COURSE SYLLABUS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MAN6245XSOnline GENERAL INFORMATION PROFESSOR INFORMATION Instructor: Prof. Sam PaustianUnderdahl Phone: (305)-348-2791 Office: Mango TBD, MMC Fax: (305) 348-6146 Office Hours: By appointment Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE This course is designed to provide students in the Healthcare MBA program with an evidence-based approach to understanding and improving employee and organizational well-being and effectiveness, from a behavioral perspective. This course blends readings grounded in solid theory and research, class discussions focused on real world case studies, examples from popular business press, selfassessments, and exercises developing specific skills and abilities. The course content will focus on groups and teams, diversity and cultural competence, individual attitudes and perceptions, communication, organizational change, cognitive processes, leadership, power and influence, stress and well-being, conflict management, decision making and negotiation skills, and motivation. Students will also learn about interventions, initiatives, and actions that a healthcare professional can implement to improve employee and organizational success. COURSE OBJECTIVES Students will be able to: 1.d.1. Apply diversity management tools and techniques to effectively engage employees from diverse backgrounds and cultures 1.d.2. Evaluate the well-being and performance of employees, and develop strategies to reduce their stress, while increasing their effectiveness in healthcare organizations 4.a.2. Apply leadership theories including trait and behavioral theories, contingency theories, and contemporary leadership theories to the management of healthcare employees 6.b.1. Explain how the application of conflict management and negotiation techniques operate within healthcare organizations Demonstrate an understanding of how personality, attitudes, and perceptions affect workplace interactions and evaluations Develop content and process based strategies to enhance employee motivation Apply theories of group dynamics to more effectively build and manage employee teams Develop organizational change and development interventions based on a needs assessment of the organization and its stakeholders CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES TARGETED Student Competencies Expected At completion of HCMBA 2014-15 Florida International University 1. Students will be able to calculate and analyze information useful to decision makers (Financial, statistical, data analysis and decision making; business skills and knowledge). 1a) Financial Management (ACG 6026, FIN 6406, ACG 6175) 1.a.1. Apply break-even analysis to business decisions (ACG 6026) 1.a.2. Evaluate corporate performance using financial ratios (ACG 6026) 1.a.3. Assess the effect of accounting principles choice on financial statements (ACG 6026) 1.a.4. Allocate common costs using multiple methods (ACG 6026) 1.a.5. Calculate free cash flows (FCF) from corporate balance sheets and income statements (FIN 6406) 1.a.6. Assess stand-alone risk and differentiate it from portfolio risk (FIN 6406) 1.a.7. Appropriately use time value of money concepts in securities valuation (FIN 6406) 1.a.8. Differentiate debt and equity (FIN 6406) 1.a.9. Effectively value publicly traded and non-traded corporations (FIN 6406) 1.a.10. Assess the impact of accounting choices on strategic objectives (ACG 6175) 1.a.11. Interpret ratios and other financial information for performance (ACG 6175) 1.a.12. Evaluate the legal liability associated with financial misstatement and fraud (ACG 6175) 1.a.13. Apply models used to value an entity (ACG 6175) 1b) Marketing and Consumer Behavior (MAR 6805) 1.b.1. Use core marketing and consumer behavior concepts to identify various marketing scenarios (MAR 6805) 1.b.2. Evaluate consumer needs and behaviors (MAR 6805) 1.b.3. Assess market opportunities by analyzing consumers (through market research), competitors, collaborators, context, and the strengths and weaknesses of an entity (MKT 6805) 1.b.4. Conduct market research and use the results to support decisions (MAR 6805) 1.b.5. Develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organizations’ objectives (MAR 6805) 1.b.6. Communicate and defend recommendations and critically examine and build upon the recommendations of others both quantitatively and qualitatively (MAR 6805) 1c) Information Management (MAN 6830) 1.c.1. Evaluate the key information technologies and regulatory requirements that support information systems (MAN 6830) 1.c.2. Develop a working knowledge of IS development lifecycle processes and methodologies based on mapping (as-is and to-be) strategy, process