Indian Council of Agricultural Research Zonal Project Directorate, Zone-III Umiam, Meghalaya Format for Annual Action Plan Formulation of KVKs, Zone-III for 2015-16 Name of the KVK/District: KVK, Kokrajhar State: Assam Host Organization: Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat Present Staff Position in KVK Sl. No. Name Gender (M/F) 1. Dr. Manoj Kumar Bhuyan M 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Mr. Chitta Ranjan Deka Mrs. Sanchita Brahma Mr. Mahadev Uzir Basumataery Miss Smita Bhuyan Mr. Goutom Bhagawati Dr. Rajeev Bhandar Kayastha Mr. Mridul Kumar Haloi Mr. Pradip Kumar Das Mr. Akhil Roy Choudhury Mr. Subhash Das Md. Sabed Ali Shekh Mr. Rabindra Nath Narzary Mr. Dwijen Basumatary Total M F M F M M M M M M M M M Category (General/OBC/SC/ ST) General General ST ST General General General SC General General SC General ST ST 14 1 Designation Discipline Programme Coordinator Soil Science Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Programme Assistant Programme Assistant Farm Manager Office Supt. Cum Acctt. Driver cum Mechanic Driver cum Mechanic Grade IV Grade IV Agril. Extn. Horticulture Agronomy Home Science Entomology Animal Science Computer Application Entomology Accounts - Mobile No. 9435084843 9954595682 9678512568 8011785437 9435181473 8403904451 9402460760 9864063230 9954238002 9859119517 9435076761 9957478206 8876990931 9957132042 9954330938 Please furnish discipline-wise information in the given format pertaining to the mandated activities of your KVK targeted to be accomplished during 2014-15 Discipline: Agronomy Mobile No:. 9435181473 Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist : Mr. Mahadev Uzir Basumatary E-mail address: Mandated activities Thematic Area Name of Technology Assessed/ Refined (in Specific) Source and Year of release Assess/ Refine Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duratio n Number of beneficiaries/ trials M SC/ST F Total M General F Total Grand Total On farm testing Varietal evaluation Varietal performance of late sown toria (var.TS-67) Technology: i) Crop: Toria ii) Variety: TS-67 iii) Sowing of seeds in mid Nov-mid to Dec,15.) RARS, shillongani A 1 ha Kujrabguri, Dharmapuri Uttar Bashbari Nov- Feb 5 - 5 - - - 5 Weed management in Winter rice. Technology: Application of Pretilachlore 0.75 kg/ha or butachlore @ 1.0 kg /ha as pre emergence at 0-3 DAT followed by by paddy weeder at 30 DAT AICRP on weed control, AAU, Jorhat A 1 ha Pakriguri, Dharmapur, Titaguri JuneDec. 4 - 4 1 - 1 5 Seed Production Integrated Weed Management Integrated Nutrient 2 Management Integrated Water Management Surface drainage in Sessamum Technology: Surface draining technology of Sessamum (width 25 cm x depth 15 cm at 6m spacing) AICRP on Water management (2003) A 1.0 ha Karigaon, Dharmapur AugNov. 5 - 5 - - - 5 Tillage Management/ Farm Machinery Integrated Farming System/ Integrated Crop Management Others (Pl. specify) Front Line Demonstration Mandated activities Thematic Area Name of Technology demonstrated Source and Year of release Crop/ cropping system Varietal evaluation FLD on Boro rice Var. Joymati Sowing time: Nov.- Dec FLD on Blackgram(var. PU-31) Sowing time : Mid August- Mid September RRS, Titabor, Jorhat Rice 2.0 Joyma Parbatjhora 7months (Nov.-May RARS, Shillongani, AAU Jorhat Blackgram 1.5 Bhomarabil, Malaguri, Maktaigaon 4 months (AugustNov) Seed Production Integrated Weed Management Integrated Nutrient Management Integrated Water Management Tillage Management/ Farm Machinery 3 Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of beneficiaries/demon. SC/ST General Gra nd M F Tota M F Total Tota l l 2 2 5 5 7 5 - 5 3 - 3 8 Integrated Farming System/ Integrated Crop Management FLD on Lentil var.HUL-57 Sowing time: Mid OctMid Nov RARS, Shillongani, AAU Lentil 1.0 Kujrabguri, Amlaiguri, Oxiguri Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket No. of trainin g progs Period of the year Durati on (in days) On/Off campus Agronomic management for fodder crops (1) Certified seed production of Sali rice (1) Scientific production technology for Kharif pulses (1) Scientific production technology for Rabi pulses (1) Scientific production technology of Boro rice (1) Water management practices for Rabi crops (1) Scientific Production technology of Krarif oilseeds (1) Scientific production technology for Rabi oil seeds (1) Scientific Production technology of Maize (1) 9 April,15 1 day Off May, 15 2 days June,15 4 months (Nov- Feb.) 3 - 3 2 - 2 5 Others (Pl. specify) On and Off campus training programmes Mandated activities Target group Farmer and Farm women Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Total Grand Total 15 10 25 - - - 25 Off 20 5 25 - - - 25 1 day Off 20 5 25 - - - 25 August, 15 1day Off 10 3 13 10 2 12 25 Nov., 15 Dec., 15 1 day Off 10 - 10 15 - 15 25 2 days On 15 - 15 10 - 10 25 August, 15 1 day off 15 - 15 10 - 10 25 Septem bet,15 1 day Off 15 10 25 - - - 25 Nov., 15 1 day Off 10 - 10 15 - 15 25 4 M Remarks Rural Youth Extension Personnel Certified Organic Farming (1) Recent Advancement in weed management (1) 1 Feb., 15 2 days Off 12 3 15 10 0 10 25 1 Oct., 15 2 days Off 15 0 15 10 0 10 25 Entrepreneurship development through the processing of tapioca (1) Integrated Farming System (1) 1 Nov, 15 4 days On 3 2 5 12 3 15 20 1 Jan, 15 6 days On 3 2 5 12 3 15 20 Civil Society NGO (including school drop outs) Sponsored training programmes Vocational training programmes Others (Pl. specify) Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop outs) Others (Pl. specify) Farmer and Farm women Integrated watershed Management Project (1) 2 Feb., 15 2+2= 4 days Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop outs) Others (Pl. specify) 5 off campus 30 0 30 20 0 20 50 Sponsoring agency District Soil conservation Officer, Kokrajhar Discipline: Horticulture Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist : Mrs. Sanchita Brahma Mobile No:. 8011785437 E-mail address: Mandate d activities Thematic Area On farm testing Varietal evaluation Name of Technology Sourc e and Year of releas e Assess/R efine Are a (in ha.) i) Performance of Triple Cross tomato hybrid Arka Shreshtha ii) Performance of cowpea variety Arka Mangala 2013 Assessme nt 0.13 2013 Assessme nt 0.13 Cultivation of cabbage using organic sources of nutrients. AAU A 0.13 Location Shantinagar Gomowbil & kamalsing Shantinagar Gomowbil & kamalsing Period Number of beneficiaries/ trials and Duratio n SC/ST General M F Tota M F Tot l al Octob4 - 4 Jan/4 months May4 - 4 August/ 4 months Gran d Total 4 4 Integrated Nutrient Management Integrated Weed Management Orchard Rejuvenation Post Harvest Processing/ Value Addition Canopy mgmt. Landscaping Mechanization Any other (Use of Organics for Vegetable Cultivation) 6 Dotma, Maktaigaon Oct.Jan./4 months 3 - 3 - - - 3 Mandate d activities Thematic Area Front Line Demonstration Varietal evaluation Name of technology i) Popularization of tissue culture banana -Grand Naine Performance assessment of summer marigold ii) Performance assessment of TPS Source and Year of release AAU, 2010 Crop/ croppin g system Banana (Tissue Culture) AAU, 2010 AAU, 2010 Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of beneficiaries/ demon. SC/ST General Gran d M F Tota M F Tot Total l al 0.65 Bhomrabil, Telipara MarchApril 13 months 5 - 5 5 - Summer Marigold 0.26 Kusumbil, Telipara Oct.-Jan. 4 months 8 - 8 - - Potato (TPS) 0.65 Dotma, Bhomrabil, Telipara Oct.-Feb. 5 months 5 - 5 3 - Integrated Nutrient Management Integrated Weed Management Orchard Rejuvenation Post Harvest Processing/ Value Addition Canopy mgmt. Landscaping Mechanization Any other (Pl. Specify) 7 5 10 8 3 8 Target group On and Off campus training programmes Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket No. of trainin g progs Organic Production technology of cabbage and cauliflower (1) Improved production technology of broccoli (1) Scientific production technology of pointed gourd and spine gourd (1) Commercial cultivation of banana and pineapple and Papaya (1) Commercial cultivation technology of coconut and arecanut (1) Improved cultivation technology of potato with reference to TPS (1) Scientific cultivation of ginger and turmeric (1) Scientific cultivation technology of tapioca and colocasia (1) Horticulture based farming system (1) Canopy management of lime & lemons (1) Cultivation of flower crops inside low cost polyhouse (1) Protected cultivation of offseason vegetable crops (1) 9 2 1 Duratio n (in days) On/Off campus Oct,15 2 days Off 10 5 15 Oct, 15 1day Off 13 3 Jan ,16 1 day Off 12 April, 15 2 days Off May, 15 1 day Sept., 15 Period of the year Mandate d activities Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General M F Tot M F Tota al l Remarks Grand Total - 10 25 16 1 0 7 2 9 25 5 17 8 - 8 25 12 4 16 9 - 9 25 Off 6 4 10 1 2 3 15 25 2 days Off 9 3 12 7 6 13 25 Feb., 16 1 day Off 5 4 9 4 16 25 Mar., 16 2 Days Off 4 8 12 1 2 1 0 3 13 25 July, 15 1 day Off 8 4 12 9 4 13 25 June, 15 2 days On 10 4 14 6 5 11 25 June, 15 2days Off 12 2 14 6 5 11 25 Nov., 15 1 day On 8 4 12 9 4 13 25 8 NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) Vocational training programmes Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Planning, Layout