Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity

Teacher: Rebecca Conway
Class: Sparrows & Rectangles
Date: Autumn Term 2015/16
Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity
Foundation Phase Skills
- Become independent in their personal hygiene
needs and to be more aware of personal safety.
- Express and communicate different feelings and
emotions - their own and those of others.
- Show curiosity and develop positive attitudes to
new experiences and learning.
- Take risks and become confident explorers of
their indoor and outdoor environment.
- Be aware of and respect the needs of others.
- Take responsibility for their own actions.
- Consider the consequences of words and actions
for themselves and others.
- Develop an understanding of the behavioural
expectations of the setting/school and understand
that rules are essential in an ordered community.
-Respond to ideas and questions enthusiastically,
sensitively, creatively, and intuitively.
-Develop a growing interest in the world around
them and understand what their environment has
to offer when playing alone and with others.
LNF Skills
Literacy Skills
- Use words, phrases and simple sentences (NA)
(EB) (LN)
- Listen/watch for cues that it is ‘their turn’ when
turns do not simply ‘go round the circle’ (EG) (MF)
- Contribute to discussion, keeping a focus on the
topic and taking turns to speak (EM) (MO)
Numeracy Skills
Using Data
- Record collections using marks, numbers or
pictures (NA) (EB)
- Independently compare the size of objects by
lining them up or holding them together: find the
‘big’ one from two objects and order several
objects according to their size (EG) (LN)
- Separate objects which share a specified
attribute, e.g. big/little, round (MF)
- Use standard units to measure: length, height
and distance: metres, half metres or centimetres,
weight/mass: kilograms or 10 gram weights,
capacity: litres. (MO) (EM)
-Become aware that information exists in a
variety of forms.
-Become aware that ICT can be used to
communicate ideas.
Curriculum Cymreig
-Celebrating the distinctive cultures, languages
and traditions of Wales while respecting the
values of other culture.
-Visiting historical sites, using artefacts, making
comparisons between past and present, and
developing an understanding of how these have
changed over time.
-Exploring and experimenting with new learning
opportunities, including role play, visiting
special/religious places, making and using
artefacts and foods and ICT.
-Express and communicate different feelings and
emotions their own and those of other people.
Thinking Skills
- Continuous provision in play area
- Independent tasks
- Self assessment traffic lights
Teacher: Rebecca Conway
Class: Sparrows & Rectangles
Date: Autumn Term 2015/16
Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity
Incredible Years
Incredible Years - Songs: Shake Hands with a Friend; Wake up Dina; Goodbye Dina
Apatosaurus Unit 1: - Wally and Dina Teach about School Rules 1. Introductions; (pictures of Dina/wally meets Dina dinosaur) 2.
Classroom Rules; (rules poster/photos of rules for class rules book) 3. Consequences of breaking rules; (show me 5 bingo/stop
think take 3 breaths poster) homework notes home (photos family; show me 5 poster; photos of rules)
Iguanodon Unit 2: - Dina Teaches about Doing your Best in School 4. Listening Skills; (wally/molly listening game) 5&6.
Listening & Waiting Skills; (wally says game) 7&8. Concentrating Skills; (dot to dot) 9. Following directions; (wally & molly
following directions game) homework notes home (listening bear) Triceratops Unit 3: Wally Teaches about Understanding and
Detecting Feelings 10. Relaxation secrets; (feelings sorting & masks) 11. Seeing feelings through our eyes; (feelings dice game &
wally feeling faces game) 12. Proud & frustrated; (feelings spinner games & feelings dice game) 13. Hearing feelings through
words-afraid; (feelings collage & wally feeling faces game) 14. Relaxation thermometer/angry/sad/ calm; (feelings thermometer
individual & class) 15. Hurt feelings; (feelings bingo & draw feeling finger prints) 16. Feeling lonely & special; (feelings bingo &
story scenario feelings) 17. Feeling happy; (happy class book – photo/drawing) 18. Giving compliments (introduce compliment
circle time)
SEAL Theme 1
New beginnings (W1: Making someone feel welcome, W2: Doing something brave – overcoming feelings of fearfulness, W3:
Solving a problem/remembering to use the problem-solving process, W4: Calming down/helping someone to calm down) Theme 2:
Getting on & Falling out (W1: Working cooperatively to help a group, W2: Being a really good friend, W3: Keeping calm and
overcoming feelings of anger, W4: Solving a difficult problem with a friend)
Persona Doll
Who am I?; Ground Rules; Remembering; Three Approaches; Being Accepted Being Excluded; It’s not a Laughing Matter
Alternative curriculum
Individual therapies; Topic Focus - Greenfield Valley classroom, Blists Hill Victorian Town, Flint and Llangollen train station and
Spaverns; Community Visits – swimming, community learning, forest schools, cycling and rda
- P&SD,W&CD choice songs
- Life skills sequencing tasks using switch it
- Incredible Years vignettes
Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig
-Swimming lessons in Jade Jones Pavilion
-Alternative Curriculum visits in Flint area
-Day, Shape & Smell of the Day
-Every Day Welsh vocabulary
-Feelings & Saying hello circle time
-A Welsh Christmas
-Victorian Wales
Collective Worship – lunch & home time prayers
Whole School, KS2 & Celebration Assemblies
Class rewards & celebrations of achievements
Thought of the Day
Diwali celebrations & Remembrance day, Hallowe’en
& Bonfire night, Harvest & Christmas celebrations
Harvest & Christingle service in St Mary’s
Thinking Skills
- Continuous provision in play area
- Independent tasks
- Self assessment traffic lights