Professional Education Committee

December 4, 2013, 3:30 PM (PSU 308)
Meeting Minutes
Eduardo Acuna-Zumbado, Roberta Aram, Tami Arthaud, Alice (Jill) Black, Donna Breault, Bryan
Breyfogle, Gilbert Brown, Chris Craig, Bill Edgar, Brenda Goodwin, Adam Harbaugh, Andrea
Hellman, Andrew Homburg, David Hough, Grace Jackson-Brown, Angela Kohnen, Carol Maples,
Cindy McMeley, Sarah Nixon, Juli Panza, Cathy Pearman, Diana Piccolo, Lynda Plymate, Gayle
Runke, Gigi Saunders, James Sottile, Tonia Tinsley, Glenna Vanderhoof, Rebecca Woodard, and
Cheryl Wrinkle
Kim Dubree, and Bethany Laws
Call to Order
The monthly meeting of the Missouri State University Professional Education Committee
convened at 3:30 pm. Chair, Brenda Goodwin presiding. A quorum was established.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of Nov 13, 2013 meeting minutes.
All approved. Minutes stand.
a. Update of UAPB TEC: Plans & Expectations – Dr. Gilbert Brown reported:
UAPB achieved consensus that we should seek to cultivate a strong informal bond
between our faculty through participating in some shared social experiences at each
institution. Colleagues thought we should travel to Pine Bluff this coming summer to
spend some informal time. The group developed consensus that we should have a video
conference with our colleagues to share our mutual interests and needs in our emerging
partnership. We should also invite our colleagues to participate in our existing
programming efforts like our upcoming Public Affairs Conference, and King Day’s
Eyes on the Prize program. Faculty should entertain attending UAPB’s existing
programs such as their Undergraduate Retention Conference. Early Childhood and
Family Studies Faculty members are seeking to build a poster-like display about foster
children’s different experiences. In their January meeting, they will seek to exchange
mutual views about possible faculty joint teaching initiatives. Some of our faculty have
suggested ideas for possible joint initiatives. UAPB colleagues are reflecting on our
b. MoGEA Cut Scores (handout) – Dr. James Sottile
They have been meeting with the Assessment Committee. The purpose of the meeting
was to discuss the cut scores for the MoGEA. The members were given a copy of the
“Missouri General Education Assessment Institution Qualifying Score Report Form”
Noted on the form was the cut score (standard error of measurement) for +2, +1, panel
based cut score, -1,-2, and other for the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Social
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Studies, and Writing.. The student raw score, the % of students who obtained a specific
score (impact data %), and the scaled score were also noted on the form. The
committee members and guests discussed the advantages and limits of each cut score.
The definition of “standard deviation” and “standard error of measurement” was
explained and examples of each were provided to the committee. The limitations of the
data provided by DESE were also discussed to include the small sample size and gender
bias within the sample size. By the end of the meeting, the majority of members who
voted were comfortable with having a -2 “standard error of measurement” in all five
c. Legislative Update/Announcements
There is an initiative asking for people to sign a constitutional amendment that will
terminate teacher tenure and teachers will be solely evaluated on performance.
Administrative Updates
a. Unit Update – Chris Craig, Head of the PEU
Dr. Craig received the report from the BOA Team Chair. They documented well all the
things we have done. There were a couple of factual things that needed to be changed;
Dr. Sottile took the lead and got those things taken care of. They will get a second
posting of the corrected report. Drs. Hough and Craig met with Tom Peters from the
Library after concerns were brought to their attention at the PEC Executive Committee.
The Counseling and Testing Center have not been offering the MoGEA in the evenings
or weekends and students are concerned about the accessibility of taking the MoGEA.
Dr. Peters will continue to work with us to house the center for testing in the Library. It
will probably be a year before we see any change, and they will continue to press
Counseling and Testing to make available more options for students. Also, the BSEd
has developed a letter to be sent on behalf of their committee to respond to the proposed
rule change in certification requirements. Dr. Tinsley has agreed to send the template
letter to the PEC members.
b. COE Update – David Hough, COE Dean
Dean Hough met with Chris Nicastro on Nov 18 and showed what they were prepared
to do to take control of Higher Ed away from them. They are cooperating now and gave
us the opportunity to set our own cut scores.
c. Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Director
Will be working on how the best way to get the cut scores out to students.