and management horticultural nursery (1) Protected cultivation of offseason vegetable crops (1) 2 August, 15 4 days On 3 2 5 1 2 3 15 20 Dec,15 4 days On 2 4 6 1 1 3 14 20 Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) Sponsored training programmes Sponsoring agency Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school dropouts) Others (Pl. specify) 9 Discipline: Soil Science Mobile No: 9954595682 Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist :. Dr. M K Bhuyan Programme Coordinator E-mail address: Mandated activities Thematic Area On farm testing Soil health Soil management Soil testing Soil amendment (Lime/ Others) Name of Technology Source and Year of release Ass ess/ Refi ne Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of beneficiaries/ trials M SC/ST F Total M Biofertilizer seed treatment in toria var TS-38 -T1 75% RD of N and P fertilizer along with seed treatment of biofertilizers (Azotobacter & PSB @ 40 g/kg seed) and RD of K fertilizer T2 100% RD of NPK fertilizer without biofertilizers seed treatment AAU, Shillongoni A 1.5 Jayma No.1 , Thuribari, Hyariapet OctoberJanuary 4 months 3 1 4 1 Acid soil management in kharif black gram -T1 Soil Application of 33% lime (LR basede) and RD of fertilizer including foliar application of 2% urea at pod initiation stage AAU, Shillongani A 1.0 ha Amlaiguri, Dawaguri Maktaigaon Parbatjhora AugustNov, 15 4 months 3 - 3 2 Soil biology (BGA/ Azolla) Soil microbes (beneficial) Any other (pl. specify) 10 General F Tot al - - 2 Gran d Total 5 5 Mandated activities Thematic Area Front Line Demonstration Soil health Soil management Name of Technology demonstrated Source and Year of release Cro p/ Cro ppin g syst em Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration M Number of beneficiaries/ demon. SC/ST General Gran d F Total M F Tota Total l Effect of Zinc in summer rice T1: 25 kg ZnSO4 heptahydrate & FYM/compost 2t/ha & RD of NPK T2: RD of NPK AAU, Jorhat Rice 1.00 Dologaon, Jayma No.1, Hatibandha Hatigarh , Gossaigaon Dec, 15June, 16 7months 3 - 3 2 - 2 5 AAU method of composting AAU, Jorhat, 2011 - 8 no.s Alokjhar, Chiyajuli, Dangaimari , Shantinagar , Dologaon, Sept- Nov 3 moths 5 2 7 2 - 2 8 Soil testing Soil amendment (Lime/ Others) Soil biology (BGA/ Azolla) Soil microbes (beneficial) Any other (Pl. specify) Mandated activities Target group Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket No. of trainin g progs Period of the year Durati on (in days) 11 On/Off campus M Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Total Remarks Grand Total On and Off campus training programmes Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Farm level soil and water conservation practices (1) Production technology of Azolla and its use in crop production (1) Management soil acidity for pulse crop production (1) Management of soil fertility for cultivation fruit crops (1) Crop production in light textured soil (1) Integrated Nutrient management of rice (1) Management of soil to enhance soil nutrient and water use efficiency(1) Micronutrient management for cultivation of vegetables (1) Plant nutrient management for organic farming (1) Proper use of microbial biofertilizers for crop production(1) 8 Vermicompost and enriched compost production technology (1) May, 15 1 Off 5 5 10 5 10 15 25 June, 15 1 Off 15 3 18 3 4 7 25 Aug, 15 1 Off 12 5 15 9 1 10 25 Sept, 15 1 Off 10 2 12 7 6 13 25 Oct, 15 1 Off 10 4 14 8 3 11 25 Nov, 15 On 8 5 13 10 2 12 25 Dec, 15 Off 12 5 15 9 1 10 25 Feb, 16 1 On 5 2 7 12 6 18 25 1 Sept, 15 2 On 15 5 20 5 - 5 25 1 July, 15 1 Off 18 - 18 7 - 7 25 1 January, 16 6 days On 8 2 10 8 2 10 20 Vocation al training program mes Civil Society NGO(including school drop outs) Others (Pl. specify) Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth 12 Sponsored training programmes Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop outs) Others (Pl. specif Sponsoring agency Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop outs) Others (Pl. specify) 13 Discipline: Plant Protection (Entomology/ Plant Pathology/ Nematology) Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist: Shri. Goutom Bhagawati Mobile No: 9402-460-760 E-mail address: Mandated activities Thematic Area Name of Technology Source and Year of release Ass ess/ Ref ine Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of beneficiaries/ trials Integrated management approach against important insect pests, diseases and rodents of coconut. 