Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
1. Background
Diarrheal diseases (DDs) are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally, and
outbreaks of diarrheal diseases, including cholera, are frequently catastrophic. Recent outbreaks in
Zimbabwe and Haiti have occurred countrywide for periods of over one year, causing hundreds of
thousands of cases and thousands of deaths. Cholera outbreaks reflect often the fragility of the health
and WASH systems, as well as the poor sanitary conditions of communities, and are good
examples/consequence of the impact of inequality among populations.
Given its presence from global to country level, UNICEF is strategically positioned to contribute on the
prevention and response to cholera and DD outbreaks. Its multiple sector approach (Health, WASH,
Nutrition, Education, Protection and other sectors) offers to UNICEF the possibility of having an
integrated approach towards preparedness, capacity building and response in a cholera or DD outbreak
event. Especially from the WASH sector, the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA) role places UNICEF in a position
where it is expected to support and guide coordinated responses in the WASH sector, including building
the capacity required.
UNICEF currently provides technical support and guidance, surge capacity, training, supplies and
logistical support to cholera outbreaks worldwide. There is a wealth of experience and knowledge
among HQ, RO and various CO, as well as guidance and tools developed for country level outbreaks;
however, a resource package has not being developed to summarize such knowledge and make it widely
available for CO, as well as to implementing partners. These existing guidelines and tools can be
consolidated for preparedness and easy use during an outbreak as well as for preparedness activities.
Ideally a Toolkit could provide UNICEF offices (and operational partners) with one source of information
for control of DD outbreaks including prevention (or risk reduction), preparedness, response and
recovery – including interconnection with regular/development programmes.
As Health and WASH are the most active sectors on a cholera response, it is intended that this toolkit
will cover both technical areas with individual Health and WASH components that will be framed
together for the use of UNICEF COs. Each component will include specific technical related guidelines
and resources for its respective sector, therefore specific Health and WASH consultants are expected to
work on each of them. In addition to WASH and Health, the packages will include specific contents
linked to Education, Nutrition, Communication For Development (C4D) and other relevant sections.
Both components will be complementary and harmonized in terms of structure and approach.
2. Objective
The objective of this consultancy is to develop the WASH component of UNICEF Cholera Toolkit
through the compilation and adaptation of existent guidelines and ready-to-use/easy-to-adapt tools for
Cholera response on WASH related issues. In addition to the Toolkit, materials for a one-hour webinar
presentation of the final results are expected.
The main audience are UNICEF CO Programme Staff (WASH, Health and others), for its use on
emergency coordination, preparedness and response planning and implementation, as well as when
working with implementing partners.
3. Duty Station
The consultant can be based in any location having good internet access.
He/she will be expected to make two visits to UNICEF NY-HQ offices – each one of 5 days - and a round
of field visits – for a maximum of 10 days – as part of the review process (dates and locations pending to
be defined and confirmed).
All travel costs will be covered by UNICEF HQ as per UNICEF’s rules and regulations.
4. Methodology
Close coordination and interaction are expected between the consultants working on the WASH and
Health components of the UNICEF Cholera Toolkit. This will include harmonization of both components
of approaches and messages, as well as language, terminology, structure, cross reference and
development of common sections. The above includes common deadlines for the submission of
products as well as for visits to NY-HQ offices and field as part of the review process.
The UNICEF Toolkit for Cholera response – WASH package, should include the following components1:
- Guidance documents (basic and comprehensive)
- Templates, formats, checklists and other relevant ready-to-use tools
- Complementary resources and examples
- The final structure shall be agreed upon between Health and WASH (including the team of
consultants working on these).