Committee Reports
a. Admissions, Procedures, & Retention – Chair needed.
b. Membership & Professional Development – Chair Beth Hurst
No report.
c. Program Review – Chair Roberta Aram
Will meet in February.
d. Diversity – Chair Steve Willis
Will meet in February.
e. Conceptual Framework – Chair David Goodwin
Will meet in February.
f. BSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Tonia Tinsley
Dr. Tinsley is sending out a letter on behalf of the committee in response to the
proposed rule change. She is also sending a letter to the committee’s advisory board
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along with a template encouraging them to send letters also. It was requested that Dr.
Tinsley send the template to the PEC, and she agreed.
MSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Lynda Plymate
They met in November and discussed plans of how they will document compliance with
all the new practices, dispositions and practical skills. They are working on an advisory
checklist that they will be sending to the directors of MSED Secondary Ed Programs, so
that the advisory may document the completion of all documents.
Screening – Chair Gayle Runke
They have one proposal to present from the English Department.
Exceptions and Compliance – Chair Gayle Runke
If any contracts need to be turned in, do so ASAP
TEA Update – Diana Piccolo
The professional learning session was Dec 3 and went very well. They are working on
data collection and will next meet Dec 13.
Action Items
a. Curricular Proposals
Program Change
o MSEd Secondary Education, English
Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposal. Motion carried.
Personnel Actions
a. Recommendation of New PEU Members
Brenda Goodwin on behalf of Beth Hurst, Chair Membership & Professional
Development presented new member application.
o Christine Combs – Motion was made and seconded to approve member
application. Motion carried.
b. Teacher Education Program Candidates
o Juli Panza, COE Advisement – No applicants.
o Rebecca Woodard, Secondary Ed Director
Members received candidate roster from the Secondary Ed office. Motion was
made and seconded to approve all candidates. Motion carried.
VIII. Old Business
a. CBASE Proposal – Gayle Runke
A motion was made and seconded to bring forward the previously tabled CBASE
proposal for discussion. Motion made and seconded to withdrawn the proposal.
Motion made and seconded to throw out the motion, and open the document up for
amendments. A motion was made and seconded to add a friendly amendment to allow
students to take two classes if they have taken the CBASE twice instead of 3 times. #3
would read: The student must initiate the paperwork for these exceptions and must
meet all of the standards currently in place concerning a replacement course. Except,
they may now do so after two attempts of an unpassed section. Motion carried. See
approved proposal at the end of the minutes.
b. Curricular Program Changes (Items concerning MEGA and revised catalog
descriptions) – Will continue to table until more information is available from DESE.
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New Business
a. Coordination of Student Placements in Practicums & Student Teaching
This was discussed in the BSEd meeting and will be presented at the next PEC meeting.
b. Membership Committee
Two Tier Membership Proposal draft will be ready in February. They are working on
an online application process with James Sottile. Email Beth Hurst with any
suggestions, or comments.
c. DESE Assessments
MoGEA cut scores will continue to be discussed.
d. MO Educators
Online framework review of test materials – Responses and deadlines were discussed.
e. Compendium Changes
Response period is from Dec 2 to Jan 1. DESE will look at individual responses. It is
important that everyone respond.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm.
Exceptions and Compliance Committee – CBASE Proposal
Approved by Professional Education Committee 12/04/13
The CBASE battery of tests has been replaced by a battery of tests known as MoGEA. It is the purpose
of this proposal to help students who are very close to fulfilling the CBASE requirements. The
following outlines an emergency approach to this transition and acceptance to the Teacher Education
1. There will be no exceptions made for qualifying GPAs.
2. All sections must be scored above 235.
a. Three sections passed above 265
b. Two sections can be fulfilled with a replacement course for each section
c. Content area section score must be 265 or student will be required to take the MoGEA
content section
d. One extended semester for one professional education course will be granted while taking
the replacement course(s)
3. The student must initiate the paperwork for these exceptions and must meet all of the standards
currently in place concerning a replacement course. Except, they may now do so after two
attempts of an unpassed section.
4. Replacement courses must be approved, taken and passed with a B- or better prior to Fall 2014.
5. Students who do not meet the criteria by Fall 2014 must meet the complete MoGEA test
requirement. No additional extended semesters will be granted.
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