1. Cut fronds leaving a petiole length of 120 cm, 2. Log trapping with toddy for red palm weevil, 3. Use of pheromone traps @ 20 per ha 4. Setting up of light traps, 5. Trunk branding with aluminum sheet, 6. Spray neem oil+garlic +soap(20ml+20g+5g) 7. Inject attacked palm with Carbaryl 1% 8. Bromodiolone @ 30 bait points/ha, 9. Soil drenching with 0.1% Calixin, CPCRI Kasaragod da A 15 nos of cocon ut trees Matiapara MukulDang a Diajajhari JulyNovember, 5 months 1 0 1 1 1 2 Gra nd Tota l 3 Biological suppression of rice pests. 1. Seed treatment/seedling root dip treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescence NBAII, Bangalore A 1.2 ha Sarfanguri I Kothalguri Bajugaon NovemberMarch, 5 months 1 - 1 1 1 - 3 M On farm testing Integrated Pest Mgmt Integrated Disease Mgmt Biological control (Insect/pest/ weeds etc) 14 SC/ST F Total M General F Tot al 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Spraying of Beauveria bassiana Release of Trichogramma japonicum, Spraying of Pseudomonas fluorescence Erection of bird perches, Need based application of botanicals, Product evaluation (Efficacy) Beneficial insects Other beneficial organisms Store grain pest Others (Pl. specify) Mandated activities Thematic Area Name of Technology demonstrated Source and Year of release Cro p/Cr oppi ng syste m Front Line Demonstration Integrated Pest Mgmt Integrated Disease Mgmt Biological control (Insect/pest/ weeds etc) Product 15 Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of beneficiaries/ demon. SC/ST General Gra nd M F Total M F Tota Tota l l evaluation (Efficacy) Beneficial insects Other beneficial organisms Production technology of Oyster mushroom. AAU, Jorhat 7 7 units Diajajhri Gossaigaon Matiapara Tulsibil Bajugaon Amlaiguri Balimari Oct-March 3 months 2 1 3 3 1 4 7 Kathalguri PachimDange mari Mathiajuri Athiabari Saraibil Hatigarh 1 Silpur (Kosatola) Bhumbrabil Maktaigaon Fakiragram KhayerGhutu Tulsibil Amlaiguri JulyDecember 2 - 2 4 1 5 7 Sept.-Jan 2 1 3 2 1 3 6 Store grain pest Others (Mechanical Method of pest suppression) Light traps for managing insects. -It can be used to monitor or mass trap the population of phototrophic insects in the crop fields. The mass trapping of both the sexes may reduce the insect pest population in the fields. NCIPM, New Delhi 7 7.00 Vedic method of insect & pest suppression Panchagavya - its application in vegetable crops against insect pests and diseases. -Panchagavya, an organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system. Cow dung, urine, curd, milk, ghee, banana, jaggary, tender coconut when added in a standardized method increases the yield of crop and repel insect pests and lower disease incidence. TNAU, Coimbatore 6 1.0 16 Mandated activities Target group On and Off campus training programmes Farmer and Farm women Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket Eco friendly methods of pest and disease management.(1) Pesticides-uses and miss usages and basic precautions in pesticide usage and study on alternatives. (1) Pest diversionary approach in rice.(1) Integration of traditional methods of pest management with modern methods.(1) Management methods of rhinoceros beetle and red palm weevil in coconut.(1) Integrated management methods of late blight disease in potato.(1) Biological management approach of white fly in bhindi and chilli.(1) Rodent management in field and store.(1) Insect pest & disease management in major horticultural crops(1) No. of Traini ng prog. Period of the year Duration (in days) On/Off campus 9 June, 15 1 Off 10 2 12 11 2 13 25 June, 15 2 Off 11 2 13 10 2 12 25 Aug., 15 July., 15 2 Off 9 4 13 8 4 12 25 1 Off 10 2 12 11 2 13 25 Jan. 16 1 Off 11 2 13 10 2 12 25 Dec.15 1 Off 9 4 13 8 4 12 25 Oct. 15 1 Off 10 2 12 9 4 13 25 Feb.16 1 Off 10 2 12 11 2 13 25 Sept., 15 1 Off 11 2 13 10 2 12 25 M 17 Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Total Remarks Grand Total Rural Youth Extension Personnel Refresher trainings on general tools against insect pests and rodents. (1) Modern methods of pests and disease management. (1) Introduction to Agro Eco System Analysis. (1) 2 1 Nov 15 2 Off 10 5 15 7 3 10 25 Oct,15 1 Off 10 2 12 10 3 13 25 Jul. 15 1 Off 6 4 10 7 3 10 20 Dec, 15 4 days On 5 5 10 5 0 5 15 Nov,15 4 days On 5 5 10 5 5 10 20 Civil Society NGO(including school drop outs) Others (Pl. specify) Farmer and Farm women Vocational training programmes Rural Youth Honey production technology. (1) Production technology of oyester mushroom.(1) 2 Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) 18 Sponsored training programmes Sponsoring agency Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) 19 Discipline: Animal Science Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist:.Dr. Rajeev Bhandar Kayastha, Programme Assistant MobileNo:. 