and technology (MAN 6830) 1.c.3. Develop an understanding of the key issues and approaches involved in information system acquisition, implementation and change management (MAN 6830) 1.c.4. Evaluate the impact of information systems on the structure, processes and the behaviors of the organization (MAN 6830) 1d) Organizational Behavior and Management (MAN 6095, 6501, 6425, 6276) 1.d.1. Apply diversity management tools and techniques to effectively engage employees from diverse backgrounds and cultures (MAN 6425) 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.d.2. Evaluate the well-being and performance of employees, and develop strategies to reduce their stress, while increasing their effectiveness (MAN 6425) 1.d.3. Apply theories and concepts relating to the management, organization and delivery products/services (MAN 6095) 1.d.4. Forecast demand using time series technique or linear regression (MAN 6501) 1.d.5. Evaluate alternative schedules using scheduling algorithms (MAN 6501) 1.d.6. Develop ABC classification inventory management (MAN 6501) 1.d.7. Evaluate risks associated with alternative facility locations (MAN 6501) 1.d.8. Analyze basic business contracts (BUL 6810) 1.d.9. Analyze industry structure and environmental trends to assess industry potential (MAN 6726) 1.d.10. Explain the application of performance control systems (MAN 6095) 1.d.11. Develop quality monitoring and quality improvement processes (MAN 6501) 1.d.12. Apply Six Sigma concepts to service quality management (MAN 6501) Students will be able to critically analyze complex business issues and make strategic business decisions under uncertainty (leading, thinking creatively, making sound decisions under uncertainty, integrating knowledge across fields; critical thinking, analysis and problem solving). 2a) Critical thinking (All coursework) 2.a.1. Demonstrate critical thinking skills in complex business settings Students will be able to evaluate ethical problems associated with legal issues (social responsibility, ethical behavior and management (Professionalism and ethics). 3a) Ethics, Personal and Professional Accountability (BUL 6810, MAN 6095) 3.a.1. Maintain accountability for personal ethics (BUL 6810) 3.a.2. Analyze ethical problems/choose and defend resolutions (MAN 6095) 3.a.3. Identify legal constraints and the options available to managers in resolving ethical issues (BUL 6810) 3.a.4. Identify corporate compliance laws and regulations (BUL 6810) Students will be able to develop leadership by using team building and collaborative behaviors to accomplish group tasks (teamwork, leading in organizational situations; Management and leadership). 4a) Change Management (MAN 6726, 6425) 4.a.1. Analyze decisions under uncertainty using PEST analysis (MAN 6726) 4.a.2. Apply leadership theories including trait and behavioral theories, contingency theories, and contemporary leadership theories to the management of healthcare employees (MAN 6425) Students will be able to evaluate systems and processes in organizations (systems and processes, including planning and design, supply chains, marketing and distribution). 5a) Systems and Policy (MAN 6095, HSA 6155, HSA 6156) 5.a.1. Explain the interrelatedness and interdependency of the various segments of the industry (MAN 6095) 5.a.2. Demonstrate an understanding of how service organizations are governed and organized (MAN 6095) 5.a.3. Assess and evaluate US and international health systems (HSA 6155) 5.a.4. Evaluate the interdependencies of different stakeholders in shaping policy (HSA 6155) 5.a.5. Evaluate potential costs and benefits and provide insights into the effects of health policy based on qualitative and quantitative analysis (HSA 6155) 5.a.6. Identify current trends and major issues affecting the industry (MAN 6095) 5.a.7. Evaluate the impact of healthcare reform efforts in the US (HSA 6155) 5.a.8. Analyze economic issues related to health insurance (HSA 6156) 5.a.9. Apply microeconomic concepts and models to public health issues (HSA 6156) 5.a.10. Describe the economic factors that influence health care decisions (HSA 6156) 5.a.11. Identify factors that influence the production and cost of medical care in competitive and non-competitive markets (HSA 6156) 5b) Integrative Problem Solving 5.b.1. Apply tools learned across the curriculum (especially quantitative and qualitative analysis) (Man 6726) 5.b.2. Develop M&A and alliance strategies to access capabilities (MAN 6726) 6. Communication and Relationship Management 6a) Communication Skills (All courses) 6.a.1. Exhibit effective written communications skills 6b) Relationship Management 6.b.1. Explain how the application of conflict management and negotiation techniques operate