The following steps are required to be followed by the consultant to complete the tasks assigned.
a. Based on his/her own experience and knowledge, and the proposal attached to these ToR, the
For specific details on each component, see the proposed structure attached to these ToR.
consultant will elaborate a revised structure2 to be presented and agreed between the WASH
and Health sections and the consultancy team.
b. Research, compilation and review of reference materials from UNICEF, WHO, CDC, MSF,
Epicenter and other humanitarian and research partners, such as guidelines, country level
documents and tools, to be used as basis of the UNICEF Cholera Toolkit and can be included as
examples for reference. For country level materials, consultant will liaise with selected UNICEF
RO and CO in order to collect them, as well as to receive inputs for the drafts prepared during
the consultancy. Initial contact with RO and CO, as well as with other partners will be provided
by UNICEF –HQ WASH Section if necessary.
c. In consultation with relevant UNICEF’s and external technical experts and field practitioners,
adapt existing tools for UNICEF’s use, as well as in its work with partners.
d. In topic areas where no guidance is currently available, collaborate with UNICEF and other
partners to develop practical information to include.
e. After the first 2 months, the consultant will present a first draft on the main document, as well
as the complementary tools, guidelines and examples. This draft will be reviewed by UNICEF HQ
Health and WASH sections, with inputs from UNICEF RO and CO, as well as relevant partners. As
part of the review process, field visits will be arranged (pending to confirm dates and locations)
to test relevance and usefulness for UNICEF CO Staff and partners.
Together with the draft document the consultant will develop the necessary tools/methodology
to collect and compile comments and inputs from the field and partners.
g. The consultant will present a final draft of the Toolkit (including materials for webinar
presentation) for final revision of UNICEF HQ and discussion with selected UNICEF RO/CO and
partners. This will
h. Based on the feedback received, the consultant will present a reviewed version of the products,
for the final approval of UNICEF HQ WASH Section. Approved versions will be submitted for
professional editing and layout3. Consultants might be required for comment and inputs during
translation and layout processes.
As a final stage, the consultant will run two webinars for UNICEF CO and partners to train field
staff on the use of the toolkit and its content. A report on the comments and suggestions raised
during the webinars is expected.
5. Activities and Outputs
The revised structure will be the counter-proposal/improved version for the Toolkit from which the draft versions
will be developed, after the agreement with the Health and WASH UNICEF teams.
Final version of the toolkit will be professionally edited, translated into French and laid out in both languages.
Only the English version is expected from this consultancy.
Revised structure
February 20th, 2012
First draft for revision (including visit to HQ for first
compilation of existent materials as well as meet UNICEF
WASH and Health teams)
March 20th, 2012
Review process (including field testing with UNICEF CO
and review from UNICEF HQ/RO and partners)
April 30th,2012
Final draft for discussion (including webinar materials)
May 30th, 2012
Final version – for approval
It includes main document (max. 40 pages, excluding
formats, examples and tools) in editable files and digital
version of complementary guidelines tools and
examples, organized for the Toolkit.
June 30th, 2012
Materials for webinar session
It includes facilitators guides and audiovisual materials
for 30 – 45 min presentation, including reference
June 30th, 2012
Sessions conducted – Summary report on feedback
received from participants
July 31st, 2012
TOTAL person days & amount payable
*** Equivalent to 3 working-months distributed along 6 calendar-months
6. Travel
2012 (exact dates
to be confirmed)
April 2012 (to be
May/June 2012 (to
be confirmed)
Collect materials and research through
interaction with WASH and non-WASH
Review and testing at field level with
selected UNICEF CO and partners
Presentation of draft version to PDWASH and discussion with colleagues
(this may be possible via video
conferencing facilities)
Length (days)
Max. 10
7. Duration:
The consultancy will take place between February 1st and July 31st, 2012.
8. Key skills and experience required:
The consultant should have the following skills and qualifications: Higher degree (PhD or Masters) in a field related to water, sanitation and/or public health.
Additional background on communication is an asset.
 Minimum 10 years’ experience related to water/sanitation/health programmes in developing
 Extensive experience on country-level cholera response from the WASH sector. Involvement in
at least 3 different experiences of cholera response in different countries.
 Computer literate, particularly in software related to the development of the toolkit (Microsoft
Office, Webex, others)
 Excellent communication and writing skills
 Prior experience within UNICEF, preferably at country or regional level is desirable.