9864063230 E-mail address: Mandated activities Thematic Area Name of Technology Source and Year of release Asses s/Refi ne Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of beneficiaries/ trials M On farm testing Breed introduction Breed improvement Feeding management Healthcare Title: Incorporation of commercial broiler feed for growth performance of local bird for meat purpose. -Scientific management of local chicks feeding with commercial broiler feed up to 60 days Problem of high mortality and low productivity in backyard poultry for rural women - Supply of 25 nos of day old improved variety birds per replication with preventive health care support. College of Veterinary Science, AAU, Khanapara A 75 no.s 125 nos Housing Processing/ Value addition Fodder production and quality 20 Bhomrabill Maktaigaon Shreerampur 45-60 days Howriapet 2 No Sefanguri Palashguri Habrubil North Hatibandha 5 month SC/ST F Total M General F Tota l Gra nd Tota l - 1 1 - 2 2 3 - 1 1 - 4 4 5 enhancement Pasture management Others (Pl. specify) Mandated activities Thematic Area Breed introduction Name of Technology demonstrated Title: Introduction of Kamrupa birds under backyard managemental condition in Kokrajhar District Source and Year of release Livestock enterprise Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration College of Veterinary Science, AAU, Khanapara Poultry 100 birds Maktaigaon Shreerampur North Hatibandha Bhomrabill Ambari 10 months College of Veterinary Science, AAU, Khanapara Dairy 5 cows Kanupara Bhomrabil Bhawaraguri Dotma Hatigarh 300 days Goatery 5 houses Dotoma Debitola Kujrabguri Sreerampur Dingdinga 7-8 months Front Line Demonstration Kamrupa birds Breed improvement Feeding management Title: Feeding management of Local /Crossbred Cattle by incorporation of commercially available mineral mixtures. Number of beneficiaries/ demon. SC/ST General Gran d M F Tota M F Tota Total l l 1 1 4 4 5 2 - 2 3 - 3 5 Providing commercially available concentrate feeds and Calcium- Mineral supplement Healthcare Housing Scientific housing of goat with locally available materials for maximum production Goat Research Station, Barnihat Processing/ Value addition Fodder 21 4 - 4 1 - 1 5 production and quality enhancement Pasture management Others (Pl. specify) On and Off campus training programmes Mandated activities Target group Farmer and Farm women Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket Fertility management in dairy animals (1) Balanced/ supplement feeding in livestock (1) Scientific management of pig, breeding management and health care management .(1) Diseases of livestock and its management. (1) No. of trainin g progs Period of the year Durati on (in days) On/Of f campu s 9 April,15 May,15 Jun,15 1 day 1 day 1 day Off Off Off 25 20 25 5 - 25 25 25 - - - 25 25 25 July,15 2 days On 5 15 20 5 - 5 25 Oct.,15 Sep.,15 Nov.,15 Jan.,16 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day Off Off Off Off 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 15 10 15 10 5 7 5 5 5 8 5 10 10 15 10 15 25 25 25 25 Aug,15 1 day On 10 5 15 5 5 10 25 Aug.,15 2days On 10 - 10 - 15 - 25 Feb,16 1 days Off - - - 25 - 25 25 June,15 Dec,15 1day 2 days On On 25 5 5 25 10 - 5 10 25 20 Balanced feeding of pregnant animals (1) Scientific management of sheep and goat (1) Livestock based integrated farming system (1) Preventive measure of endo and ecto parasitic infestation (1) Brooding management of chicks(1) Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including Production and management practices of dairy animals (1) Livestock component as a part of integrated fish farming (1) Broiler farming for income generation.(2) Livestock production in the context of changing climate (1) 3 1 22 M Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Total 5 Grand Total Remark s Sponsored training programmes Vocational training programmes school dropouts) Others (Pl. specify) Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) Scientific Poultry Farming (1) 1 Mar.,16 6 days On 5 - 5 5 - 5 10 Sponsori ng agency Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) 23 Discipline: Home Science Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist:. Miss. Smita Bhuyan Mobile No: 8403-904-451 E-mail address:. Mandated activities Thematic Area Name of Technology Source and Year of release Asse ss/R efine Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duratio n Number of beneficiaries/ trials On farm testing M Nutritional Gardening Nutritional diet for children/ Pregnant women Energy saving