within healthcare organizations (MAN 6425) TEACHING METHODOLOGY Theories, case studies, exercises, and applications are embedded within each week’s class session. Class sessions have carefully been planned to offer a fast-paced learning environment that combines lecture, group discussion, experiential exercises, and multi-media. To help create a true “learning community,” this course is fully supported by a Blackboard-based web site available at which will facilitate online completion of assignments, dissemination of information, and networking among all participants. ASSURANCE OF LEARNING The College of Business cares about the quality of your education. For more information please visit the Assurance of Learning website to learn more on the College’s commitment to this initiative. IMPORTANT INFORMATION POLICIES Please review FIU's Policies webpage. The policies webpage contains essential information regarding guidelines relevant to all courses at FIU, as well as additional information about acceptable netiquette for online courses. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS/SKILLS One of the greatest barriers to taking an online course is a lack of basic computer literacy. By computer literacy we mean being able to manage and organize computer files efficiently, and learning to use your computer’s operating system and software quickly and easily. Keep in mind that this is not a computer literacy course; but students enrolled in online courses are expected to have moderate proficiency using a computer. Please go to the What’s Required page to find out more information on this subject. This course utilizes the following tools: 1. FIU Blackboard 2. Adobe Connect 3. For PowerPoint: to view these files, you must have Adobe Flash Player installed. Please download the free Adobe Flash Player from the Adobe web site. 4. For PDF: to open these files, you will need Acrobat Reader. 5. For Video & Audio Files: RealPlayer or Windows Media Player is required to access these features. Download the basic Real Player or Windows Media Player now. 6. If you are using a Mac to watch these videos you need to download and install a plug-in for your browser. You can download the plug-in by clicking here. Please visit our Technical Requirements webpage for additional information. ACCESSIBILITY AND ACCOMMODATION Please visit our ADA Compliance webpage for information about accessibility involving the tools used in this course. Please visit Blackboard’s Commitment to Accessibility webpage for more information. For additional assistance please contact FIU’s Disability Resource Center. COURSE PREREQUISITES This is a Graduate Course in the Healthcare MBA, and part of the pre-determined course sequence. As such, there are no prerequisites. TEXTBOOK Organizational Behavior in Health Care Borkowski, N. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2011 ISBN-10: 0763763837 ISBN-13: 978-0763763831 You may purchase your textbook online at the FIU Bookstore. EXPECTATIONS OF THIS COURSE This is an online course, which means most (if not all) of the course work will be conducted online. Expectations for performance in an online course are the same for a traditional course. In fact, online courses require a degree of self-motivation, self-discipline, and technology skills which can make these courses more demanding for some students. I will communicate important information to you via email (to your registered FIU email address). But, it is imperative that you log in regularly to the course in Blackboard to stay abreast of new announcements, upcoming deadlines, discussion forums, activities and tasks for each week, etc. Students who do not read messages and responses to questions in discussion forums are likely to run into frustration. Very often, answers to questions you are about to ask have already been addressed, or there may be an important update that the professor has posted. Without reading these messages and staying regularly connected to the course, you will not be informed about what is happening in your course. Remember, it is your responsibility to keep up with the course schedule and announcements/posts. If you have a question or a concern, please do not hesitate to contact me – I am here to help. Students are expected to: Review the how to get started information located in the course content Introduce yourself to the class during the first week by posting a self-introduction in the appropriate discussion forum Take the practice quiz to ensure that your computer is compatible with Blackboard Interact online with me and your peers Review and follow the course calendar Log in to the course at least twice per week– but in most cases you should be logging in 3-4 times per