenzie Carlson –professional studies d.

Wesley Reiber-general studies e.

Jenna Ennamany i.

Troy: Met with a number of them, Motion to approve all candidates. ii.

Nathan: Seconded, approved.



Dr. Pagel: Swore in all the new members.

Action Items a.

Coffee and Doughnuts Budget (McGovern) i.

Amber: move to approve this budget based on the contingencies. ii.

Seconded, approved.


Discussion Items a.

Academic Senate- Adam Papin (Lopota) i.

Amber: Most probably know who Adam Papin is but he has offered to be part of the Academic Senate. ii.

Abby: Next meeting it will be an action item and we will vote then. b.

Exam Coffee and Doughnuts (McGovern) i.

Dr. Pagel: You aren’t allowed to spend money on this type of stuff. The student’s money can’t be spent on food. Food and drink need to come from Simply

Superior. ii.

John M: Mon-Wed 11 pm-2 am, table outside Starbucks area. Doughnuts and cakes purchased form Huron Mt. Bakery. Gluten free and vegan options. Prices per gallon amount. Budget is $495.85. Will look into the actual funding. iii.

Abby: Someone would need to make a motion contingent on funding. John approved the budget and endorsed it. iv.

Amber: Is this the final budget? v.

John: Yes, the email from before was for less. vi.

Jenna: I work there and I may be able to get a discount. vii.

Ben: Starbucks has donated coffee before so they might. viii.

Troy: Good work, this is important. Run into the problem Dr. Pagel mentioned.

Motion to suspend rules and move this to an action item. ix.

Luke: Seconded. c.

ASNMU Social (Forintos, Goldberg, Brady)


Sam: Might run into the same issue as before. In beginning of February. Paper surveys for students. Get ourselves out there. During dinner hours. Having food available. Any ideas to add, questions. ii.

Wesley: Good idea! iii.

Luke: Awesome idea, good thing is an issue. iv.

Sam: Food from Simple Superior. v.

Luke: Music would be a good way to bring people in too. vi.

Ben: Could talk to a company like Jilbert’s to donate. Could also fundraise money. vii.

John M: What are table tents? viii.

Sam: The papers that are in the thing on the tables in the dining facilities. ix.

Amber: Location? x.

Sam: Payne/halverson lobby. xi.

Luke: When we do this, we could have a display showing what we are bringing to campus and working on. xii.

John: Like that idea, bring in white board and give students opportunity to write stuff down. xiii.

Ben: Likes table tents for getting info out there. xiv.

Sam: Talked to printing services. xv.

Ben: Need to reserve table tents and get design. d.

SAM Post-Conference (Morris) i.

Troy: Went to Wayne state, report isn’t final. Shared goverence- de fato seat: cannot vote but work with committees, and voting seat: in state constitution for some states. De facto seat is good to aim for. Get actual work done. After we have this will help us move into the other seat. Video and guide. Discussion with

Dr. Haines on shared goverence. Voter research committee, to get students to vote more. List of different ideas: do it around registering for classes, pick up forms: need to get freshman, deputize select ASNMU members to register in person, have it at check in line for the dorms: lots of students in one place, present it in classrooms, create voter committee: get frame work set. Board of directors: proposals, inquire with disability services-Google apps. Higher education stories. SAM Foundation. Proposals: Kelsey’s law, House Bill 5523,

Chelsea Parrish to LRC. Full report will be available later. ii.

Ben: Putting stamped envelope with voter registration. Can you vote absentee? iii.

Luke: If you register absentee you have to vote in person. iv.

Sam: You can vote absentee the first time. v.

Ben: Talked to David Haines and because NMU didn’t vote for it, he would rather see NMU support that not SAM. e.

Office Assistants (Morris) i.

Troy: Concerns: we will have an opening for a secretary and the office will be closed a lot. We want the office open, keeps us accessible. Office assistant is an

unspoken area. Hours when the office is closed. Reps can’t get in to do office hours. Do we want to limit hours. ii.

Ben: Will be working with career services to put out a job opening. iii.

Dr. Pagel: You need to have job descriptions for the openings, with interviews. iv.

Amber: Are we able to select from within ourselves? v.

Ben: We have working policy that says the president approves them. Would like it to be outside ASNMU. vi.

Nathan: If it does go through an interview. How many hours? vii.

Ben: In the past they have been budgeted, now we are saying 3 people with 20 hours a person. viii.

Nathan: Students wouldn’t want to make time out there schedule to work. ix.

Amber: President does interviews? x.

Ben: Can form a committee, normally the president does it or makes committee. I’ll probably form a committee. Do it first week of next semester. f.

Powers of Empty Offices (Morris) i.

Troy: We don’t have much on this, need to figure out where the duties fall when there is no one there. Missing a few positions. Round robin about what we should do. ii.

Brandon: Stand mute to review it. iii.

Tyler: Filling the position form within until the next election. Someone from the group. iv.

Abby: Bylaws say that they have to come from the majority 2/3 majority. v.

Luke: Sse bylaws, appoint someone and do the duties. vi.

Nathan: Get temporary vice president, top priority for next semester. What is the External affairs chair? vii.

Troy: Duty is to chair external affairs committee. viii.

Brandon: Are we addressing looking into changing bylaws? ix.

Troy: We don’t have vice presidnet to chair appointments committee. Where do the duties go? x.

Ben: There are a few people that I’ve been looking into. Will have someone by first week of next semester. xi.

Amber: Looking at placement of vice president, sit immediately. xii.

Sam: I think a time frame should be put in place so we are sure to fill the postion. xiii.

Wesley: Should work on filling in all the spots open. Raise awareness for open spots. xiv.

Luke: Surprised that there isn’t something about where the duties fall. Trust that Ben’s making sure the duties get done. Appoint someone soon. xv.

John M: Very easily appoint someone, need to get duties covered. xvi.

Dr. Pagel: The constitution can only be changed by the board of trustees. Ben will appoint, and you approve. We have a committee and we have the president is here so the work of a vice president is being done.


Ben: Do we know if external affairs has to come from the board? xviii.

Dr. Pagel: Yes. xix.

John M: Do we need to do something? xx.

Dr. Pagel: Ben just appoints and you vote, that person is the VP. xxi.

Ben: They appoint people to committees too. Will need to talk about that. xxii.

Troy: Not suggesting that we change things now, just wanted to hear ideas. xxiii.

Ben: Do you have a meeting set for that committee? xxiv.

Troy: No, will email people over break. xxv.

Amber: Have candidates to meet with appointments committee. Looking at what’s still open.


Public Comment


Open Forum a.

Ben: How many are trained in the website? b.

Abby: Chelsea c.

Troy: Amber and myself are doing appointments committee, anyone have interest in this. d.

John B, Wesley, Julie, John M, Brandon, Nathan e.

Abby: Rachel is graduating and I have a card for her. f.

Amber: Thanks to Mr. Mackey with the NMU tab. Chelsea and I are working on the details. g.

Ben: Is anyone interested in being the director of external affairs? Get a hold on me. h.

Troy: Will make more rep binders. Comments from those using them? i.

Wesley: Skimmed through mine and I like it. j.

Mr. Mackey: Using moodle now and doesn’t know if you want to invite Google into your lives, they look at key words, etc. Can looking to the same features as Google. k.

Ben: Remind everyone to wear purple at the hockey game tomorrow. l.

Troy: Maybe get ASNMU involved in tragic events, show our support somehow. m.

Abby: Break into sides after the meeting and get to know new members. n.

Luke: Motion to adjourn. o.

Seconded, approved. p.

Ended at 7:17 pm
