ASNMU General Assembly Agenda th 28 January 2013 Charcoal Room, 6:00pm I. II. III. IV. V. Public Comment Approval of Consent Items a. Agenda 1.28.13 b. Minutes 1.4.13 i. Motion to approve Adam to Academic Senate. Motion approved. Executive Reports a. President i. Michigan Deerborn providing “bluebooks”. Thought to put ASNMU name on books to get the name out there. ii. Motion to nominate Nathan to “Director of External Affairs”. Motion passed. Nathan is the new Director of External Affairs. b. Vice President c. Chair d. Treasurer i. Not present. Action Items a. Troy : suspending the rules and moving back to action items. Motion made to appoint self to Academic Senate. Brandon seconded, passed unanimously. b. Troy approved to academic senate. c. Brandon : suspending the rules and moving back to action items. Motion made to appoint self to Academic Senate. Troy seconded, passed unanimously. d. Brandon approved to academic senate. Discussion Items i. Scott Craw donated computer to ASNMU office. b. SAM Update (Bradbury, Goldberg, Stanley) i. SAM conference – 3 new bills were introduced 1. Bill 4558 Allows absentee ballot to vote 2. Bill 4063 allows you to apply to be organ donor 3. Bill 28 Online voter registration. Allows to apply for absentee ballot online. 4. United Student Association speaker has handouts for board. 5. Troy was not able to attend SAM conference. Dion received new position on board. Packet will be sent to campus to bring awareness of student debt. c. ASNMU Organization Status d. Big Screen vs. Glass Case (Stanley) i. Ben: Glass case to purchase for LRC to post information about ASNMU to raise awareness about student Government – $2300. ii. Television could be purchased and used to raise awareness about ASNMU. iii. Existing glass case can only be used every other month. iv. Chelsea: smaller glass case/bulletin board cheaper. v. Brandon: motion to form Committee to look into publicizing ASNMU in the LRC. Committee formed. e. VP Nomination i. Motion to appoint Wesley Reiber to Vice President. ii. Motion to vote on appointment for Wesley to vice president by Nathan, Motion failed f. Resignation letter read for “Sam” accepted by all members. g. Referendum i. Students elect a representative to make decisions. Letting students able to vote on programs. ii. Ben : Four cents a student to be able to start program. iii. Ben : President and Vice President should run in election as a team and run program as team. iv. Motion for forming election committee. Motion passed. v. Doctor “Pagel” : Information for elections committee. vi. Cannot run in elections next year if currently on committee. One person outside of ASNMU must involved in committee. h. Noise Makers (Goldberg) i. Students get together and “make noise” at hockey games. ii. Look into buying “boom sticks” for activity. Possibly with ASNMU name printed on them to promote. iii. Check with Berry events center to see if program would be allowed. iv. Ben : ASNMU needs to promote more and believes this program would help. i. Safe Rides Home (Reiber) i. Presentation by Wesley on Safe Rides. Funding is available for vehicles “Mama D” very cooperative with ASNMU through project. Still issues to be addressed with program. ii. “Mama D” has been funding project on her own. iii. Looking for volunteers for project. iv. Amount of Northern students drinking and driving has decreased since Safe Rides publicized their program. v. “Mama D” can receive veteran grants for startup project. vi. Nathan noted that taking donations from Safe Ride customers would be good. vii. 10 to 12 volunteers would be optimal to begin program. Two volunteers for each vehicle. VI. VII. viii. St. Patrick’s day Safe Rides would take full responsibility currently cannot assume full responsibility. ix. Committee should be formed to start Safe Rides program because ASNMU cannot be involved with startup. x. Ben Stanley: Northern will not approve program until all legal issues are addressed. xi. Wesley: Doctor “Pagel” Believes Safe Ride would not be in ASNMU’s best interest . Due to liability and legal issues. xii. 5013-C Status could be used to start program. xiii. Brandon: Motion to form committee for Safe rides program. Motion passed. xiv. Brandon: Should call other schools that have program and check into how to program is going and how to start. Public Comment a. None Open Forum a. Mackenzie: ASNMU office has been closed for the last two weeks for representative’s office hours. b. Look into secretary hours and organize them for optimal use. c. Office should be open Eight to Five like other NMU offices. d. Wesley : Secretaries haven’t been showing up for office hours in ASNMU hours. e. Ben : Board members should volunteer one hour in ASNMU office and one hour promoting ASNMU around campus. f. Thought to leave key for ASNMU office in bookstore. Or possibly card swipe lock installed on ASNMU door. g. Wesley : would volunteer a lot of his free time to working as secretary. h. Doctor “Pagel” : ASNMUJ is needed for elections within next 5 – 6 weeks. Most important committee for ASNMU voice. i. Faculty and students make up Academic Senate. (Tuesdays at 3pm) j. Wesley : Commented on members being bias towards other board members. k. Troy: Read his resignation letter. Resignation letter accepted.