week. Respond to discussion boards within 5 days Respond to emails within 3 days Submit assignments by the corresponding deadline The instructor will: Log in to the course 5-6 times per week Respond to discussion boards, blogs and journal postings within 2 days (but usually faster) Respond to emails within 2 days (but usually faster) Grade assignments within 7 days of the assignment deadline Facilitate critical thinking and thoughtful discussions COURSE DETAILS COURSE COMMUNICATION Communication in this course will take place via email. The Email feature is an external communication tool that allows users to send emails to users enrolled within the course. Emails are sent to the students’ FIU email on record. The Email tool is located on the Course Menu, on the left side of the course webpage. Visit our Writing Resources webpage for more information on professional writing and technical communication skills. DISCUSSION FORUMS / ONLINE PARTICIPATION There will be a general course discussion forum open to the entire class, and each student will also be assigned to one Group Discussion Forum which makes up your participation grade. Group Discussion Forums are to be used to participate in weekly discussion of course material with your peers – the way it will work is that I will post discussion questions, news or magazine articles, short video clips, etc. and will ask you to comment or discuss these within your group. You will need to participate EACH WEEK in the discussion forums by following the instructions for that week. As one example, I might have you read a brief article and then pose a question, such as “What kind of team was this Microsoft team that is described in the article? How would you describe the team’s culture? How do you think the team’s culture impacts the success of the team?” Whenever possible, you should incorporate concepts and ideas from the course in your responses. I’ll give instructions each week for the Group Discussion Forum via email and they will also be posted clearly in your groups' discussion forum. Note: This type of discussion forum has an advantage over an “all class” discussion forum, because it makes it easier to add value to the discussion. If I ask you to read an article and ask everyone in the class to comment on it in the same forum (and if you know you have to be unique or “add value” in your comment) – it can get pretty tough to say something new if you’re the 20th person to chime in. A thorough grading rubric for group discussions will be available in Blackboard. General Guidelines for Blackboard Discussion Postings: 1. I recommend that you create your response as a Word document first and run spell check before cutting/pasting/uploading to the discussion site. 2. Discussion Forums for each topic will be open for 2 weeks in order to allow a “back-and-forth” between you and your groupmates (this means you may be contributing to 2 different weekly topics at the same time). Discussions cannot be made up after the activity week(s) have closed. 3. Keep postings to the point. Short paragraphs (200-250 words or less) are preferable to long ones. Comments should add to the general knowledge of the issue and should not be limited to agreement or disagreement with other students’ postings (and remember that a topic might continue to be discussed for a couple of weeks and so you may have a “discussion” going back and forth). Every post does not need to be 200 words, but in total you should have about 200 words for each week’s topic. NOTE: I’m not going to count words, but I’m trying to be as clear as possible about the nature of your participation – a two sentence post for each topic is not sufficient. 4. Incorporate references from the readings or other scholarly references in your replies; base your discussion points on substance, not opinions. 5. Stick to the subject of a particular thread in the discussion. 6. Keep in mind that your Group Discussion Forum posts should not be considered private – I will be reading them, and they may be shared with the class if they are especially interesting. If responding to another message, quote the passage you're responding to or briefly summarize the message. Do not copy the entire message to which you are responding, unless it is very short. Detail specifically why you agree or disagree. “I agree” statements that are unsupported will receive zero credit. In addition, discussions cannot be made up after the activity has closed. QUIZZES In order to mitigate any issues with your computer and online assessments, it is very important that you take the “Practice Quiz” from each computer you will be using to take your graded quizzes and exams. It is your responsibility to make sure