03/26/2014 Meeting

March 26, 2014 – Hill Hall 314
Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance
Chris Craig (PEU Head), Brenda Goodwin (Chair), David Hough (ex-officio), Diana Piccolo
(Chair Elect), James Sottile (COE), and Rebecca Woodard (Past Chair & Secondary Ed
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the MSU PEC Executive Committee convened at 3:30 pm. Chair
Brenda Goodwin presiding.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2014
meeting. Motion carried.
Discussion Items
a. SFR 797 – Fred Groves
MAT Program faculty have been upgrading the MAT program and the 9 credit
hour course which has embedded in it 1 credit hour of special methods. The
MOU doesn’t specify how to meet this component. Dr. Groves explained how
this summer this component will be built into the regular course to avoid the
expenses incurred in the past. The goal is to have students to take the special
methods courses if those courses are offered at a time when MAT students can
take them. No catalog changes are involved.
b. Legislative Update – HB 1949 – David Hough
The bill was passed by the house and will be going before the senate next. Dr.
Hough will be there to testify along with others when it goes before the senate.
c. Update of UAPB
 Faculty teaching and research initiative
 Student exchanges
 Colin Powell’s visit
 Alabama State University
Gilbert Brown’s UAPB visit report was discussed. The five major outcomes of
the joint meeting are:
1. Cultivation of UABP’s new Chancellor Alexander.
2. Completion of a joint assessment of the ways in which our different
institutional activities align with the MOU.
3. Establishing joint AY2014/2015 college activities that align with the
4. Creating mutual 2015/2016 joint curriculum and out-of classroom
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5. Expanding the MOU to other colleges/units at both campuses.
Dr. Goodwin will ask Dr. Brown to give a summary of his report at the next PEC
MoPTA – Presentations of TASKS 1, 2, 3, & 4 – James Sottile
The upcoming TASKS were discussed.
Assessment Committee Report – James Sottile
Will continue to collect assessment data. According to ETS, with new submission
dates MSU is supposed to have scoring back on TASKS 2 & 3 before TASK 4,
and a total of scoring will be sent back to the institution before the end of the
semester. The possibility of a new server for storing data was discussed.
DESE Assessments
 MoGEA testing center on campus – Will be in the library a year from this
 DESE Vouchers – One person has utilized one of the two vouchers
 Curriculum Program Changes/Progress and Updates from Assessment
Committee – Still on hold at this point.
Things faculty need to be doing – Chris Craig
Faculty need to be listening to Drs. Hough and Sottile on the assessment issues
and understand the big picture of how all the smaller pieces all fit together. They
need to be going to the MoPTA Trainings and read the manual and bring their
students up to speed on the changes. All of the information is on Blackboard.
Also, on Aug 14 from 9 to 4 pm, Dr. Hough is hosting a training conference for
the 85 supervisors at the White River Conference Center on MEGA and emphasis
on MoPTA.
Implementation of acronym changes from PEC to EPP and other CAEP terms –
EPP is official. The EPPC still in limbo.
Revised catalog descriptions for implementation of MEGA requirements –
Continue to table and bring forth Fall 2014.
Committee Chairs – Vacancies and changes (Chair of APR still needed). Chairelects needed for 2014-2015, especially PEC chair-elect.
Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Director
No report.
Old Business
Catalog changes will carry over.
New Business
Dr. Brown will give a report of the UAPB visit.
The PEC Executive Committee Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.
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