tools/ devices Water harvesting devices including purification Hygienic Sanitation Organic dye introduction/ utilization Utilization of waste materials (Bio-degraded/ Bio-nondegraded) Storage techniques (grains/ fruits/ fishes/ meat etc) 24 SC/ST F Tota l M General F Tota l Gra nd Tota l Uses of women friendly tools (WFT) Techniques of child care/ old age Others (Pl. specify) Blended fabric Value addition of woven fabric Front Line Demonst ration Mandated activities Thematic Area Noil yarn production and product preparation from noil yarn. Design Development Name of Technology Innovative concept 9 reduce sericultural waste for maximum utilization of eri silk Innovative Concept ( design development through graphical technique product diversificatio n for better marketability) A Source and Year of release Cro p/Cr oppi ng syste m Nutritional Gardening Nutritional diet for children/ Pregnant women 25 03 unit Padmabhil Diajhajuri Bhawraguri June, 14 - 04 units Makhtaigaon ,Padmabhil. Dhiajhajuri , bhawraguri Sep, 14 - Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duratio n M 2 2 2 - 1 1 3 2 - 2 2 4 Number of beneficiaries/ demon. SC/ST General Gra nd F Tota M F Tota Tota l l l Energy saving tools/ devices Maize Sheller CIAE Bhopal 4nos Padmabil, Makhtaigaon, Bhomorabhil sapkata AAU Jorhat 2 nos Bhomarabhil, Habrubhil - MayJuly, 14 - 2 2 - 1 1 3 - 1 1 - 2 2 3 Water harvesting devices including purification Hygienic Sanitation Organic dye introduction/ utilization Utilization of waste materials (Bio-degraded/ Bio-nondegraded) Storage techniques (grains/ fruits/ fishes/ meat etc) Zero energy cool chamber Uses of women friendly tools (WFT) Women Friendly Naveen Sickle Techniques of child care/ old age Others (Value addition of woven fabric) Application of natural dye on yarn i. ii. CIAE Bhopal AAU jorhat Seed of Annatoo Datura leaves 26 12 units Makhtaigaon, Bhomorabhil Thuribari Amlaiguri, Oxiguri, Khujrabguri Novem berDecemb er, 14 7units Padmabil Maktaigaon Oxiguri diajhajuri Serfanguri-2 January -March - 6 - 6 3 - 3 6 - 6 4 12 4 7 Mandated activities Target group On and Off campus training programmes Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket No. of trainin g progs Period of the year Durati on (in days) On/Off campus Preparation of supplementary food (Assam Mix)(5-theory, 1practical) Household nutritional security through nutrition gardening(7theory,2- practical) Value addition of fruits ( truttifruitti)( 4- theory, 2- practical) Drudgery reduction technology for rural women.(2- Theory, 1practical,1-others) Value addition of fabric through embroidery(7- theory, 2-practical) Glass painting (4- thory,1- practical) Value addition of fruits and vegetables ( pickles and jam) (5theory, 1- practical) Tie and dye(7- theory, 2- practical, 1- others) Nutritional care during pregnancy(4- theory, 1- practical) Construction of children garments Flower arrangement (4 theory, 1practical) 1Menu planning for different age group 95- theory, !- practical) 6 May, 15 01 Off 0 08 08 0 17 17 25 Nov, 15 01 Off 0 08 08 0 17 17 25 Oct, 15 02 On 0 08 08 0 17 17 25 Aug, 15 01 Off 0 10 10 0 15 15 25 Jul, 15 01 Off 0 10 10 0 15 15 25 Jun,15 02 Off 0 08 08 0 17 17 25 April,15 01 Off 0 08 08 0 17 17 25 Sep,15 02 On 0 08 08 0 17 17 25 Dec,15 01 Off 0 10 10 0 15 15 25 Jan,15 March, 16 Feb, 16 04 01 On Off 0 0 08 10 08 10 0 0 12 15 12 15 25 25 01 Off 0 05 05 0 15 20 20 5 1 Civil Society NGO(including 27 M Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Total Remarks Grand Total Sponsored training programmes Vocational training programmes school drop outs) Others (Pl. specify) Selfhelp group ( farm women) Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) Noil yarn production from eri silk waste Fabric printing (1) 1 1 Feb 20 01 June , 15 06 off On 0 10 08 10 08 0 10 12 15 12 25 20 Sponsoring agency Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) 28 Discipline: Agricultural Extension Name of the concerned Subject Matter Specialist:. Mr. Chittaranjan Deka Mobile No:. 