your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements. Assessments in this course are not compatible with mobile devices and should not be taken through a mobile phone or tablet. If you need further assistance please contact FIU Online Support Services. Quiz Expectations: There will be 8 quizzes during the semester. Each quiz is worth 10 points and will have 10 questions. My goal with these quizzes is to be FAIR (just as that is an overarching goal for the entire course), to assess your content knowledge, and to help motivate you to keep up with your weekly reading assignments. Content for the quizzes will be based on the book chapters for each week. For each quiz, you are allowed to have open-book and open-notes. In other words, you can use your notes, PowerPoint slides from the course, and the textbook during the quiz. You cannot use any other resources, which include but are not limited to: the internet, other students or friends/family members. Quizzes will be available from each Saturday until each Friday (11:59pm). You will have 20 minutes to complete each quiz. Quizzes will have multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blanks questions. Note: One of the major mistakes that students make on quizzes is that, because the exam is “open book”, they think that they don’t have to know the material well before taking the quiz. This is a terrible strategy and will likely make you score WORSE than if you studied for a closed-book quiz. You will need to know the material well so that you know most of the answers without having to refer to your notes. I would suggest strongly that you only refer to your notes for a few questions or for a quick reference. If you are constantly referring to your notes, it is highly likely that you will not finish the quiz. Results will be available immediately after you complete the quiz. In addition, quizzes cannot be made up after the activity has closed. ASSIGNMENTS There are FOUR assignments during the course: THREE are Group-Based Case Study Analyses ONE is an Individual Leadership Interview and Analysis Assignment Expectations: General information about these assignments and expectations is presented below, and specific additional details will be provided to you at least two weeks before each assignment is due. Here is some general information applying to all of the four assignments: All assignments need to be submitted through Turnitin. Assignments will be evaluated on both Content and Clarity/Professional Presentation. Additional (more specific) information about grading criteria for the assignments will be clearly stated in the instructions. I will tell you how many points will be assigned for each of the criteria, along with a general rubric describing how scores will be determined. You should receive your grade for these assignments within a week of the assignment due-date. Assignments are due at 11:59pm on the due date. All due dates fall on a Friday Late assignments are docked at a rate of 25% per day. You can certainly turn your assignment in early if you are going to be away around the time of the due-date. If timely submission of an assignment could become challenging for a student due to a legitimate reason, an advance notice should be sent to the instructor with the reason for the delay. Grading that assignment would be at the instructor's discretion. Assignments should be typed, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, with a standard font. You can format/style the assignments as you see fit (i.e. headings, spacing, etc). APA should be used for in-text citations and the reference lists. Some useful links to the APA referencing format are provided here: The APA website can be is an excellent reference as well as the Purdue Online Writing Lab site. Case Analyses (Due September 12th, September 19th, and October 3rd) The 3 group-based cases should be completed in your assigned HC MBA groups. You will be asked to read a case study on a topic from class, and write an Executive Briefing. Executive briefings are brief synopses (summaries) of the key issues on a particular topic. This briefing should be no more than two single-spaced pages (excluding the reference list; in-text citations and references should be in APA format). The briefing should look highly professional, which also means it needs to be easily understood by a hypothetical executive who is looking at this briefing quickly and needs to get caught up to speed on the main ideas, decision possibilities, and proposed outcome(s). I will give more guidance and criteria to help you at least 2 weeks before this assignment is due. This assignment must be turned in to the HCMBA Write-2-Learn Program for feedback prior to submitting to me. You will likely need