DCU Quality Promotion Office Quality Improvement & Development (QuID) Funding 2015 Application Form (Please remove blue font/italic text from the completed form before submission) 1. Name of applicant(s) and role(s) in DCU: 2. Title of project: 3. Aim and brief description of the proposed project (max. 500 words): As far as possible, please do not duplicate information provided in later sections of this application form. 4. Input from other areas in DCU: Indicate whether input to the project from other areas in DCU will be required, and confirm that agreement to provide support has been reached with the relevant staff in those areas. The names and roles of the staff involved should also be provided. If the proposal builds on another relevant project (completed or inprocess) this should also be outlined here. 5. Total amount requested from QuID fund: € Up to a maximum of €1,500 for individual projects OR up to €10,000 for cross- disciplinary projects. 6. Project costs: Provide as much detail as possible in breaking down the proposed costs for the project and how the QuID funding will be spent. Outline how any expected or unexpected potential shortfall of costs will be funded. Indicate the potential for part-funding if possible by prioritising one or more aspects of the proposal. It should also be advised here, and relevant detail provided, whether funding for the proposed project from other areas within or external to DCU has been sought or granted. 7. Quality Improvement & Development details (max 500 words): This section should include an answer to: - How will the project will improve and / or develop quality assurance and/or enhancement in your area for staff and/or students? And could include an answer to some or all of the following: - Is there potential for application outside of your area? - What link is there with the new DCU 2012-2017 Strategic Plan: Transforming Lives and Societies? - How is it planned to evaluate the success of the project? - If relevant, what is/ has been the impact of current/previous related projects to your area? 8. Scheduling: Discrete projects with a specific start and end date will be more favourably considered. Provide a timeframe for completion of the project which should be no later than 30 September 2015. 9. Applicants(s) signature(s) and Date: 10. Name of Head of School/Faculty/Office /Centre/Committee/Working Group: Head’s Signature & Date: Important notes: (1) Applicants must submit a signed, hard copy of the Application Form (max two pages) to Fiona Dwyer, Quality Promotion Office, Room A154, AND an electronic copy to fiona.dwyer@dcu.ie on or before: 11am on 15 December 2014. (2) If the QuID application is successful, outline details of the project will be required for publication on the Quality Promotion Office website. Summaries of previous successful QuID funded projects can be found at: http://www.dcu.ie/qpo/QuIDFunding.shtml. If you have any queries you are very welcome to contact Dr Sarah Ingle, Director of Quality Promotion (sarah.ingle@dcu.ie x 5928). QuID Funding - Updated October 2014 GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS – DCU QUALITY IMPROVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT (QuID) 2015 Proposals for quality improvement and development (QuID) initiatives are now invited, to be implemented using a University fund administered by the Quality Promotion Office (QPO). A total of €40,000 has been allocated to the fund for 2015. Proposals with a main focus on maintenance or refurbishment, or those that are dependent on the extension or initiation of a DCU staff contract will not fall under the QuID 2015 remit. QuID funding 2015 is being offered for two types of proposals: (a) Individual project proposals: A number of projects will be funded in this category and proposals should be confined to relatively small, once-off, short term projects with costs of up to €1,500. (b) Inter School/ Faculty/Centre/Office project proposals: A small number of projects will be funded in this category which can be single or multi-disciplinary in focus, involving a few individuals or areas, with costs of up to €10,000. The criteria taken into consideration when allocating the funding are that the project proposal has: realistic costings clear time-lines and deliverables measureable quality improvement outcomes the potential to make a clear contribution to the applicant(s)’ area as well as the wider university The project proposal should contain the following, summarised in no more than two pages per project using the application form template provided: Name of School/Faculty/Office /Centre/Committee/Working Group proposing the project. Name(s) and role in DCU of co-ordinator(s) of project. Title, aim and summary details of project. Expected impact on quality assurance or improvement/development or both, in the relevant School/Faculty/Office/Centre/Committee/Working Group and the wider university. Financial summary of project requirements and proposed means of funding any shortfalls. WHO CAN APPLY FOR FUNDING? Funding is open to all DCU staff, including part-time and contract staff. Proposed projects involving input from students are also welcome, although QuID applications should be submitted and overseen by staff members. WHAT SORT OF PROJECTS MIGHT RECEIVE SUPPORT? The purpose of the initiative is to offer financial support to projects that will enhance, promote or develop quality and quality assurance in all areas of DCU. For the individual projects, preference may be given to those that are stand-alone proposals, not requiring input separate to the project proposal from other areas of the University such as ISS or Estates. If input from other areas is potentially required, the proposal should be discussed with a member of staff in the relevant area and the outcome provided in the application. This does not apply to applications from multi-disciplinary type projects as in (b) above. Projects that received QuID funding in 2014 can be viewed at: http://www.dcu.ie/qpo/QuIDFunding.shtml HOW AND WHEN DO I APPLY? Application forms are available from the QPO website at: http://www.dcu.ie/qpo/QuIDFunding.shtml Completed application forms (max 2 pages) should be submitted on or before 11am on 15 December 2014. If you have any queries please contact the Director of Quality Promotion, Dr Sarah Ingle (sarah.ingle@dcu.ie x 5928) before submitting an application. WHO ASSESSES THE APPLICATIONS? A sub-group of the Quality Promotion Committee (QPC) will assess the applications. This group will be chaired by the Director of Quality Promotion, and will make recommendations to the QPC regarding potential QuID funding in 2015. WHAT HAPPENS IF I AM SUCCESSFUL? The project should be undertaken and completed by the end of September 2015. All QuID funding will be provided to the relevant Head’s budget code on receipt of paid invoices or equivalent before that date. Successful applicants will be required to submit an interim report and a project completion report (template on next page) for publication on the QPO website. QuID Funding - Updated October 2014 DCU Quality Promotion Office Quality Improvement & Development (QuID) Funding 2015 Project Completion Report (This report is to be sent to QPO (fiona.dwyer@dcu.ie) when the project is complete and the associated funding has been drawn down) Please provide details of the completed QuID project in no more than two/three pages using the following headings: 1. Applicant name(s) and role(s) in DCU: 2. School/Faculty/Office /Centre/Committee/Working Group: 3. Project title: 4. Amount of QuID funding received: 5. Provide a brief description of the project, the relevant timelines and a summary of the related activities completed: 6. Provide outline details of the project costs and the final total. Include details of any funding received from other sources if relevant: 7. Outline how the project has improved and / or developed quality assurance and/or enhancement in the relevant area(s) for staff and/or students: 8. Indicate how the success of the project has been measured or evaluated: I hereby attest to the accuracy of the information provided above in the QuID Project Completion Report, and I confirm that my reporting Head/Director/Supervisor/Manager has viewed this report before submission to the Quality Promotion Office. Name of person preparing this report: Date: QuID Funding - Updated October 2014