9678512568 E-mail address: Mandated activities Thematic Area On farm testing Formation of Groups Benchmark Survey (PRA etc) Impact Assessment Technology Backstopping Dissemination time/ Loss of technologies Coordination/ Convergence/ Linkages promoted/ created Others (Pl. Technology/ Method/ Process/ Model Source and Year of release Ass ess/ Ref ine Area (in ha.) Location Period and Duration Number of respondents/ beneficiaries Functional Characteristics of Rural Women in SHGs. (Data will be collected by using PRA method and personnel interview) May to October - 25 25 - 25 25 Gra nd Tota l 50 Assessment of market channel of mushroom Market channels: T1: Producer-consumer T2: Producer-retailer- consumer T3: Producer- wholeseller- retailerconsumer Yield gap analysis of Rice of September to February 4 1 5 5 - 5 10 November to 2 - 2 3 - 3 5 M 1 ha 29 SC/ST F Total M General F Tota l specify) Front Line Demonstration Mandated activities Thematic Area Formation of Groups Benchmark Survey (PRA etc) Impact Assessment recommended technology at farmers field and farmer’s practice Technology/ Method/ Process/ Model January Source and Year of release Crop/ Croppin g system/ Enterpri se Area (in ha.) PRA exercise for 4 villages Impact assessment of Technology Showcasing of Rice conducted by KVK, Kokrajhar AAU, Jorhat 30 - Location Period and Duration M Pashim Dangaimari, Amlaiguri, Kujrabguri, Oxiguri, Bhawraguri Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Tota l April to March - - - - AugustFebruary 40 - 40 10 - Gra nd Tota l - - 10 50 Technology Backstopping Dissemination time/ Loss of technologies Coordination/ Convergence/ Linkages promoted/ created Others (Pl. specify) Mandated activities Target group Title of the training Programme and No. of Courses in bracket No. of trai Period of the year 30 Duratio n (in days) On/Of f campu M Number of beneficiaries SC/ST General F Total M F Total Remarks Grand Total On and Off campus training programmes Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Leadership principles, importance and methodology for identification of local leader. (1) Managing group dynamics and skills for group mobilization. (1) Group approach for economic development of farming community. (1) Formation and management of SHGs. (1) Entrepreneurship development for sustainable livelihood. (1) Mobilization of social capital in village. (1) Community resource mobilization. (1) Contingency planning for floodprone Areas. (1) Entrepreneurship development for sustainable livelihood. (1) Capacity building of rural women in agriculture(1) PRA methods and agro system analysis(1) Entrepreneurship development among the rural youth(1) Intellectual Property Rights(1) Use of ICT in Agricultural Development (1) ning prog s 10 3 1 s April, 15 1 day Off 10 5 15 10 0 10 25 May, 15 1 day Off 5 7 12 10 3 13 25 June, 15 1days Off 10 4 14 8 3 11 25 July, 15 1 day Off - 12 12 - 13 13 25 August, 15 September , 15 October, 15 November , 15 November , 15 December , 15 December , 15 January, 16 February, 16 March, 16 2 days On 5 10 15 3 7 10 25 1 day Off 5 7 12 5 8 13 25 1 day Off - 13 13 - 12 12 25 1 day Off 5 10 15 3 7 10 25 1 day Off 5 10 15 3 7 10 25 Off - 10 10 - 15 15 25 2 days Off 7 5 10 10 5 15 25 2 days On 4 9 13 3 9 12 25 1 day Off 7 5 10 10 5 15 25 2 days On 3 12 15 - 5 5 20 Civil Society NGO(including 31 Sponsored training programmes Vocational training programmes school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Entrepreneurship development among rural youths on Agri-HortiLivestock enterprises(1) 1 February, 15 6 days On 5 3 8 5 2 7 15 Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) Sponsoring agency Farmer and Farm women Rural Youth Extension Personnel Civil Society NGO(including school drop-outs) Others (Pl. specify) 32 Extension Activities proposed for the year 2015-16 Specific activity No. of activities Diagnostic visit 110 Advisory services/ telephone talk 304 9 Training Manual 4 Celebration of Important days Exhibition Exposure visit Extension literature (Leaflet/ folders/ Pamphlets) 4 9 16 16 Extension / technical bulletin News letter 1 26 News paper coverage 9 Research publications Period of the year Duration (in days) SC/ST F 26 Number of beneficiaries (No.) General Total M F 81 40 24 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 June, 15, August, 15, October, 15, January,1 6 - - - 89 59 148 83 43 126 172 102 - 10 5 15 10 15 25 20 20 4 days 30 10 40 40 10 50 70 20 4 days - 220 50 20 105 35 10 325 85 30 220 45 15 60 40 15 280 85 30 440 95 35 165 75 25 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, - 100 35 135 95 35 130 195 70 - 10 5 15 5 5 10 15 10 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Total Grand Total M F 95 50 M 55 64 12 4 Success stories/ Case studies Farm Science Clubs’ Convenors meet 4 Farmers’ Seminar 145 Farmers’ visit to KVKs Ex-trainees’ meet 2 16 Field day Film show 4 24 Radio Talk TV talk Kishan Goshthi Group Meeting Kishan Mela Soil Health Camps 3 0 11 - April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 1 Animal Health Camps Awareness camp 1. Mobile Agro-Advisory (Messages/ Beneficiaries) 2. Crop Insurance 3. Kishan Credit Card Method demonstration 16 