to make edits to the assignment before you submit it to me. (NOTE: W2L Program requires a 72-hour turn around period so use your time management wisely!) Leadership Interview (Due October 3rd) This individual assignment requires that you interview a leader of your choosing and provide both a description of the interview, but, more importantly, an analysis of this person as it relates to topics discussed in the course and in the textbook, as well as insights gleaned. I will give more guidance and criteria to help you at least 3 weeks before this assignment is due. This assignment must be turned in to the HCMBA Write-2-Learn Program for feedback prior to submitting to me. You will likely need to make edits to the assignment before you submit it to me. (NOTE: W2L Program requires a 72-hour turn around period so use your time management wisely!) Review the detailed Turnitin instructions on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor. ADOBE CONNECT Adobe Connect is an online meeting room where you can interact with your professor and fellow students by sharing screens, sharing files, chatting, broadcasting live audio, and taking part in other interactive online activities. We will be utilizing this tool to conduct ‘office hours’, and each Group will be provided an Adobe Connect meeting room (you may access it through the Adobe Connect link in your Blackboard Course menu). The Adobe Connect ‘office hour’ sessions are for you or others to pose questions that can be heard by the class – so sometimes someone might bring up a great question and you can hear the answer live in the session, or you can watch the session at a later point in time. Each Adobe Connect session will be archived and available for you to watch as your schedule permits. I am not planning to have a specific agenda for the Adobe Connect session, but welcome your involvement, questions, and comments. If you have questions or comments that you want to discuss with me individually/personally, we can set up a time outside of the Adobe Connect session. I will email the class regularly with Doodle polls to figure out which dates/ times would be best for the class ‘office hour’ meetings. Groups can use their Adobe Connect meeting rooms as needed throughout the course. Requirements for using Adobe Connect: 1. Disable any window pop-up blocker. 2. Adobe Flash Player is required to successfully run your Adobe Connect meeting. You can test your computer to make sure your computer and network connections are properly configured to provide you with the best possible Adobe Connect meeting experience. 3. Use of a combination headset and microphone with USB connection is recommended to ensure quality sound and reduce technical difficulties Reference Adobe Connect (Tutorials & Help) to learn about the tool, how to access your meeting rooms and recordings. GRADING Number of Items Points for Each Total Points Available Weight 8 10 80 31.4% 8 10 80 31.4% Case Analyses 3 20 60 23.5% Leadership Interview and Analysis 1 35 35 13.7% Total 20 N/A 255 100% Course Requirements Online Class Participation/Discussion Groups Quizzes Letter Grade Range Letter Grade Range Letter Grade Range A Above 93 B- 81-83 D+ 67-70 A- 91-92 C+ 77-80 D 64-66 B+ 87-90 C 74-76 D- 61-63 B 84-86 C- 71-73 F < 61 COURSE CALENDAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE Date and Learning Objectives Week 1 August 16th August 22nd Readings/Topics Supports Learning Objective: Apply theories of group dynamics to more effectively build and manage employee teams Why Study Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Healthcare? Groups, Teams and Team Building Carefully Read the Syllabus Discussions/Quizzes/Assignments Complete X-Y Theory Questionnaire (Chapter 1, pp 11-12) Introduce yourself to the class in Blackboard Take the Practice Quiz (Due August 22nd at 11:59 pm) Take Quiz #1 (Due August 22nd at 11:59 pm) Date and Learning Objectives Readings/Topics Week 2 August 23rd August 29th Supports Learning Objective: Demonstrate an understanding of how personality, attitudes, and perceptions affect workplace interactions and evaluations Listen to the Welcome Intro (PPT with audio) Read Chapter 1 Read Chapters 15, 16 and 17 Read HBR article “Speeding Up Team Learning” Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Diversity and Cultural Competencies Attitudes and Perceptions Communication Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 Read articles “The Business Case for Commitment to Diversity” and “Proven Strategies for Addressing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace” Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Discussions/Quizzes/Assignments Start Discussion Topic #1 (Closes August 29th at 11:59pm) Start