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter with subject line: UNICEF Cholera Toolkit WASH, CV and P 11 form (which can be downloaded from our website at
http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_53129.html to pdconsultants@unicef.org by January
20th, 2012. Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate to undertake the terms of
reference above. Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered
– Annex 1: Proposed structure –
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
a. Background
b. UNICEF’s roles and responsibilities – Opportunities for integrated / cross-sectoral
response (Matrices – roles by sector)
c. Other Health/WASH partners’ role (Matrix)
d. Target audience and purpose
e. Epidemic and endemic linkages with humanitarian concepts.
a. Cholera 101: The basics
b. Risk factors
Sectoral and inter-sectoral coordination for cholera response┼
a. Likely / critical stakeholders and considerations
b. Coordination structures: An integrated approach from Health and WASH,
especial considerations and examples
c. UNICEF’s role in coordination: Health and WASH sectors
d. Inter-cluster/sectoral matrixes for cholera response and considerations for
integrated components.
e. Cholera integrated strategy - Health and WASH (including template and
f. Information management tools (Health and WASH) for cholera response:
Considerations, templates and examples.
Planning and implementing a cholera response (WASH component)
a. Timeline for cholera response
- Critical components for cholera response from WASH
b. Understanding the situation
- Key information needed. Data required from Health and simple
interpretation for prioritising WASH┼
- Evaluation / rapid assessment tools (templates, examples).
c. Cholera response planning process
- Setting priorities, targets and goals
- Formulating indicators, outputs and outcomes
- Designing activities and engaging with partners
- Monitoring
- Reporting
d. Human resources
- Guidance and considerations
e. Resource mobilization – Templates/examples for Cholera response proposals
f. Implementation arrangements
- Guidance and considerations (Top Tips)
g. Supplies
- List of common used supplies, including local/traditional materials
- Supply calculator
- Distribution/logistics strategy
h. Communication strategy? ┼
- Partners and stakeholders to involve
- Communities perceptions, key messages and communication channels
- Engagement with media
- Outreaching and involving the community
- Working with and through schools
i. Monitoring – Guidance and considerations (Top Tips)
- Water quality monitoring
- “Food quality surveillance”
- Case management monitoring
- Tracking cases and identifying the “source of infection”
Recovery and working in endemic areas through regular programme
a. Improvements of WASH conditions
b. Cholera contingency planning – WASH
c. Integrated strategies for endemic areas
Specific technical guidelines for WASH Cholera response4
a. Provision of WASH services
- Chlorination
- WASH at community and household level
Household Water Treatment and Storage
Management of faeces / Community Lead Total Sanitation (tools for
Personal hygiene
Guidance on food hygiene
Waste management
- WASH in Cholera Treatment Centres
- WASH in Nutrition and Feeding Centres (inc. considerations for
- WASH in Schools
b. Hygiene promotion and communication tools
Include technical recommendations plus technical guidelines that can be endorsed by national
counterparts and used as national guidelines (including templates).
KAP (knowledge, Attitudes and Practices) Studies for Cholera: Guidance and
- Communication materials (inc. visual aids kit)
Tools for hygiene promoters / community mobilizers (guidance,
recommendations and tools for working with communities: items for
demonstration, games for children other interactive communication for
community outreach)
Visual/audio/video material for wider communication: posters and
pamphlets, radio and TV spots, etc.
c. Complementary considerations for cholera responders
- First treatment (ORS) / recommendations for case referral
- Funeral and burial recommendations
Complementary tools for UNICEF’s Planning and implementing
a. Human Resources: Generic Job Descriptions
- WASH manager (Cholera Specialist)
- Water Specialist / Water Quality
- Sanitation Specialist
- Hygiene Promotion Specialist
- Hygiene Promoters
- Community Mobilizers
b. UNICEF’s Implementation arrangements:
- PCA, SSA, SSFA, LTA Templates and examples
c. Training package for cholera responders - WASH5
d. Additional Regional and Global resources
Even when close coordination and joint work between consultants for the Health and WASH
components is expected, for the indicated sections and sub-sections special interaction must be
achieved to produce a document reflecting a consensus and agreement of approaches from both sectors
A production of a new training package is not expected, but a compilation of suitable materials that can be easily
used for training purposes during cholera response