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 240 25 October, 15 June, 15 to March, 16 April,145 – March, -4 days 40 15 55 30 15 45 70 30 4 days 40 10 50 20 10 30 60 20 - 45 20 65 20 40 60 65 60 2 days 16 days 20 195 10 155 30 350 20 130 10 130 30 260 40 325 20 285 4 days 24 days 30 20 50 25 15 -40 55 35 3 days 11 days 20 - 10 35 30 95 10 20 10 - 20 45 30 80 20 60 1 day 60 - - - - 25 - - - - 30 5 34 10 5 15 40 10 - 20 30 50 10 40 50 30 70 25 days 90 80 170 80 70 150 170 150 34 Scientists’ visit to farmers’ field Workshop/ Seminar Soil Testing Water Testing Plant Testing Manure Testing Any other (Farmers’ Scientist Interaction) 144 7 120 24 24 12 2 16 April,145 – March, 16 April,145 – March, 16 - - 44 17 61 20 19 39 64 36 7 days 60 30 90 30 20 50 90 50 - 20 20 - -10 10 100 20 25 10 - 30 - 35 Activity Calendar of the KVK (Month-wise target to be completed) for the year 2015-16 KVK: Kokrajhar Activity/ Month OFT (Nos.) Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 - - - - 15 i. Number of Technologies 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 - - - - 15 i. Number of Trials 3 54 8 11 10 17 17 13 - - - - 110 ii. Area (ha)/ items (no.) 0.13 ha 0.13 ha 1 ha, 3 units 125 nos of birds, 15 nos of coconu t tree 1.0 ha 75 nos birds, 4 units 1.76 ha 3.2 ha - - - - 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 - - 5.96 ha, 7 unit, 125 nos of birds, 15 nos of coconut tree, 75 nos birds 20 FLD (Nos.) i. Number 14 10 15 12 20 18 23 15 5 7 - - 126 ii. Area(ha)/ items (no.) 1.65 ha, 4 villages 1.0 ha, 100 birds 5 cows, 7 units 7.0 ha, 5 units 1.50 ha, 4 villag es 1 ha,12 units 1.30 ha, 7 units 3 ha, 3 units - 7 units - - 16.45 ha, 8 villages, 100 birds, 5 cows, 41 units Training programme A. Farmer i. No. of course 4 7 6 4 5 5 6 6 3 4 5 1 54 ii. No. Of participants 100 175 150 100 125 125 150 145 75 95 125 25 1365 B. Rural Youth 36 i. No. of course - - 2 - 2 1 - 2 4 3 5 2 21 ii. No. Of participants - - 100 - 45 25 - 45 90 70 120 35 485 C. Ext. Personnel i. No. of course - - - 2 - - - 1 1 1 2 1 8 ii. No. Of participants - - - 45 - - - 25 10 25 45 25 175 i. No. of course - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 ii. No. Of participants - - - - - - - - - - 25 - 25 100 100 97 110 95 120 110 135 105 120 1092 372 372 362 372 370 374 370 382 372 376 3724 D. Others (self help group) Extension Activities/ programmes i. No. of activities ii. No. of beneficiaries - Seeds production (tonnes) 2.9 4.0 2.0 1.2 1.1 0.6 0.4 - - - - - 12.2 Planting materials (Nos. in lakh) - 200 - 100 200 20400 50300 35000 - 5000 - Livestock strains (No. in lakh) 100 120 138 102 80 110 74 107 54 120 70 2800 70 q 65 114000 70 q 1140 Fingerlings (No. in lakh)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.05 0.05 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.3 2.4 Soil-20 Water2 PlantManur es- Soil-10 Water2 PlantManur es-2 Soil-10 Water-2 Plant-2 Manure s-5 Soil-10 Water5 Plant-2 Manur es-2 Soil10 Water -5 Plant5 Manu Soil-10 Water-2 Plant-5 Manure s-5 Soil-10 Water5 Plant-5 Manur es-2 Soil-120 Water-38 Plant-37 Manures35 -Bio-agents/ products (tonnes) Bio-fertilizers/ Vermicompost etc. (in Tonnes) Soil , Water, Plant, Manures Testing (No. of samples to be tested) Soil-5 Water-2 Plant-5 Manures2 0.1 0.3 0.2 Soil-5 Water-2 Plant-5 Manures5 Soil-20 Water2 Plant-4 Manur es-5 Soil-5 Water5 Plant-2 Manur es-2 Soil-5 Water -2 Plant2 Manu res- 37 0.1 res-5 Soil , Water, Plant, Manures Testing (No. of farmers benefitted) Soil-5 Water-2 Plant-5 Manures2 Soil-5 Water-2 Plant-5 Manures5 Soil-20 Water2 Plant-4 Manur es-5 Soil-5 Water5 Plant-2 Manur es-2 Soil-5 Water -2 Plant2 Manu res- Soil-20 Water2 PlantManur es- Soil-10 Water2 PlantManur es-2 Soil-10 Water-2 Plant-2 Manure s-5 Soil-10 Water5 Plant-2 Manur es-2 Soil-10 Water-2 Plant-5 Manure s-5 Soil-10 Water5 Plant-5 Manur es-2 Soil-120 Water-38 Plant-37 Manures35 Soil-5 Water-2 Plant-5 Manure s-5 Soil-10 WaterPlantManur es- Soil-30 Water-25 Plant-20 Manures35 20 Soil10 Water -5 Plant5 Manu res-5 Soil10 Water -5 Plant3 Manu res-5 20 Soil , Water, Plant, Manures Testing (No. of villages covered) Soil-2 Water-2 Plant-5 Manures1 Soil-3 Water-1 Plant-3 Manures5 Soil-7 Water2 Plant-4 Manur es- Soil-5 Water5 Plant-2 Manur es-2 Soil-5 Water -2 Plant2 Manu res- Soil-8 Water2 PlantManur es- Soil-10 Water2 PlantManur es-1 Soil-7 Water-2 Plant-2 Manure s-5 Soil-10 Water5 Plant-2 Manur es-1 Mobile Agro-Advisory (No. of Messages) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 240 Mobile Agro-Advisory (No. of Farmers) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 22800 Signature Programme Coordinator 38