Discussion Topic #2 (Closes August 29th at 11:59pm) Take Quiz #2 (Due August 29th at 11:59 pm) Start Discussion Topic #3 (Closes September 5th at 11:59pm) Start Case Analysis #1 (Due September 12th at 11:59 pm) Finish up with Discussion Topic #1 (Closes August 29th at 11:59pm) Finish up with Discussion Topic #2 (Closes August 29th at 11:59pm) Week 3 August 30th September 5th Supports Learning Objective: Develop organizational change and development interventions based on a needs assessment of the organization and its stakeholders Managing Organizational Changes Read Chapters 18 and 19 Read HBS article, “Barbara Norris: Leading Change in the General Surgery Unit” Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Take Quiz #3 (Due September 5th at 11:59 pm) No new Discussion Topic this week Finish up with Discussion Topic #3 (Closes September 5th at 11:59pm) Continue with Case Analysis #1 (Due September 12th at 11:59 pm) Date and Learning Objectives Readings/Topics Week 4 September 6thSeptember 12th Supports Learning Objective: Develop content and process based strategies to enhance employee motivation Week 5 Motivation I – Needs and Goals Motivation II - Cognitive Processes Read Chapters 5, 6 and 7 Watch the TED video called, “Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?" Read the case study on Dr. Jack Perry for the case analysis #2 Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Supports Learning Objective: 4.a.2. Apply leadership theories including trait and behavioral theories, contingency theories, and contemporary leadership theories to the management of healthcare employees Week 6 September 20thSeptember 26th Read Chapters 8, 9, 10 and 11 Read the article called, “When should a leader be directive or empowering? How to develop your own situational theory of leadership” Watch the 60 Minutes (Part 1) and 60 minutes (Part 2) segments on Steve Jobs Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Stress in the Workplace and Stress Management Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills Supports Learning Objective: 1.d.2. Evaluate the well-being and performance of employees, and develop strategies to reduce their Take Quiz #4 (Due September 12th at 11:59 pm) Start Discussion Topic #4 (Closes September 19th at 11:59pm) Start Case Analysis #2 (Due September 19th at 11:59 pm) Finish with Case Analysis #1 (Due September 12th at 11:59 pm) Power and Influence Leadership September 13thSeptember 19th Discussions/Quizzes/Assignments Read Chapters 12 and 14 Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Take Quiz #5 (Due September 19th at 11:59 pm) Start Discussion Topic #5 (Closes September 26th at 11:59pm) Start Case Analysis #3 (Due October 3rd at 11:59 pm) Start Leadership Interview Assignment (Due on October 3rd at 11:59pm) Finish up Discussion Topic #4 (Closes September 19th at 11:59pm) Finish with Case Analysis #2 (Due September 19th at 11:59 pm) Take Quiz #6 (Due September 26th at 11:59 pm) Start Discussion Topic #6 (Closes October 3rd at 11:59pm) Continue Case Analysis #3 (Due October 3rd at 11:59 pm) Finish up Discussion Topic #5 (Closes September 26th at 11:59pm) Date and Learning Objectives Readings/Topics Discussions/Quizzes/Assignments stress, while increasing their effectiveness in healthcare organizations Supports Learning Objective: 6.b.1. Explain how the application of conflict management and negotiation techniques operate within healthcare organizations Week 7 September 27thOctober 3rd Supports Learning Objective: 1.d.2. Evaluate the well-being and performance of employees, and develop strategies to reduce their stress, while increasing their effectiveness in healthcare organizations Decision Making Read Chapter 13 Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides (with audio) Take Quiz #7 (Due October 3rd at 11:59 pm) Start Discussion Topic #7 (Closes October 10th at 11:59pm) Start Discussion Topic #8 (Closes October 10th at 11:59pm) Finish up Discussion Topic #6 (Closes October 3rd at 11:59pm) Finish up your Leadership Interview Assignment (Due on October 3rd at 11:59pm) Finish up Case Analysis #3 (Due October 3rd at 11:59 pm) Week 8 October 4th-October 10th Attribution Theory Supports Learning Objective: 4.a.2. Apply leadership theories including trait and behavioral theories, contingency theories, and contemporary leadership theories to the management of healthcare employees Read Chapter 3 (pp 52 - 54) and Chapter 7 Complete the Attribution Style Self-Assessment on pages 160 - 162 of your textbook. Go through the PowerPoint notes/slides Take Quiz #8 (Due October 9th at 11:59 pm) Finish up Discussion Topic #7 (Closes October 9th at 11:59pm) Finish up Discussion Topic #8 (Closes October 9th at 11:59pm)